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41. Www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt 18211890) Vikram and the Vampire Bury, Richard de (1287-1345) The Love of Books the Philobiblon of Richard de Bury Butler, Ellis Parker (1869-1937) Pigs is http://www.2000english.com/information/Contents.txt |
42. Katalog : : Arts : Literature : Authors : B : Butler,_Ellis_Parker : Ellis Parker Butler - Biography, reading room of onlineworks of the American author, humorist and speaker who lived from 1869-1937. http://www.netz-tipp.de/kat/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Butler,_Ellis_Parker/ | |
43. Brett Butler Burroughs, John, 18371921 Burton, Richard Francis, Sir, 1821-1890 Bury, Richardde, 1287-1345 Butler, Ellis Parker, 1869-1937 Butler, Joseph, 1692-1752 Butler http://www.powerdvd-links.com/brett_butler.html | |
44. Houghton Mifflin Company. Correspondence And Records, 1832-1944: Guide. 3 letters from; 1925. 3 letters to; 1925. (309) Butler, Ellis Parker, 18691937.97 letters from; 1918-1927. 130 letters to; 1918-1927. (310) Butler, Isabel. http://oasistest.harvard.edu/html/hou00009.html | |
45. UIowa -- Ellis Parker Butler Papers Ellis Parker Butler (1869 1937) was a native of Muscatine, Iowa. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/MSC/IaAuthor/Butler/butler.htm | |
46. Gibson Co., Tennessee Cemeteries, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery 62. Parker, Leonard Feb. 26, 1907 - Feb. 22, 1910 - May 3, 1968. Ellis - Jan. 22,1902 - Nov. 118. Butler, Noah William - June 12, 1998 - July 21, 1998. 119. http://www.rootsweb.com/~tngibson/cemeteries/mt-pleasant-bc.htm | |
47. I42212: Rachel BUCK (ABT. 1676 - 23 FEB 1698) John Ellis. cemetery records, Oakland Twp., Butler Co., PA 1828 1879) _Sarah Parker _ http://www.gendex.com/users/rtwgen/mwheeler/d0060/g0000097.html | |
48. Porkopolis Quotations - Miscellaneous Ellis Parker Butler (1869 1937), inscription penned by the author in the copyof his book presented to the Iowa Authors Collection of the University of http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/7484/quote/q-misc1.htm | |
49. EBooks (e-Books, EBook): Digital Book Index: Search By Author Butler, Ellis Parker, Kilo, TxtG, n/c, GutenbergUS. Butler, Ellis Parker, Pigsis Pigs, 1906, Txt-G, n/c, GutenbergUS. Butler, Ellis Parker, The Water Goatset. al. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search002a.asp?AUTHOR=butler, ellis |
50. Ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/wa/stevens/cemetery/chewcity.txt J. 30 Oct 187729 Mar 1959 Butler, James A 1960 NUSSBAUM, Baby Edgar NO DATES NUSSBAUM,Baby Ellis NO DATES 1914-1959 PANZRAM, John P. 1870-1941 Parker, Aaron W http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/wa/stevens/cemetery/chewcity.txt |
51. WebGED: Moses Bowen Data Page Rose Della(1866 1935) spouse Ellis, Ione (*1899 Parker, Samuel (*1810 - ) - malespouse Aydelott, Lydia (*1812 - ) - m. 29 Oct 1834 in Butler cnty., Ohio http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~kenbowen/boweni.wbg/wga39.html | |
52. Waukegan Public Library /All Locations Butler Denis 1922 1966 1 Butler Dorothy 1925 6 Butler Eliza Marian 1885 1959 SeeButler EM Eliza Marian 1885 1959 1 Butler Ellis Parker 1869 1937 1 Butler http://catalog.waukeganpl.org:90/kids/0,10,505,847/search/aButler, Dorothy, 1925 | |
53. Pottawatomie Co. KS Cemetery Project Genealogy Translate this page Parker, Taylor Nicole, 3/10/1990, 3/10/1990. Parker, Vernon, 1908. Ellis, LucyB. 3/28/1861, 5/15/1922. LONG, George W. 1862, 1919. LONG, Violet Butler, 10/22/1920. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/kansas/genweb/pottawat/potcem2.html | |
54. Belmont Cemetery, Todd County, Ky Butler, Helen F. (Feb. 13, 1929) (wife) Butler, Perry T. (Aug. Parker, LindaFaye (July 9, 1948-Jan. 20, 1962). HARRIS, Ellis Newman (July 1, 1904-Dec. http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ky/county/todd/cemetery/Belmont.htm | |
55. Little Cemetery - P, Q, R - Seminole County, OK JAN 5 1906 NOV 11 1984 10A 5 Parker, WINNIE JAN FEB 11 1889 OCT 8 1955 10 9 RAPER,Ellis E. JUN WILLIAM* JUL 15 1887 10A 5SP50 RODGERS, WILLIAM Butler DEC 11 http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ok/county/seminole/little_p.htm | |
56. EADS Thru EYER Ellis,, Willie, ND, 1914, Dayton (Vol 8). EllisON,, Elijah, ND, 1912, ParkerGregg(Vol 8). ENDICOTT,, Alma Elvira (Butler), 1880, 1945, Belton (Vol 1). http://members.fortunecity.com/cassmofind/masterindex/Ea.htm | |
57. INDEX Arthur Jeffrey Avery (1841 ) Baby boy (1911-1911) Benjamin Wheat (1884-1962) Bertha(1886-1906) Bobbie Christine Bud (- ) Butler Columbus (1871 Ellis. Parker. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/c24m48/cox/fowndx.html |
58. INDEX DENISE (Justis)(McComas)(Ellis) LLOYD WAYNE Mohler Shannon Lynnie SIMON Parker ( ) TIMOTHY ( - ) TIMOTHY JO Mrs. Nancy (Butler) ( - ) Peter (- ) Sarah Jane http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~comegys/ccomegys/fowndx.htm |
59. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty Mckellan Galloway (18671940) 1 Mother Susan Clerendy Butler ( - ) 1 James Galloway(1790-1874) 1 Mother Sally Parker (1795-1880 6 M Wayman Ellis Galloway 1 http://www.e-familytree.net/f3849.htm | |
60. Lyon County Queries or Butler?). Daughter was LOUISE WESLEY Ellis, b. Lyon Co. of the family of ThomasEfin Glass b 1879 to David Rupert Glass and Martha Ann Parker in Lyon County http://fly.hiwaay.net/~woliver/Lyon_queries_Old1.html | |
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