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101. Dante, Ron Artistapproved fan page for the lead singer of The Archies and The Cufflinks. Contains biography, discography, tour schedule, pictures, message board and related links. http://lpintop.tripod.com/laurasrondantefanpages/ |
102. Dante Gabriel Rossetti Photograph A photograph of the author. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~bhs2u/carroll/rossetti.html |
103. Dante's Live Dot Com enter Dante's. © 2003 Glitz, LLC, All rights reserved. http://www.danteslive.com/ |
104. Dante Alighieri Collection At Bartleby.com Contains a brief biography and bibliography; etext of the Harvard Classics translation of the Divine Category Arts Literature Medieval Dante Alighieri...... Hell. Canto iii. Line 9. Dante Alighieri. Dante Alighieri. XX. BartlettsDante Alighieri Quotations Epitomal selections by John Bartlett. http://www.bartleby.com/people/DanteAli.html |
105. DANTE AND OTHERS The Divine Comedy, And Other Poetry, In A free downloadable English translation of the text with index and notes.Category Arts Literature Works Divine Comedy, The......Dante The Divine Comedy. Dante The Divine Comedy. Sorry, but there is not currentlya noframes version of this site. Your browser does not support frames. http://www.tonykline.free-online.co.uk/ |
106. Dante Alighieri Un Dì Si Venne A Me Malinconia / Melancholie Kam Eines Tags M Sonett von Dante Alighieri auf Italienisch und Deutsch. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3112/texte/dante2.htm |
107. FIRENZE.NET Dante's Tour. All of Florence's history intertwines with Dante's personal history,and his Comedy provides a view of Florence through the places he mentions. http://english.firenze.net/groups/6/29/60/ |
108. Rete Dante Alighieri Spazio di discussione per Scuole di italiano all'estero, istituti di cultura, associazioni di italiani. http://www.dantealighieri.net/ |
109. Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Paradise Dante, translated by Henry Francis Cary. http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/cat.cgi?&label=ID&ftpsite=ftp://ibiblio.or |
110. Liber Liber Biblioteca Autori A Alighieri, Dante http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/a/alighieri/ |
111. Scuola Media Statale Dante Alighieri Brindisi Presenta la scuola, i corsi multimediali, le attivit , le partnership nell'ambito del progetto Comenius, informazioni sulla citt . http://utenti.lycos.it/alighieri/ |
112. Dante Project Dante Project. Services Offered Telnet Links Note these links connectto the Dartmouth Library computer, not directly to the Dante Project. http://www.cs.indiana.edu/internet/dante.html |
113. Societa' Dante Alighieri Florence The Committee of the Dante Alighieri of Florence is the only Committee of the Societ Dante Alighieri residing in this town. The Committee holds Italian courses. http://www.dantealighieri.it/index.htm |
114. Asociación Dante Alighieri De Buenos Aires http://www.dante.edu.ar/ |
115. Dante Dante is best known for the epic poem COMMEDIA, c. 131014, later named LA DIVINACOMMEDIA. Dante spent much of his life traveling from one city to another. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/dante.htm |
116. The Complete Writings And Pictures Of Dante Gabriel Rossetti A Hypermedia Resear Offers an extensive and everexpanding constellation of Rossetti's poetry, prose, and visual art. Maintained at the University of Virginia under the editorship of Jerome McGann. http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/rossetti/ |
117. Scuola Di Lingua Italiana E Corsi Di Italiano Per Stranieri - http://www.dantealighieri.it/ |
118. Author's Calendar Dante Gabriel Rossetti Brief biography with a list of writings by Rossetti. Includes a bibliography. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/dgrosset.htm |
119. CLI Dante Alighieri - Italiano Per Stranieri http://www.clidante.it/ |
120. Vita Di Dante Il libro di Giorgio Petrocchi interamente consultabile online. L'autore si propone di capire in che modo la vita del poeta abbia influenzato le sue opere. http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/p/petrocchi/vita_di_dante/html/ |
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