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41. Witchcraft life. The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants by Eros Urides. Bygone Beliefsby H. Stanley Redgrove. The Kybalion by Three Initiates. The http://www.dark-witchcraft.com/books.htm | |
42. List Of Authors U etext03/niebl10.zip .. Disk 2 Eros Urides .. The Planet Mars ItsInhabitants, a psychic revelation .. etext96/marsi10.zip .. http://www.brainfly.net/All_Html_Author_List/list_u.html | |
43. Anomalist Feature: Still Waiting: The List Eros Urides, a Martian communicating through a medium in 1920, predicted a greatawakening for the earth and promised communication with Mars and other planets http://www.anomalist.com/features/waiting2.html | |
44. Ur - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors c1200) Chronicle n ?? Pierre (Emmanuel) URI (M 1911 Nov 20 - 1992 Jul 21) JoséEvaristo URÍBURU (M ? - 1956 Jul 29) Eros Urides (see JL KENNON) URIEL http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ur.htm | |
45. Ke - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors ?) (ps Eros Urides) 563 The Planet Mars And Its Inhabitants f 1922 LauraHall Vere KENNON (F 1888 ?) Tests Of Literary Vocabulary For Teachers Of http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/ke.htm | |
46. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - P Kennon, JL ADD. AUTHOR Eros Urides LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction_ Spiritualism PG ENTRY 563 POSTING DATE Jun 1996 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_p5.html |
47. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Kennon, JL revelation ADD. AUTHOR Eros Urides LANGUAGE English SUBJECT Fiction_ Spiritualism PG ENTRY 563 POSTING DATE Jun 1996 ZIP. http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/kennon_j_l.html |
48. Complete Listing Of E-books In The Library (text) by Donald Kehoe HG Wells 12 Stories and a Dream Journey to the Center of the Earthby Jules Verne Mars and its Inhabitants by Eros Urides The Antediluvian http://www.etc-edu.com/text/toc.html | |
49. Benzinho, Lembra Do Meu Nome Translate this page de Alpha Centauri Echo Leia EIEEUEE 7 Ellsworth Emo (Abduzido por um obscuro, magrocomediante) Elor Korrel, Enoque Eros Urides Faun Fitozooloplanetologeica http://www.ceticismoaberto.hpg.ig.com.br/name.htm | |
50. Internet-on-a-Disk #17, July 1996, Internet Trends, Etexts asbod10.txt); Anthony Trollope The Warden (/twrdn10.txt); Eros Urides The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants (/marsi10.txt); Harriet E http://www.samizdat.com/news17.html | |
51. Internet-on-a-Disk #17 -- French Edition Eros Urides The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants (/marsi10.txt); Harriet E. Wilson Our Nig (/ourng10.txt). http://www.samizdat.com/fren17.html | |
52. Cni-copyright: Re: Disney's Attitude genius is for the benefit of all, hence copyrights and patents are unknown on ourplanet. From _The Planet Mars and its Inhabitants_ by Eros Urides (a Martian http://www.cni.org/Hforums/cni-copyright/1996-02/0619.html | |
53. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Planet Mars http//www.uapress.arizona.edu (Inktomi) More like this. Planet Mars andIts Inhabitants, A Psychic Revelation Eros Urides and JL Kennon. http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Planet Mars |
54. NEWSLTR> Internet-on-a-Disk #17, July 1996, Part 1 Of 2 of an Oriental Diplomat (/asbod10.txt) Anthony Trollope The Warden (/twrdn10.txt) Eros Urides The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants (/marsi10.txt) Harriet E http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/NH/96-07/96-07-10/0012.html | |
55. MONEY! CD-ROM - Literary Works, Vol. III Mansfield Park; Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft;The Planet Mars and it's Inhabitants by Eros Urides (A Martian); http://www.ebizinfo2001.com/money/cat44.html | |
56. Bomis: The Literature/Electronic Text Archives/Project Gutenberg/P Ring 78. Poems of William Blake. William Blake sailor.gutenberg.org. 79. The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants,. Eros Urides sailor.gutenberg.org. 80. Puck of Pook's Hill. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mproject_gutenberg-p-arts/ | |
57. Listing Of Authors Harvey Monro), 1853 , Translator Elwes, RHM (Robert Harvey Monro), 1853-, TranslatorEngel, Gisela Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895 Eros Urides Evans, Sebastian http://www.e-text.worldwide-library.org/editors_translators.htm | |
58. Title The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan 105. The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitantsby Eros Urides 106. The Playboy of the Western World by J. M. Synge 107. http://www.d-library.com.cn/wstsg/e_index.php?pagetitle=P |
59. Ovni\ovni Translate this page En 1920 Eros Urides publica EL PLANETAMARTE Y SUS HABITANTES. En 1943un muchacho británico narra sus viajes astrales a Marte ya Sirio. http://members.tripod.com/realidadcero/ovni.htm | |
60. Library The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan. The Planet Mars Its Inhabitants, Eros Urides . The Poems of AL Gordon. The Poison Belt by A. Conan Doyle. http://www.pixi.com/~reader1/index/html/library.html | |
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