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41. Dante Aliguieri - Biografía Biografa y bibliografa del poeta italiano, autor de La Divina Comedia . http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/2928/dante.html |
42. Dante Publications Online ORB Online Encyclopedia Dante ALIGHIERI restricted. Enzo Arnone, Dante eil viaggio. B. Teodolinda Barolini, The Undivine Comedy Detheologizing http://orb.rhodes.edu/encyclop/culture/lit/Italian/da_onpu.htm | |
43. ---Michael Dante--- A collection of audio clip interviews with stars such as Danny Aiello, Bryant Gumbel, and other celebrities. http://www.michaeldante.com/interviews.html | |
44. Home Page Includes history, statistics, membership, apparatus, pictures, and clip art. http://dante_rescue.tripod.com | |
45. Dante On Line Translate this page 29/10/2002 - Un'ora con Dante. TC http://www.danteonline.it/italiano/home_ita.htm |
46. Dante Alighieri Eindhoven Netherlands Sito ufficiale della sede olandese di Eindhoven. Si occupa della diffusione della lingua italiana. http://www.danteeindhoven.nl/ | |
47. Dante On Line La pagina non esiste. Sarete reindirizzati sulla homepage di DanteOn Line in 6 secondi Page not found. You will be redirected on http://www.danteonline.it/italiano/homeflash_ita.htm | |
48. Istituto Dante Alighieri Bagheria, Sicily Allyear-round language programme. Authorized by the Italian Public Ministry of Education. http://www.study-italian.com |
49. WebMuseum: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Provides an introduction to Rossetti's visual art, along with a number of viewable images of the paintings.Category Arts Art History Artists R Rossetti, Dante Gabriel......Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. The poet, painter, and designer Dante GabrielRossetti, b. Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti, May 12, 1828, d. Apr. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/rossetti/ | |
50. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri. Italian poet 1294. Dante's love for her was purelyspiritual and mystical, the amor amicitiae defined by St. Thomas http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/04628a.htm |
51. DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. Die Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. Informationen zu TeX, TeXbezogenen Projekten und Aktivit¤ten der deutschsprachigen TeX-Anwender. Stammtische und Veranstaltungen sind gelistet. Eine ausf¼hrliche FAQ ist aufgef¼hrt, Downloads von TeX-Software ist m¶glich. http://www.dante.de | |
52. Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft: Homepage Stellt sich vor und bietet Berichte der Jahrestagungen, Inhaltsverzeichnisse der Jahrb¼cher und Links. http://www.uni-konstanz.de/ddg/ | |
53. Untitled You'll be redirected to http//www.greatDante.net new homeof Dante Alighieri on the Web. Please update your links! http://www.geocities.com/Athens/9039/ | |
54. DE-TeX-FAQ: German FAQ About TeX And DANTE E.V. H¤ufig gestellte Fragen und passende Antworten zum TeXSystem und Dante e.V. http://www.dante.de/faq/de-tex-faq/ | |
55. Dante's SEAN CONNERY Homepage History, information, pictures and links.Category Arts Celebrities C Connery, Sean......Welcome to Dante's Sean Connery Homepage. Contacting Me. First, pleasenote the following, my name is Dante. I'm not Sean Connery. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/3076/ | |
56. PROJECT GUTENBERG OFFICIAL HOME SITE -- Listing By AUTHOR Dante, translated by Henry Francis Cary. http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/cat.cgi?&label=ID&ftpsite=ftp://ibiblio.or |
57. La Scuola Media Dante Alighieri E Le Sue Sedi Spoleto Sito ufficiale della scuola. http://www.medialighieri.it | |
58. ALIGHIERI DANTE - La Divina Commedia Di Dante Alighieri: De Sanctis, Petrocchi, http://www.mediasoft.it/dante/ | |
59. TrayBeatrice Variations of the painting by Henry Holiday, including a plate, steel basrelief, and a tourist's folding card. From the Reader's Museum in the Netherlands. http://let.kub.nl/mousebit/museum/Restaurant/rest02a.htm | |
60. Dante's Clickable Inferno Various canti, as translated by Ciardi, Pinsky, and Mandelbaum, as well as images based upon Inferno.Category Arts Literature Works Divine Comedy, The......Welcome to Dante's Clickable Inferno. This site offers selectionsfrom Dante Alighieri's Inferno in an interactive format. The http://www.carthage.edu/departments/english/dante/ | |
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