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21. CSAnet - Great Southern Men: CALHOUN, John C. (17821850). Born in the same year as Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun died twoyears before that statesman, who had been one of his political opponents. http://www.pointsouth.com/csanet/greatmen/calhoun/calhoun_comptons.html | |
22. CSAnet - Great Men: John Caldwell Calhoun--NSH Statue John Caldwell Calhoun 17821850 Given by South Carolina to the NationalStatuary Hall Collection Marble by Frederic W. Ruckstull. http://www.pointsouth.com/csanet/greatmen/calhoun/calhoun-bio.htm | |
23. John C. Calhoun Portrait-www.scstatehouse.net - LPITS John Caldwell Calhoun (17821850) Vice President of the United Statesand US Senator See the John C. Calhoun Statue at the US Capitol. http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/studentpage/calhoun.htm | |
24. Calhoun, John C.; Cheek, Jr., H. Lee; (Editor): Calhoun: Selected Writings And S If you hear about John C. Calhoun (17821850) at all nowadays, it's from liberalswho try to tar him as a Southern-partisan relic whose thought was antiquated http://www.nrbookservice.com/bookpage.asp?prod_cd=C6131 |
25. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Subject > Political Science Author Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 17821850 Keywords Authors C Calhoun,John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850; Titles R ; Subject Political Science. http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Su |
26. Browse Top Level > Texts > Project Gutenberg > Authors > C Calamity Jane, 18521903; Calderón De La Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681; Calhoun,John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850; Call, Annie Payson, 1853 http://www.archive.org/texts/textslisting-browse.php?collection=gutenberg&cat=Au |
27. John C. Calhoun: Policital Writings John C. Calhoun. 17821850. Calhoun served as US senator from SourthCarolina, secretary of war, secretary of state, and twice as http://www.constitution.org/jcc/jcc.htm | |
28. South Carolina Legal History Collection P3 AnteBellum Period. (1795-1860). John C. Calhoun 1782-1850. Hailedby some as the last true political philosopher to hold national http://www.law.sc.edu/legal_history/scleghi3.htm | |
29. John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun 17821850 John Caldwell Calhoun was born in Abbeville,South Carolina, the son of a small farmer. He receoved little http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h272.html | |
30. More About The Man - John C Calhoun Calhoun, the castiron man, who looks as if he had never been born, and never couldbe extinguished. -Harriet Martineau. 1782-1850. John C. Calhoun Biography. http://www.lucasfamily.com/johncalhoun.html | |
31. John C. Calhoun John Caldwell Calhoun (17821850), of South Carolina, was a majorAmerican political figure before the Civil War. Calhoun played http://www2.worldbook.com/features/presidents/html/calhoun.htm | |
32. Project Gutenberg Author Index Calhoun, Frances Boyd, 18671909. Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850.Call, Annie Payson, 1853-1940. Calverley, Charles Stuart, 1831-1884. http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/author_index_C.html | |
33. Project Gutenberg Author Record Project Gutenberg Author record. Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell),17821850. Titles. Remarks of Mr. Calhoun of South Carolina on the http://www.ibiblio.org/gutenberg/authors/calhoun__john_c.__john_ca.html | |
34. Picture History - John Caldwell Calhoun (1782-1850) John Caldwell Calhoun (17821850) John C. Calhoun was a political leader and thepreeminent spokesperson for the states-rights doctrine and slavery in the South http://www.picturehistory.com/find/p/4552/mcms.html | |
35. Unitarian Universalist Biographical Dictionary John C. Calhoun John Caldwell Calhoun (17821850) was a United States representative,senator, secretary of war, secretary of state, and vice president. http://www.uua.org/uuhs/duub/articles/johnccalhoun.html | |
36. US Vice - Presidents - John C. Calhoun John C. Calhoun 17821850, Democratic Republican John Quincy Adams AndrewJackson Born 1782 New York. Occupation Lawyer. Married, Died 1850. http://www.juntosociety.com/VP/calhoun.html | |
37. US Vice Presidents Index John C. Calhoun, (17821850), Democratic Republican Served under JohnQuincy Adams Democrat Served under Andrew Jackson. 1825-1829 1829-1832. http://www.juntosociety.com/VP/vpindex.htm | |
38. Steven L. Hoskin Civil War Autographs.comUSACALHOUN, JOHN C Calhoun, John C. (17821850) American Statesman South Carolina; US Secretaryof War - 1817-25; US Vice President - 1825-32; US Secretary of State - 1844-45. http://www.civilwarautographs.com/otherhistitems/pages/Calhoun J 3014.htm |
39. Exhibit2cw John Caldwell Calhoun (17821850). from the Netherlands collection? John C. Calhounis best remembered as an American statesman and political philosopher from http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/cwvm/exhibit2cw.htm | |
40. Records For Cajuns -- Portraits. (in MARION) Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 17821850 Correspondence. Record 1 of 1.Calhoun, John C. (John Caldwell), 1782-1850. Correspondence between Gen. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/@CALIFORNIA/f7c140003000/0 | |
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