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61. Authors C-F Anatole, 18441924 AKA Thibault, Jacques Anatole Francois, 1844-1924 Franklin, Benjamin,1706-1790 Frazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941 Frederic, Harold, 1856 http://www.worldwide-library.co.uk/Authors/c-f.htm | |
62. Scottish Surnames Frazer, Sir James George (18541941) of Glasgow. Social Anthropologist,Folklorist, and Classical Scholar. Appointed Professor of http://www.fife.50megs.com/scottish-surnames-f.htm | |
63. Namen - E & F im Eis - »Franklin-Suche« Frazer, Sir James George (1854-1941) - brit. http://homepages.compuserve.de/abswer/namen/namen_e.htm | |
64. Access The Great Books [151-225, Page 3 Of 4] Sir James Frazer (18541941) The Golden George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) More BioOnline Works Pygmalion Man and Superman Major Barbara Misalliance An http://www.anova.org/gb3.html | |
65. SPIRITA. Inhalt Heft 2/90 Translate this page (Lucie Prinz). Ahnen der Religionswissenschaft. Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941)und seine evolutionistische Religionstheorie. (Dietmar Först). Kanada. http://www.diagonal-verlag.de/sp_i902.htm | |
66. Sir James George Frazer Sir James George Frazer. 1854 1941. Sir James George Frazer was a SocialAnthropologist, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He attended http://emuseum.mnsu.edu/information/biography/fghij/frazer_james.html | |
67. Sir James George Frazer Sir James George Frazer. 1854 1941. Sir James George Frazer was a Social Anthropologist, who was born in Glasgow, http://www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/information/biography/fghij/frazer_james.html | |
68. Sir James George Frazer. 1922. The Golden Bough: Bibliographic Record AUTHOR Frazer, James George, Sir, 18541941. TITLE The golden bougha study in magic and religion. Abridged ed. PUBLISHED New http://www.bartleby.com/br/196.html | |
69. Sir James George Frazer Collection At Bartleby.com Sir James George Frazer. Sir James George Frazer. 18541941, Scottish classicistand anthropologist.Continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. http://www.bartleby.com/people/Frazer-S.html | |
70. Sir James George Frazer. 1922. The Golden Bough: Bibliographic Record AUTHOR Frazer, James George, Sir, 18541941. TITLE The golden bough a study in magic and religion. 158734-083-6. CITATION Frazer, James George, Sir. The Golden Bough. http://www1.bartleby.com/br/196.html | |
71. Sir James George Frazer Collection At Bartleby.com Authors Reference Sir James George Frazer. A voyage of discovery, in which we shall visit Sir James. George Frazer. Sir James George Frazer. 18541941, Scottish classicist and http://www5.bartleby.com/people/Frazer-S.html | |
72. FRAZER, Sir James George Translate this page 1965), James Joyce, David Herbert Lawrence (11.9. Traduction française par LadyFrazer Annales du Musée Unpublished Essay on Magick by George Grote (1820 http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/f/frazer_j_g.shtml | |
73. Frazer, Sir James George. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Frazer Collection. PREVIOUS. NEXT. CONTENTS · INDEX · GUIDE · BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. Frazer, Sir James George http://www.bartleby.com/65/fr/Frazer-S.html | |
74. Frazer, Sir James George Frazer, Sir James George, 18541941, Scottish classicist and anthropologist,b. Glasgow, educated at the universities of Glasgow and Cambridge. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0819530.html | |
75. The Golden Bough Library of Congress Catalogingin-Publication Data Frazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941The golden bough a study in magic and religion / Sir James George http://world.std.com/~raparker/exploring/thewasteland/exbough2.html | |
76. Chapter 7. Incarnate Human Gods. Frazer, Sir James George. 1922. The Golden Boug Sir James George Frazer (18541941). The Golden Bough. 1922. VII. IncarnateHuman Gods. THE INSTANCES which in the preceding chapters http://users.compaqnet.be/cn111132/Frazer/15.html | |
77. Chapter 36. Human Representatives Of Attis. Frazer, Sir James George. 1922. The Sir James George Frazer (18541941). The Golden Bough. 1922. XXXVI.Human Representatives of Attis. FROM INSCRIPTIONS it appears http://users.compaqnet.be/cn111132/Frazer/83.html | |
78. UBC Library - MARION UBC Library Catalogue. Title The library / Apollodorus ;with an English translation by Sir James George Frazer. . http://dra.library.ubc.ca/MARION/AAA-6389 | |
79. Marco Polo C 1860 1929. Sir Baldwin Spencer. 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950. ¤_¤_¤_¤¤_. 1854 1941. James George Frazer. 1858 1942. http://people.bu.edu/pwood/Lifespansgraphic.htm | |
80. Antropologia. Antropología/ JAMES FRAZER Translate this page James Frazer (1854 - 1941) Sir James George Frazer, nacido en la ciudad escocesade Glasgow y profesor de antropología en la universidad de Liverpool, fue uno http://www.liceus.com/cgi-bin/aco/ant/frazer.asp | |
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