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61. Referaty.sk James Fenimore Cooper: Posledný Mohykán Cooper Posledný mohykán 1789 1851 Informácie o autorovi James FenimoreCooper (1789-1851) americký prozaik a kritik, bol synom sudcu a statkára. http://www.referaty.sk/index.php?referat=120 |
62. AAS Catalogs And Collections James Fenimore Cooper (17891851), the son of William Cooper (1754-1809) and ElizabethFenimore Cooper (1752-1817), was born in Burlington, NJ, but spent his http://www.americanantiquarian.org/cooper.htm | |
63. Cooper James Fenimore Cooper, American (17891851). Deerslayer, The.Last of the Mohicans, The. Pathfinder, The. Pioneers, The. http://www.hugeprint.com/authors/C/Cooper.htm | |
64. Livrenpoche.com : Cooper James Fenimore Translate this page Cooper James Fenimore (1789-1851). Afficher 10 résultats par page. 16 livresà vendre. Titre, Date, Collection, Etat, Prix, Commander. http://www.livrenpoche.com/fiche_auteur.php?n=6745 |
65. Selected American Authors James Fenimore Cooper James Fenimore Cooper. Cooper (17891851) wrote both novels and socialcriticism. It is his fiction that has become famous, but it http://www.usembassy.de/usa/etexts/literat/n3.htm | |
66. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: American Literature To 1900 checked 20000415 James Fenimore Cooper The Last of the Mohicans Full text of TheLast of the Mohicans by American writer James Fenimore Cooper (17891851). http://bubl.ac.uk/link/a/americanliteratureto1900.htm | |
67. Authors 2 Tom Clancy. Cooper, James Fenimore 17891851 James Fenimore Cooper lived andwrote in the times between the Revolution and the War Between the States. http://www.online-library.org/research/author2.shtml | |
68. James Fenimore Cooper Society Has MOVED! Historically, the first Cooper Society Web site was hosted by Central Missouri State University's Library from 19962000. The Cooper Society Web site is currently maintained at http//www.oneonta.edu/~Cooper/ http://library.cmsu.edu/cooper/COOPER.HTM | |
69. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Cooper, James Fenimore 1789 - 1851 Cooper, James Fenimore 1789 1851. Záhlaví. Název. Signatura. Cooper, James Fenimore (soubor výstik) http://www.mlp.cz/cz/offline/perlie/c/33932.htm | |
70. James Fenmore Cooper Note at Abacci the primary listing for James Fenmore Cooper is James FenimoreCooper. James Fenmore Cooper (17891851) is considered by many to be America's http://www.abacci.com/books/authorDetails2.asp?authorID=123&misspellID=214 |
71. Cooper, James Fenimore Cooper, James Fenimore, 17891851, American novelist, b. Burlington, NJ He wasthe first important American writer to draw on the subjects and landscape of http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0813443 | |
72. James Fenimore Cooper James Fenimore Cooper 17891851, American novelist, born in Burlington, NJ Hewas the first important American writer to draw on the subjects and landscape http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/birthday?month=Sep&day=15 |
73. Cooper, James Fenimore. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Cooper, James Fenimore. 17891851, American novelist, b. Burlington, NJ He wasthe first important American writer to draw on the subjects and landscape of http://www.bartleby.com/65/co/CooperJ.html | |
74. 14930. Cooper, James Fenimore. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION James Fenimore Cooper (17891851), US novelist. Individuality,The American Democrat (1838). The Columbia World of Quotations. http://www.bartleby.com/66/30/14930.html | |
75. James Fenimore Cooper - Biography And Works James Fenimore Cooper (1789 1851), the son of a wealthy, landowningJudge William Cooper, was born in Burlington, New Jersey. http://www.online-literature.com/cooperj/ | |
76. Literary Encyclopedia Cooper, James Fenimore. (1789 1851), www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. StatusMajor. Novelist, Mariner, Satirist, Historian, Scholar, Letter Writer. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=1009 |
77. James Fenimore Cooper Bibliography Fantastic Fiction, Click here to visit our sponsor. Home Awards Etexts New releasesTop 250 Authors Series Years. James Fenimore Cooper USA (1789 1851). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/James_Fenimore_Cooper.htm | |
78. Á¦ÀÓ½º Äí¿ìÆÛ(James Fenimore Cooper, 1789¡1851)ÀÇ »ý¾Ö The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://dju.ac.kr/~msahn/bellow2/cooper-1.html | |
79. James Fenimore Cooper @ Catharton Authors Catharton Authors C Cooper, James Fenimore. James Fenimore Cooper.1789 1851. Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites http://www.catharton.com/authors/223.htm | |
80. Early American Fiction--Allibone Biography--Cooper, James Fenimore American Authors, (Philadelphia JB Lippincott, 1900) Cooper, JamesFenimore, 17891851. A distinguished American author, he was http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/allibone/jfcAl.html | |
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