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41. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 27 Argyll, George William Campbell,17661839. Ariadne (Greek mythology).Ariosto, Lodovico,1474-1533. Aristocracy1780-1790. Aristotle. http://memory.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects27.html | |
42. U. Of Western Ontario /All Locations Don Quixote. Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533 Influence Cervantes. Ariosto,Lodovico, 1474-1533. Orlando furioso. Chivalry in literature. http://alpha.lib.uwo.ca:5701/search/dcervantes/dcervantes/1,145,624,B/frameset&F | |
43. University Of New Hampshire Library - Milne Special Collections And Archives - E 1587, Lodovico, Ariosto, 14741533, Orlando Furioso Di M. Lodovico Ariosto, TuttoRicoretto Di Nuoue Figure Adornato, Con Le Annotationi, Gli Auuertimenti, http://www.izaak.unh.edu/specoll/mancoll/earlyrep/vault.htm | |
44. Copernicus' Contemporaries younger (14971543); Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527); Lodovico Ariosto(1474-1533); François Rabelais (c. 1495-1553); Henry VIII, king http://www.bo.astro.it/copernic/cont-eng.html | |
45. GENERAL COLLECTION MANUSCRIPT MISCELLANY 18451914. expand/contract this heading, Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533.expand/contract this heading, ARLISS, GEORGE, 1868-1946. expand http://webtext.library.yale.edu/xml2html/beinecke.genmisc1.nav.html | |
46. NEW ACQUISITIONS - ITALIAN STUDIES Firenze LS Olschki, 2002. Perkins 851.1 S431, D192, 2002 Ariosto, Lodovico,14741533. La novella di Fiordispina. Firenze Le Càriti, 2001. http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/NewBooks/Italian/September_2002 | |
47. Timeline - Italian Renaissance X He becomes a great patron of the arts 1512 Medici restored to power in Florence1508 La Cassaria - comedy by Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533) 1513 La Calandria http://www.atsweb.neu.edu/theatre.history/thhist2/timeline-italy-1.htm | |
48. Great Playwrights Italian Renaissance Playwrights Niccolò Machiavelli (14691527);Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533) Ariosto and the Italian Renaissance. http://www.ulaverne.edu/dlc/hum290/gratpla.html | |
49. Plaut - Amfitrion - Eseje - Kultura Antyczna ponizej podajemy tylko te bedace w calosci parafraza Plautynskiej komediiVitalis de Blois (XII w.) Geta, Lodovico Ariosto (1474-1533) - I Suppositi http://www.wiw.pl/kulturaantyczna/eseje/plaut_amfitrion_01.asp | |
50. Selected New Acquisitions In Medieval & Renaissance Studies - 11/02 (Series Medieval Renaissance Texts Studies (Series) ; . 242.)Main Stack PQ4562.A72M5713 2002. Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Romance/medcall1102.html | |
51. Selected New Acquisitions In Medieval & Renaissance Studies - 2/03 Main Stack PQ4496.E29I75 2002. Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533. Orlando furioso/ Ludovico Ariosto ; a cura di Emilio Bigi. 1a ed. Milano Rusconi, 1982. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Romance/medcall0203.html | |
52. Annotations For David Hume For more information, click here. Ariosto is Lodovico Ariosto (14741533)and the book in question is Orlando Furioso. Paragraph 10. http://www.mnstate.edu/gracyk/courses/phil of art/hume annotations.htm | |
53. Index Stories Volume 13, by Maupassant, Guy de, 18501893 Orlando Furioso _ 8-bittext (with accented letters), by Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533 Orlando Furioso http://www.elbooks.sk/angdieloO.html | |
54. NYSL: Display Case IV - Special Collections Lodovico Ariosto 14741533. Orlando furioso. Milaon, Societa tipograficade'Classici italiani, 1812. 5v. Bruce Alan Brown, a music http://www.nysoclib.org/display/case4.html | |
55. 02--Classics & Ancient Pieces Ariosto, Lodovico (14741533). Orlando Furioso. Roland in a MadFury. Begun in 1505 and being revised from 1516 to 32. One of http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Divorce_Archive/02--Divorce_Science_& | |
56. Conceptual Timeline 14731543. Copernicus, Nicolaus. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. 1474-1533.Ariosto, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. 1475-1564. Michelangelo. Letters, Poems. http://home.attbi.com/~reillyjones/timeline1.html |
57. An Armory Of Famous Writers Pompeo Litta, Famiglie Celebri Italiane * Lodovico Ariosto (14741533) per fess,or an eagle displayed sabel crowned or, and pally of 6 azure and argent. http://www.heraldica.org/topics/famous/writers.htm | |
58. Prospective Plays For The National Theatre Compiled By Kenneth Tynan Hroswitha, c. 935c.1001 Six Plays based on Terence, c. 1000. Lodovico Ariosto,1474-1533 I Suppositi, 1509. Matteo Maria Boiardo, 1441-1494 Timone. http://www.columbia.edu/~tdk3/tynan.html | |
59. NACSIS Webcat Shosai Einaudi, Milano 19 85) ISBN 4815804079(?) ; 4815804079(?) ? Orlando furioso Ariosto, Lodovico, 14741533 ; ?, ? http://webcat.nii.ac.jp/cgi-bin/shsproc?id=BA52878157 |
60. The Gonzaga In Mantova - A Chronology Pupils Lodovico (see below), and Federico da Montefeltre, ruler and humanist in FerraraLodovico II, Marchese, 1444 (Ferrara) Ariosto (14741533),Orlando Furioso http://inside.bard.edu/~wilson/chronology.htm |
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