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22. Stories, Listed By Author Barbusse, Henri (18741935) (chron.) * Their Path, (ss) Argosy (UK) Aug 1934.BARBUTI, RAY (chron.) * Off My Chest, (ar) Exciting Football Fll 1948. http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s51.htm | |
23. Fiction, Drama, & Memoirs by Fitzwater Wray. New York. EP Dutton co. 1917 . Henri Barbusse(18741935) was a French soldier. Under Fire is the English http://www.lib.byu.edu/~english/WWI/memoirs/FictionMemoir.html | |
24. Prehistoric Fiction : Bibliography Translate this page Barbusse, Henri 1874-1935. 1925. Les enchaînements. French. (Chains). (prehistoricparts). 282, 296 pp. 19 cm, 2 vols., Paris. Ernest Flammarion.´, http://www.trussel.com/prehist/prehistf.htm | |
25. Prehistoric Fiction : Index By Name j Bandelier, Adolf Francis Alphonse 18401914 1890 The Delight Makers A novelof prehistoric Pueblo Indians Barbusse, Henri 1874-1935 1925 Chains 1925 http://www.trussel.com/prehist/names.htm | |
26. Series 1 Search, 1, Barbusse, Henri, 18741935, Under Fire, 1917, Novel, Search,1, Baroja, Pio, 1872-, Caesar or Nothing, 1919, Novel, Search, 1,Barrie http://www.realuofc.org/archive/1a.html | |
27. Cast Of Characters Barbusse, Henri (18741935) French novelist and journalist who served in WorldWar I. His anti-war novel, Under Fire, vividly portrayed the horrors of war. http://www.natalie-barney.com/characters.htm | |
28. Marcucci Henri Barbusse (18741935); Janko Todoroff; Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970).- Richard S. Gregg; Jacques Bois. - Aldous Huxley (1894-1963); untitled. http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/CDGB/Marcucci.html | |
29. Internet Modern History Sourcebook: New Additions social darwinism. Henri Barbusse (18741935) Under Fire The Storyof a Squad, 1916, full text At EldritchAdded 9/14/98; John http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbooknew1998.html | |
30. Brecy Translate this page Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935 L'URSS et la paix recueil de documents propositionsde paix et de desarmement du gouvernement des Soviets aux gouvernements d http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/brecy.htm |
31. Under Fire Under Fire. The Story of a Squad (excerpts). By Henri Barbusse. (18741935).Translated by Fitzwater Wray. New York EP DUTTON Co. 681 http://web.mala.bc.ca/davies/H482.WWI/Barbusse.UnderFire.1917.htm | |
32. Special Collections New York, International Publishers, 1946, 32 p. Barbusse, Henri, 18741935,Do You Know Thaelmann? New York, Workers Library, 1934, 23 p. http://www.oberlin.edu/library/libncollect/speccoll/Shis_6.html | |
33. Interrogation EDITEUR:56 Translate this page Feu -journal d'une escouade roman - Barbusse, Henri. 1874-1935-Ed.préfacée et anno-1965 - 1. feux du matin -roman - Troyat, Henri. http://scd.univ-tln.fr/cgi-bin/bibrebond?EDITEUR:56 |
34. The Mad Cybrarian's Library: Free Online E-texts - Authors B-Bk Barbour, Anna Maynard That Mainwaring Affair (Gutenberg). Barbusse,Henri (18741935) Under Fire The Story of a Squad, trans. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/richmond/88/1libb.htm | |
35. PROJECT GUTENBERG ETEXTS AUTHORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER 1875 Barber, Margaret Fairless, 1869-1901 AKA Fairless, Michael, 1869-1901 Barbour,A. Maynard (Anna Maynard) Barbusse, Henri, 1874-1935 Barclay, Florence L http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/fb07/GermS/Project-Gutenberg-Authors.html | |
36. Chapter Four: A Playful Step Beyond worship. 3. L'Enfer by Henri Barbusse (18741935), quoted in Colin WilsonsThe Outsider (Boston Houghton, Mifflin, 1956), p. 11. http://wifeworship.tripod.com/chapters/chapterfour.htm | |
37. Henri Barbusse Under Fire. The Story of a Squad. By Henri Barbusse. (18741935). Translatedby Fitzwater Wray. New York EP DUTTON Co. 681 Fifth Avenue |
38. Records For Earth -- Remote-sensing Maps. (in MARION) Barbusse, Henri, 18741935. (Di) henker; autorizirte iberzetzung funfrantzoizish Mark Rakovski. Warsaw, 1930. Holdings at other http://js-catalog.cpl.org:62900/MARION/@EASTERN QUESTION/bb6080001000/0 | |
39. DID 1533 : Littérature Française Sur Le Web Translate this page Henri Barbusse (1874-1935), Capsule pédagogique. Je suis originairede la France. J'aime défendre les opprimés. Faites analyser http://www.scedu.umontreal.ca:2040/karsentt/didactique/ecrivains/barbusse_henri. | |
40. Re: War Is Horrible? (Long - And Conclusory?) Christopher Robbins New York City crisica@idt.net (Gordon) From *UnderFire, The Story of a Squad*, by Henri Barbusse (18741935), translated by http://www.ku.edu/~medieval/melcher/19980801.med/msg00646.html | |
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