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21. Development Office, College Of Veterinary Medicine And Biomedical Sciences, Colo CURRENT development PROJECTS New Wing on the for special programs and cancer research;The Animal Institute for Families and veterinary medicine; Dedication of http://www.cvmbs.colostate.edu/cvmbs/devel.html | |
22. CLIVE - Links LTSN Centre for medicine, Dentistry and veterinary medicine. SELLIC EdinburghUniversity Currently involved in research and development of online http://www.clive.ed.ac.uk/links.htm | |
23. College Of Veterinary Medicine - News of Health Sciences and the College of veterinary medicine support the currentlyin place to support research at WesternU include development of a http://www.westernu.edu/vetmed/research.htm | |
24. NIH Guide: MENTORED RESEARCH SCIENTIST DEVELOPMENT AWARD (K01) the K01 award Special Emphasis research Career Award (SERCA) in Pathology and Comparativemedicine. degree from a School of veterinary medicine which is http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-RR-00-005.html | |
25. The Ohio State University - Colleges And Schools veterinary Preventive medicine; research Programs. Lima Campus Mansfield Campus MarionCampus Newark Campus Ohio Agricultural research and development http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/academics/ | |
26. Veterinary Research Procedure for development of research Agreements Agencies; Links to research Compliancerelated Collegeof veterinary medicine research Reports; Oklahoma State http://www.cvm.okstate.edu/research/research.htm | |
27. Program In Immunology And Vaccine Development, College Of Veterinary Medicine, W approaches to antigen discovery; development of novel Significant research publicationsin 20012002*. Policies College of veterinary medicine, Washington State http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/prog-AAHP/research/vaccine.html | |
28. Veterinary Medicine Positions development of significant collaborative or independent research. Many opportunitiesfor collaborative research exist within the School of veterinary medicine http://www.purdue.edu/humanrel/HTML_Files/AAO/openings/veterinary.html | |
29. Western College Of Veterinary Medicine Canada; FDA Center for veterinary medicine; American College Vet; Western Canadianveterinary Students' Association; Specialized Livestock research and development http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/links/ | |
30. Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, University College, Dublin be transferred (deeded) to the development Foundation with The Faculty of VeterinaryMedicine must continually the teaching hospital, research laboratories and http://www.ucd.ie/~vetmed/html/development/ | |
31. Topica Email List Directory promises to change the way veterinary medicine is practiced New diagnostic tools andthe development of new forms more about this new field of medical research. http://www.topica.com/dir/?cid=4431 |
32. World Wide Web Virtual Library - Veterinary Medicine RIRDC Equine research and development Program (Australia Tokyo University of Agriculture Technology Department of veterinary medicine http//www.cc.tuat.ac http://netvet.wustl.edu/vetmed/dept.htm | |
33. Links - Alberta Agricultural Research Institute usask.ca/agriculture/plantsci Western College of veterinary medicine http//www Servicehttp//www.canolainfo.org Grain research development Corporation http http://www.aari.ab.ca/sec/links/links_001_1.cfm | |
34. Index Cooperative research and development Agreements (CRADA research; Resistance (Antimicrobial);Risk Assessment Master Files; veterinary medicine Advisory Committee http://www.fda.gov/cvm/index/ | |
35. Student Information - Programs veterinary Biosciences; veterinary Clinical Sciences; veterinary Preventive medicine; CampusNewark Campus Ohio Agricultural research and development http://www.gradsch.ohio-state.edu/html/pr_00.html | |
36. Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute - Directory Of Scientists Analytical research and development, Adria Laboratories 1984 1986, Teaching andresearch Associate, Department Laude, College of veterinary medicine, The Ohio http://www.lrri.org/staff/directoryofscientists/hutt.html | |
37. Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute - Directory Of Scientists University. 1987 1989, Director, research Programs development,School of veterinary medicine, Purdue University. 1983 - Present, http://www.lrri.org/staff/directoryofscientists/rebar.html | |
38. UMASS Amherst- Helpful Links For Research Animal Welfare, Use, Health And Protoc NLM); ARDF Alternatives research development Foundation; to Animal Use in researchand Testing; Tufts University School of veterinary medicine; University of http://www.umass.edu/research/aco/anlinks.html | |
39. SVM Office Of Research Programs: Departmental Faculty Research Interests research Interests development of comparative designed to be of interest to studentsmajoring in veterinary medicine, veterinary technology, animal http://www.vet.purdue.edu/orpd/031a.htm | |
40. Kenny V. Brock Phone 334-844-2663 Email Brockkv@vetmed.auburn. medicine PhD Program at the College of veterinary medicine and received Professorposition at the Ohio Agricultural research and development Center, The http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/~brockkv/ | |
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