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81. KENS 5 - Coverage You Can Count On feedback Sitemap About Us Advertising Info Privacy Policy ExpressNewsEditors KENS 5 Editors Express-News Subscriber Services Letters to the http://www.mysanantonio.com/kens/contactus.cfm | |
82. Written Words ~ This a place for Christian writers, Editors, and webmasters to meet and encourage one another. Contests and links included. http://members.tripod.com/writtenwords/written.htm | |
83. San Antonio Express-News graphics. Email contacts You may contact senior Editors of the SanAntonio Express-News at the following e-mail addresses Editor http://www.mysanantonio.com/expressnews/enstaff.cfm | |
84. NCSA Mosaic FAQ: Other Mosaic/WWW Software UX, and Linux); Supported source code; Unsupported, usercontributedversions. HTML Converters and Editors. HoTMetaL by Softquad; Emacs http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Software/Mosaic/Docs/faq-software.html | |
85. Welcome Home : Vim Online Vi was one of the original Editors, and while difficult to use, loads much faster than, for example, Emacs, and is good for making small changes to files. http://www.vim.org/ | |
86. HTML Editors HTML Editors for Windows. Free Web Space! Tabitha maintains a listof WWW meet their qualifications. Adding new Editors. You can now http://www.cpcug.org/user/mohnkern/htmled.html | |
87. Sweetheart Editors & Publishers Personally evaluated web sites of publishers and their guidelines for writers. http://www.talewins.com/Pub.htm | |
88. Bay Area Editors' Forum California association of freelance and inhouse Editors, proofreaders, and indexers for book publishing Category Arts Writers Resources Organizations United States......The Bay Area Editors' Forum helps employers find just the right editor and helpseditorial professionals strengthen their skills, contacts, and awareness of http://www.editorsforum.org/ | |
89. Biology Editors- Editing And Writing For All Disciplines Of Biology, Biotechnolo Biology Editors Proofreading and editing of manuscripts, reports, proposals, andother scholarly documents in all disciplines of biology, biomedicine, and http://www.biologyeditors.com/ | |
90. Pàgina De Marcs http://www.gremieditorscat.es/ | |
91. SABEW Home Members of the Society have joined together in the common pursuit of the highest standards of economic Category Arts Writers Resources Organizations United States......Search SABEW Site Society of American Business Editors and Writers,Inc. Missouri School of Journalism, 134 Neff Annex, Columbia http://www.sabew.org/ | |
92. Phytopathology - April 2003 Print and online journal on plant diseases and phytopathogens. Contains abstracts (1997 to present) with content search, sample issue, subscription and author information, and list of Editors. http://www.apsnet.org/phyto/current/top.asp | |
93. WWW FAQ: HTML Editors HTML Editors. HTML Editors for the Mac. HTML Editor A nearWYSIWYG package URL is URLhttp//dragon.acadiau.ca/~giles/HTML_Editor ). A stand-alone program. http://www.ibiblio.org/boutell/faq/htedit.htm | |
94. Lost State Writers Conference Writers conference in East Tennessee featuring published authors, agents, Editors and publishers. Workshops, panel discussions on fiction, nonfiction. September. http://loststatewriters.xtn.net | |
95. AAEA HOME PAGE http://www.ageditors.com/ |
96. 2000clicks.com - Internet Guide - Open Directory Project Graphic tracking the growth rate of the number of sites and Editors in ODP. http://2000clicks.com/NoFrills/InternetGuide/OpenDirectoryProjectChart.htm |
97. Reporter.org Investigative Reporters Editors. National Institute for ComputerAssistedReporting. Copyright ©2003 Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. http://www.reporter.org/ | |
98. Freelancesearch Directory Page A comprehensive directory of freelance employment opportunities for writers, Editors, proofreaders, and translators. http://www.freelancesearch.com | |
99. System A quarterly publication of particular interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of educational technology, applied linguistics, and language teaching and learning. Includes free sample copy, ordering information, order form, table of contents, authors, Editors information, abstracting and indexing. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/system/ | |
100. Council Of Editors Of Learned Journals We look forward to showing everyone the quality and character of CELJ affiliatedpublications. © 19952001 The Council of Editors of Learned Journals. http://www.celj.org/ | |
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