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61. Poetry Pages - Pinsky On Poetry, Computers, And Dante Transcript of online conference with Robert Pinsky Atlantic Monthly http://www.theatlantic.com/atlantic/unbound/aandc/trnscrpt/pinsky.htm |
62. Dante's Divine Comedy ~ Presented By Divine Comedy.org Welcome to Dante's Divine Comedy, an electronic presentation of the classicpoem in several editions. Divine Comedy. by Dante Alighieri. http://www.divinecomedy.org/divine_comedy.html | |
63. The Divine Comedy By Dante Alighieri http://www.divinecomedy.org/ | |
64. UTET - PiazzaDante Translate this page Non ti scordar di me Scordata la password? Perché registrarsi? Gestioneaccount. per informazioni Il libro antico in mostra Al http://www.piazzadante.it/ | |
65. Rotas Históricas V¡rios trabalhos realizados por alunos da Escola Secund¡ria de S£o Bras de Alportel Hist³ria Medieval, Moderna e Contempor¢nea. http://educom.sce.fct.unl.pt/proj/por-mares/frhistoria.htm | |
66. Dartmouth Dante Project - Basic Search Dartmouth Dante Project Basic Search. Select one or more Indexes with the menus,enter words you want to find in the field(s) and click on the Search button. http://dciswww.dartmouth.edu:50080/?&&&7&s |
67. Nuova Pagina 1 Die bersicht ¼ber das Kursangebot, Preise und Termine wird erg¤nzt durch Angaben zu kulturellen Spezialkursen und Informationen ¼ber den Kursort. http://www.villadanteschool.com/home_de.htm | |
68. Dante Woo By Dante woo. oooh, you're too young to say you're through with love! we are siamese if you don't please.Category Computers Internet On the Web Weblogs Personal W......original content by Dante woo since 1998. oooh, you're too young to sayyou're through with love! original content by Dante woo since 1998. http://www.dantewoo.com/ | |
69. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Dante Alighieri An annotated (in linked hypertext) biography of the poet. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04628a.htm | |
70. Dante Woo / Blog \ Site Meter http://www.dantewoo.com/blog/ | |
71. Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Olga's Gallery Offers a sizeable collection of the images of Rossetti's works, with biography and historical comments. http://www.abcgallery.com/R/rossetti/rossetti.html | |
72. Studio Italiano - Villa Dante School - Learn Italian In Southern Italy - Tropea This school is located in one of the most beautiful towns in Calabria, in the south of the Tyrrhenian coastge. http://www.villadanteschool.com | |
73. Dante's Realm : Gustav Dore Art Gallery A gallery of the carvings of Gustav Dore. These pictures accompany the poem the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/mage/719/index5.html | |
74. Dante Resources On The Internet World Literature and Criticism Resources for World Literature English 2203 Home The Dante Home Page. I will be your guide to http://www.dc.peachnet.edu/~shale/humanities/literature/world_literature/dante2. | |
75. All-Reviews.com Movie/Video Review: Dante's Peak Reviews of the movie. http://all-reviews.com/videos-4/dantes-peak.htm | |
76. DANTE http://www.ecs.net/scrivere/DANTE/GUIDA.HTM | |
77. Mark Chadbourne Online Site includes fans forum, career profile, concert listings, and A Day with Ron on Tour section. http://community-2.webtv.net/mmchadbourne/MCO/page6.html | |
78. Dante Alighieri Biographie et t©l©chargement de la Divine Com©die au format zip. http://www.ac-strasbourg.fr/pedago/lettres/Victor Hugo/Notes/Dante.htm | |
79. Elektra Records Contains news, biography, discography, tour schedule, audio clips and a message board. http://webobjects.elektra.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Elektra.woa/wa/load?Page=Artist |
80. Index042 - Progetto Dante A Cura Di Giuseppe Bonghi Translate this page Giuseppe Bonghi. Progetto Dante Alighieri. Numero accessi dal 16-3-2001 CRITICAE APPROFONDIMENTI. Biografia. III, la Lirica di Dante cap. VI Il Trecento cap. http://www.fausernet.novara.it/fauser/biblio/index042.htm |
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