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21. Sociobiology sociobiology. Dr. C. George Boeree Shippensburg University. sociobiology.Ever since Darwin came out with his theory of http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/genpsysociobiology.html | |
22. Sociobiology sociobiology as an Adaptationist Program RC Lewontin RC sociobiologyis an extension of this type of evolutionary argument. Whereas http://www.psych.nwu.edu/~coriat/sociobiology.htm |
23. Social Psychology Basics Electronic textbook by Professor George Boeree, with chapter topics including person perception, persuasion, conformity, and sociobiology. http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/socpsy.html |
24. Ethologische Station Sennickerode, Universität Göttingen The Sennickerode Field Station constitutes G¶ttingen University's primate research and teaching facility. Its primary focus is on primate behavioral biology in the fields of applied ethology, ecoethology and sociobiology. A further point of research emphasizes human and non-human primate evolution in consideration and advancement of phylogenetic methodology. http://www.gwdg.de/~hrothe1/englisch/ | |
25. Jim Moore Home Page sociobiology (UC San Diego, USA) http://weber.ucsd.edu/~jmoore/ | |
26. Kristen Hawkes Anthropology professor at the University of Utah interested in documenting the sociobiology of huntergatherers. http://www.anthro.utah.edu/hawkes.html | |
27. Napoleon Chagnon's War Of Discovery An article describing Chagnon's contributions to the field of human sociobiology. http://cogweb.english.ucsb.edu/Abstracts/Chagnon_00.html | |
28. BioMedNet Journal Collection Evolutionary psychology, neurobiology, and sociobiology. Professional journal. Abstracts, archives, selected fulltext articles at no charge. Complete articles downloadable for a fee. BioMedNet registration required. http://www.biomednet.com/library/bbe | |
29. Sociobiology Sanitized: The Evolutionary Psychology And Genic Selectionism Debat sociobiology SANITIZED THE EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY AND GENIC SELECTIONISMDEBATES. FROM sociobiology TO EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY. http://www.shef.ac.uk/~psysc/rmy/dusek.html | |
30. Springer LINK: Behavioral Ecology And Sociobiology Tables of contents and article abstracts from this SpringerVerlag journal. Complete article texts are available in PDF format to print subscribers. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00265/ | |
31. Behavior OnLine: Evolutionary Psychology Brief introduction to evolutionary psychology and sociobiology. http://www.behavior.net/column/brody/ | |
32. Science As Culture - SOCIOBIOLOGY SANITIZED: THE EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY AND GEN Sociopolitical overview of the circumstances leading to the development of Evolutionary Psychology as distinct from sociobiology, by Val Dusek. This web page is associated with the Science-as-Culture mailing list and journal. http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/dusek.html | |
33. ScienceDirect - Ethology And Sociobiology - List Of Issues sociobiologysociobiology, sociobiology http//www.psych.nwu.edu/~sengupta/sociob.htmlSummary and criticism of Philip Kitcher's and RC Lewontin's ideas. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01623095 | |
34. American Scientist - Scientists' Bookshelf John Dupr© reviews 'Defenders of the Truth The Battle for Science in the sociobiology Debate and Beyond' by Ullica Segerstr¥le. http://www.americanscientist.org/bookshelf/Leads01/defenders.html | |
35. Paul Ehrlich Challenges Evolutionary Psychology And The 'selfish Gene' In His Ne Ehrlich's book 'Human Natures' builds on evolutionary psychology and sociobiology. http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/00/humans920.html | |
36. Animal Behavior And Sociobiology Animal Behavior and sociobiology, Lecture ethology. Originally called sociobiology,today it is often referred to as evolutionary psychology. http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/psychology/psych1a6/1aa3/anbehavmenu.htm | |
37. Jerome H. Barkow's Page Evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, human reproductive behaviour (Dalhousie University, Canada). http://is.dal.ca/~barkow/home.htm | |
38. About - Sociobiology Read a variety of topics and views about sociobiology, the study of the biologicalbasis of social behaviors. Advertisement. sociobiology Guide picks. http://animals.about.com/cs/sociobiology/ | |
39. Zoology II - Scientific Report sociobiology and Ethology site, featuring research on the evolution of altruistic behavior of insects. University of W¼rzburg. http://www.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/bericht/zoo2/homepage_en.html | |
40. Woodhill Publishing: Purpose Of Life, A Book On Philosophy / Ethics / Evolution The Purpose of Life is summarised. This is a book on the philosophy of values and ethics from a viewpoint of evolution or sociobiology. http://www.woodhillpublishing.co.uk | |
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