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1. Welcome To The Wiccan Church Of Canada! Active in Ontario, Canada, with established temples in several cities. Site has reading list, information Category Society Religion and Spirituality Wicca Organizations......Welcome to the wiccan Church of Canada. Our goal is threefold All content © 19972001,The wiccan Church of Canada and Eye Can See That! website design. http://www.wcc.on.ca/ | |
2. Witchvox: 12 April, 2003 - 12:33:07 PM Educational network is dedicated to correcting misconceptions about witches and witchcraft. Find resources, community news and contacts. of the various Heathen religions, Pagan, Witch, wiccan traditions and to Solitary Practitioners who/that follow a http://www.witchvox.com/ | |
3. The Wiccan/Pagan Times A resource for wiccans and pagans seeking information and contacts within the Neopagan community .Category Society Religion and Spirituality Publications and Media...... Newly Published Books. When Someone You Love is wiccan by Carl McColman. Thewiccan Wellness Book by Laura Perry. TWPT Rituals Page. Dorothy Morrison at. http://www.twpt.com/ | |
4. Wicca, The Religion A NEOPAGAN, EARTHCENTERED RELIGION. wiccan symbol 1. Current phase of the moon http://www.religioustolerance.org/witchcra.htm | |
5. Benvenuto Su Wiccan.it Discover the magical properties of colors, herbs, crystals and essential oils. Learn about tools used in magick. http://www.wiccan.it/ | |
6. Wiccan.dk Da wiccan.dk snart bliver overflyttet til en ny (støre og bedre) server, kan der være en kortvarig nedetid (Håber dog http://www.wiccan.dk/ | |
7. Toby's Wiccan Refuge Features the basics of Wicca, spells, pagan articles and a list of suggested readings. http://www.wiccan-refuge.com/ | |
8. Welcome To The Covenant Of The Goddess Home Page Umbrella organization of worldwide Wicca groups provides membership information, news of its projects, and links to associated organizations. of the Goddess, an international organization of cooperating, autonomous wiccan congregations and solitary practitioners. http://www.cog.org/ | |
9. About Pagan / Wiccan Religion Articles and links from the About.com site.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan Wicca Internet...... Terri Paajanen, your Guide to Wicca and Pagan Religions, Pagan/wiccan Religion. Witchor wiccan? You can be a wiccan and a witch, or a witch but not a wiccan. http://paganwiccan.about.com/ | |
10. Pagan And Wiccan Parenting Page Activities, crafts, recipes, books, stories, songs, and chants for Pagan and wiccan children and families Category Society Religion and Spirituality Pagan Parenting......pagan wiccan parenting page activities, recipes crafts, songs, chants, stories,poetry, nursery rhymes, herbs, blessings, links, elements, sabbats, the moon http://pages.ivillage.com/paganparent/ | |
11. RavensWing's Wiccan HomePage Personal views on and experience of Wicca and the Old Religions. Directory of sites. http://www.netwind.org/rw/ | |
12. WICCAN NEWS IN THE MEDIA wiccan news items in the media. Hosted by ReligiousTolerance.orgCategory Society Religion and Spirituality Wicca News and Events......MENU wiccan NEWS IN THE MEDIA. Wearing of religious symbols, particularly pentagrams,in public schools. wiccan news of a general nature Year 1999. Year 2000. http://www.religioustolerance.org/wic_news.htm | |
13. Index.page A new online Wicca 101 site dedicated to imparting knowledge of the wiccan Way via regularly posted lessons and an available email forum for related discussion and support. http://www.geocities.com/wiccan_eschool/index.html | |
14. Sun Dragon Wicca Page A resource page with herbal and spell correspondances, and information on the Sabbats of the Witch's Category Society Religion and Spirituality Personal Pages S...... Bide the wiccan Law ye must, In perfect love and perfect trust. Eightwords the wiccan Rede fulfill An' ye harm none, do what ye will. http://www.wiccan.com/ | |
15. Magick Pagan And Wiccan Superstore Online wicca and magick discount store with a large selection of items for the modern witch. http://www.occult-shop.com |
16. The Witches' Sabbats The Wheel of the Year consists of eight Sabbats. All the Sabbats are solarin nature, marking the passing of the year with natural milestones. http://www.wiccan.com/sabbats.html | |
17. Wiccan Priestess The wiccan Educational Society is a nonprofit corporation that seeks to provide a safe, supportive and structured environment for eclectic wiccans. Site has general information on magic and paganism and information on open wiccan rituals and events in Central/Northern Massachusetts. http://www.wiccanpriestess.com | |
18. The Wiccan & Faerie Grimoire Of Francesca De Grandis Resources, excerpts and links.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Traditions Faery......Goddess Spirituality / Shamanism / Faerie Wicca The wiccan Faerie Grimoire ofFrancesca De Grandis. My wiccan Faerie On Line Grimoire's Table of Contents http://www.well.com/user/zthirdrd/WiccanMiscellany.html | |
19. Wacky's Wiccan Page This site contains information on the wiccan, Pagan and Druidic Religion as well as Information of the Native Americans plue Dragons, Wolves, Unicorns, Fairies, Cats, Poems, Stories and some graphics. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/3864 |
20. Omphalos - The Directory And Search Engine For Witchcraft & Paganism A directory of Pagan, wiccan, and related websites. Includes news articles. http://www.omphalos.net/ | |
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