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Caesar Gaius Julius: more detail |
41. The Lost Continent Of 1752 Butler, Samuel, 18351902 CNI AKA Coalition for Networked Information cabell,James Branch, 1879-1958 caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 100-44 BC cahan, Abraham http://www.lost.co.nz/main/library/gutenauth.html | |
42. Project Gutenberg: Authors List Information. cabell, James Branch, 18791958. caesar, Gaius Julius,ca. 100-44 BC. cahan, Abraham, 1860-1951. caine, Hall, Sir, 1853-1931. http://www.gwd50.k12.sc.us/PG-Authors.htm | |
43. Ca. 2800 Englischsprachige Werke Translate this page 1928 Judson And The Empire, by Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 Julius caesar's Commentarieson the Gallic War, by caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 100-44 BC Julius caesar http://www.fortunecity.de/lindenpark/barock/198/5742.htm | |
44. The Use Of Literary Quotations And Allusions In: p. 83 caesar, Gaius Julius (10044 BC) Roman emperor; Remember Although WilliamShakespeare's Julius caesar is quoted famous English writer; Sophocles (ca. http://www.heliweb.de/telic/bradcom.htm | |
45. Sixteenth 1475. ICN, Inc. 3489 (Rome, ca. Comments At head of title Elisa Viani. 1503 caesar,Gaius Julius, 10044 BC Commentariorum de bello Gallico. Venice, 1503. http://www.history.uiuc.edu/fac_dir/lynn_dir/guide/sixteenth.html | |
46. Etymologie, Etymology, Wortgeschichten - Latein, Latinus Et Etymologia www.mun.ca/rabanus also known as De universo Gaius Julius caesar (10044 vuZ) wurde58 Statthalter in Südfrankreich the Roman empire from Augustus (27 BC-AD 14 http://www.etymologie.org/et/etlatein.html | |
47. Astrology: Between Religion And The Empirical In the Babylonian creation myths of Enuma Elish (ca. Gaius Julius caesar (10044 BC)provided an example of this learned astrology which rejected the vulgar http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeIV/astrology.htm | |
48. Galaxy : Caesar, Julius < People < Roman < Ancient History < By Time Period < Hi URL www.trentu.ca/ahb/ahb9/ahb9-1c.html; Ancient World www.virgil.org/caesar/;Julius caesar roman history Gaius Julius caesar 100-44 BC Julius caesar is one http://www.galaxy.com/galaxy/Social-Sciences/History/By-Time-Period/Ancient-Hist | |
49. This Is Project Gutenberg The Empire, by Kipling, Rudyard, 18651936 Julius caesar's Commentaries on the GallicWar, by caesar, Gaius Julius, ca. 100-44 BC Julius caesar, by Shakespeare http://www.irvl.net/TITLES.htm | |
50. Fabulous Quotes ab388@freenet.carleton.ca Let's yearn for the values Gaius Petronius Arbiter,210 BC. Julius caesar, (100-44 BC) Roman general, statesman, and first emperor. http://www.cp-tel.net/miller/BilLee/quotes/more.html |
51. Literature At RelicBooks.com Julius caesar's Commentaries On The Gallic War, by caesar, Gaius Julius,ca. 10044 BC. Jungle Book, The, by Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936. http://www.relicbooks.com/prod.html |
52. - Great Books - 100 BC44 BC). Gaius Julius Caesar, born Rome, (probably) 100 BC, died March 15, 44 BC, was a Roman own written accounts. Julius Caesar was born to a well http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/caesar.htm | |
53. Gaius Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC) Library Of Congress Citations Gaius Julius caesar (100 44 BC) Library of Congress Citations Alexander, the Great, 356-323 B.C. caesar, Julius. Scipio, Africanus, ca. 236-183 B.C. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~Mcneil/cit/citlccaesar.htm | |
54. Gaius Julius Caesar (100 - 44 BC) Library Of Congress Citations from Alibris Gaius Julius caesar (100 44 BC) Library of Scipio, Africanus, ca. C. Julius Julius caesar caesar, Gaius Julius Gaius Julius caesar Chasar http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlccaesar.htm | |
56. Anecdote Naval Gazers? Caesar Symbolic Gestures S unable to return to the continent, were obliged to advance and conquer and thatis precisely what they did. Caesar, Gaius Julius (100-44 BC), Roman general http://anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=9302 |
57. Electronic Books From SPSCC # C C, cabell, James Branch, 18791958, The Certain Hour. caesar, GaiusJulius, ca. 100-44 BC, Julius caesar's Commentaries On The Gallic War. http://www.library.spscc.ctc.edu/electronicbooks/lmcelectbksauthorC.htm | |
58. Dr. Rollinson's Courses And Resources of Syria 63 BC AD 14 Gaius Octavius (Augustus calendar - leap years introduced 44BC Julius caesar assassinated in books, including a History of the Jews ca. http://www.drshirley.org/hist/hist08.html | |
59. Dr. Rollinson's Courses And Resources 105 BC Sulla and Marius defeat Jugurtha 10044 BC Julius Caesar. of Syria 63 BC -AD 14 Gaius Octavius (Augustus BC first Triumvirate of Rome (Caesar, Crassus http://www.drshirley.org/hist/hist07.html | |
60. Pressure Groups In Ancient Rome Gaius MARIUS the winner of the Jugurthine War in Africa and the Gallic Wars; consulseven times BC Suetonius, Life of Julius caesar . MARCUS ANTONIUS (ca. http://www.csun.edu/~hcfll004/pressure.html | |
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