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81. Emily Bronte Biography Emily Jane Brontë (1818 1848) - Biography. Emily Jane Brontë wasborn 20th August 1818 as the daughter of Patrick Brontë, the http://rcswww.urz.tu-dresden.de/~english2/novel/Books/E_Bronte_biogr.htm | |
82. Emily Bronte @ Catharton Authors Emily Jane Bronte (aka Ellis Bell). 1818 1848. Bored? Meet people at CaféCatharton Websites Emily Bronte ox.ac.uk. Emily Bronte wustl.edu. http://www.catharton.com/authors/13.htm | |
83. Quotations Wuthering Heights. By Emily Bronte. QUOTATION Proud people breed sad sorrows forthemselves. ATTRIBUTION Emily Brontë (18181848), British novelist, poet. http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/quotations/pmWuthering01.asp | |
84. Literary Encyclopedia Bronte, Emily. (1818 1848), www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature. StatusMajor. Novelist. Active 1846 - 1848 in England, Britain, Europe. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=583 |
85. Emily Bronte Translate this page http://digilander.libero.it/xlisabeth/emili_bronte.htm | |
86. Emily Bronte - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Friends of Acapedia Emily Bronte. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.Emily Brontë (1818 1848), British novelist. Emily was http://acapedia.org/aca/Emily_Bronte | |
87. 682. Last Lines. Emily Bronte. 1909-14. English Poetry III: From Tennyson To Whi 682. Last Lines. Emily Bronte (18181848). NO coward soul is mine,, No tremblerin the worlds stormtroubled sphere I see Heavens glories shine,, http://www.bartleby.com/42/682.html | |
88. 683. The Old Stoic. Emily Bronte. 1909-14. English Poetry III: From Tennyson To 190914. 683. The Old Stoic. Emily Bronte (18181848). RICHES I hold inlight esteem,, And Love I laugh to scorn;, And lust of fame was but a dream,, http://www.bartleby.com/42/683.html | |
89. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection To the lobby of the Internet Public Library. Online Literary Criticism Collection.Emily Bronte (1818 1848). Nationality British, Periods British 19th Century. http://www.ipl.org.ar/cgi-bin/ref/litcrit/litcrit.out.pl?au=bro-38 |
90. Wutheringheights Kingwood College Library Reference Guide WutheringHeights by Emily Bronte 1818 1848. http://kingwoodcollegelibrary.com/wuthering.htm | |
91. Emily Brontë Biography Emily Brontë's Biography. (1818 1848). But Emily Bronte was determined tofinish her job and prove that she was not a total failure in education. http://mural.uv.es/juanbela/emily-bio.htm |
92. Read Emily Bronte Books Online - The Literature Page Index by Author. Emily Bronte (1818 1848) English novelist We have thefollowing works by Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights, 1847, 329 pages. http://www.literaturepage.com/authors/Emily-Bronte.html | |
93. Emily Brontë Perhaps the greatest writer of the three Brontë sisters Charlotte, Emily andAnne. Emily Brontë was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/ebronte.htm | |
94. Bronte Family: An Inventory Of Their Collection At The Harry Ransom Humanities R http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00001/00001-P.html | |
95. Bronte Family: An Inventory Of Their Collection At The Harry Ransom Humanities R http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/uthrc/00001/hrc-00001.html | |
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