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41. Tucson Pima Public Library /All Locations Fiction 1997 1 Adams John Quincy 1767 1848 Juvenile Literature 4 Adams Lucy JuvenileLiterature 1993 1 Adams Samuel 1722 1803 Juvenile Literature 1998 1 Adams http://infolynx.ci.tucson.az.us:90/kids/10,376/search/dAdams, Samuel, 1722-1803 | |
42. Samuel Adams, Famous Quotation/Quote By Samuel Adams (click for more quotes by Samuel Adams or books by/about SamuelAdams). (17221803), was known as the Father of the American Revolution. He http://centre.telemanage.ca/quotes.nsf/quotes/ccc4e2c999df2875852568880066b826 | |
43. Gopher.quux.org70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt Abbott, 18381926 AKA Square, A Adams, Andy, 1859-1935 Adams, Henry, 1838-1918Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848 Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803 Adams, William Taylor http://gopher.quux.org:70/Archives/gutenberg/authors.txt |
44. Electronic Books From SPSCC # A Adams, John Quincy, 17671848, Orations. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803, Writingsof Samuel Adams, The Volume 2. Writings of Samuel Adams, The Volume 3. http://www.library.spscc.ctc.edu/electronicbooks/lmcelectbksauthorA.htm | |
45. State Library Of Massachusetts - Special Collections - Burrill File Subject Headings. Adams, John (17351826). Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848).Adams, Samuel (1722-1803). Adams, MA. African Meetinghouse (Boston, Mass.). http://www.state.ma.us/lib/sc/burril1.htm | |
46. QuoteGallery.com Friday, February 07, 2003 _ Home Quotations by Author SamuelAdams, Samuel Adams (17221803) US revolutionary, statesman. He http://www.quotegallery.com/asp/apcategories.asp?author=Samuel Adams |
47. Ayn Rand & Objectivism - Samuel Adams Click here to order a book from Laissez Faire Books. Samuel Adams. Nobody couldbeat Samuel Adams (17221803) when it came to radical political activism. http://www.dailyobjectivist.com/Heroes/SamuelAdams.asp | |
48. IBoston - Your Guide To Massachusetts History By Brandon Gary Lovested. Samuel Adams 17221803 The greatest 'incendiary' in theempire, Samuel Adams was the son of a brewer, and as such, became one himself. http://www.iboston.org/mcp.php?pid=samAdams&laf=hpe |
49. Correspondence Of Thomas Jefferson / Addressee Listing / A-C Adams, Samuel (17221803) Leader in Massachustetts Assembly and earlyleader in call for independence from Britain. He was educated http://www.cooperativeindividualism.org/jefferson_1.html | |
50. Classic Literature, Titles, Authors, Birthdates Adams, Samuel,, Writings of Samuel Adams, The Volume 1,, 17221803. Addams,Jane,, Twenty Years At Hull House; with autobiographical notes,, 1860-1935. http://www.nonstopenglish.com/Reading/classics/classics_in_literature.asp | |
51. Classic Literature, Titles, Authors, Birthdates Adams, Samuel,, Writings of Samuel Adams, The Volume 1,, 17221803. Baker,Samuel White, Sir,, Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin Of The Nile, The,, 1821-1893. http://www.nonstopenglish.com/Reading/classics/classics_in_literature.asp?author |
52. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Subject, Adams, Samuel, 17221803 Juvenile literature. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803.Politicians United States Biography Juvenile literature. http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/10,376/search/dpoliticians/dpoliticians | |
53. Marmot Library Network /Marmot Subject, Adams, Samuel, 17221803 Juvenile literature. Politicians UnitedStates Biography Juvenile literature. Adams, Samuel, 1722-1803. http://www.millennium.marmot.org:90/kids/10,376/search/dpoliticians/dpoliticians | |
54. Sam Adams the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterityforget that ye were our countrymen. Samuel Adams 17221803 Above boston http://loma.k12.ca.us/CTE/stpjcts/Colonial American Biographies/Colonial Biograp | |
55. HyperDic, Online English Dictionary > Adams of the Boston Tea Party and signer of the Declaration of Independence (17221803).Broader American Revolutionary leader. Synonyms Sam Adams; Samuel Adams. http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/A/Adams.shtml | |
56. Biography Of Samuel Adams Samuel Adams. 17221803. Samuel Adams From the National Statuary HallCollection at the US Capitol. Among those who signed the Declaration http://educatetheusa.com/adamss.htm | |
57. Biography Of Samuel Adams - Excerpt Samuel Adams Massachusetts 1722-1803 Among those who signed the Declarationof Independence, and were conspicuous in the revolution http://franklaughter.tripod.com/cgi-bin/histprof/founders/adams_s.html | |
58. PONDER Famous Deists Condillac (17151780) Horace Walpole, Second Earl of Oxford (1717-1797), Pedro PabloAbaraca Y Bolea D' Aranda (1718-1798) Samuel Adams (1722-1803) Adam Smith http://www.deistnet.com/deismfam.htm | |
59. Untitled Document Samuel Adams (17221803), an important American revolutionary patriot and statesman,active in Massachusetts, was among the leaders of events leading up to the http://www.cgboerner.com/artworks/okey/okey_samueladams.htm | |
60. AmIAnnoying.com Samuel Adams, The Résumé. Occupation American Revolutionary. (17221803)Signed the Declaration of Independence Cousin of John Adams (2nd US President http://www.amiannoying.com/(plhmh155qxmledvku002dk45)/2002/view.aspx?ID=1722 |
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