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Dante Alighieri 1265-1321: more books (100) | |||||||||||
41. 404 Not Found THE DIVINE COMEDY by Dante Alighieri Translanted by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/DivineComedy/00000001.htm | |
42. 404 Not Found LA DIVINA COMMEDIA di Dante Alighieri. http://www.globusz.com/ebooks/DivinaCommedia/00000001.htm | |
43. DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) Translate this page Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Nasce a Firenze nel 1265. Il padre, chesvolgeva una piccola attività di cambiatore e prestatore di http://www.homolaicus.com/letteratura/dante.htm | |
44. Island Of Freedom - Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri. 12651321. http://www.island-of-freedom.com/DANTE.HTM | |
45. LitSearch: An Online Literary Database Keyword Search Motif Search Custom Search Browse Authors BrowseTitles. Dante Alighieri (12651321) Works by this author Divina http://daily.stanford.edu/litsearch/servlet/DescribeAuthor?name=Dante Alighieri |
46. ClassicNotes: Dante Alighieri pair Networks Hosted by pair Networks. Dante Alighieri. Biographyof Dante Alighieri (12651321). Dante is one of the greatest poets http://www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Authors/about_dante_alighieri.html | |
47. Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri (12651321). http://fajardo-acosta.com/worldlit/dante/ | |
48. Browse Top Level > Texts > Open Source Books > Titles > D Author Dante Alighieri, 12651321 Copyright Information Unknown Keywords AuthorsD Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321; Titles D; Subject Romance literature. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=opensource&cat=T |
49. Osawa-d Translate this page @@2 v. 23 cm.@@A-A145 Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. @@Le opere Press,1924. @@vi, 490 p. 19 cm.@@PAe-137 Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/osawa-d.htm | |
50. Poetry Today Online : Classic Poets: Dante Alighieri Prospect Image Classical Poet Dante Alighieri (12651321) By RobertoQuintos, Contributing Writer. The greatest of Italian poets http://www.poetrytodayonline.com/APR99cp.html | |
51. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Translate this page 4.5 Dante (1265-1321) Poeta italiano. A sua obra-prima A Divina Comédia(1307-21) é um relato épico (em três partes) da viagem http://members.fortunecity.es/2675563/4_5.htm | |
52. DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) Dante Alighieri (12651321) Dante Alighieri is an Italian poet, born on Florenceto a family of lower nobility between late May and early June 1265; he remains http://home.swipnet.se/hagaboda/Millennium/i13th.html | |
53. ACAC : Recon QA 010 a n 81066212 035 a (OCoLC)oca00611571 040 a DLC c DLC d MH d DLC d InU d DLC 1000 a Dante Alighieri, d 12651321. http://www.library.yale.edu/cataloging/authorities/reconqa.htm | |
54. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Translate this page Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Biografia ea Divina Comédia Dante no Exílio.Pintura de autor anônimo. Archivo Iconografico SA, Itália. http://www.lareira.hpg.ig.com.br/biografiadante.htm | |
55. WIEM: Dante Alighieri (encyklopedia.pl)Category World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia encyklopedia.pl D......wersja dla drukarki. Literatura, Wlochy Dante Alighieri (12651321),widok strony znajdz podobne pokaz powiazane. Dante, portret. http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/0064a4.html | |
56. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Inferno, Canto III Dante Alighieri (12651321). from INFERNO. Canto III (Chapter 3). The gatewayto the city of Doom. Through me The entrance to the Everlasting Pain. http://www.angelfire.com/super/outsider/poetry/cantoIII.htm | |
57. Dante Alighieri - Olga's Gallery Dante Alighieri. (12651321). Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) great Italian poet, bornin Florence into a noble family. See Alessandro Botticelli Portrait of Dante. http://www.abcgallery.com/liter/dante.html | |
58. Dante Alighieri Society Of Massachusetts Dante Alighieri (12651321) The greatest Italian poet and one of themost important writers of European and World Literature. Best http://www.dantealighieri.net/cambridge/poet.html | |
59. The Divine Comedy And Kabala, Dante Alighieri - Rosicrucian Archive Dante Alighieri (12651321) was born in Florence, during a period of intense politicalrivalry between the Papal party (the Guelphs) and the Imperial party http://www.crcsite.org/Dante.htm | |
60. Dante Alighieri 1265- Translate this page Manuscrit Florence. in Dante on line. Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Dante Alighieriest né le 29 Mai 1265 à Florence dans une famille de petite noblesse. http://derives.free.fr/dante.htm | |
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