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Urban Planning & Res Arch: more detail |
1. Urban Planning (UP) urban planning (UP). Course Title Cat Cr Prereqs Lab Fee ARR Prof PracPln res 500 1.5 18007 P Gsi 993 1.0 UP/arch GSI 10113 P SEM http://www.umich.edu/~regoff/timesched/fall/architecture_urban_planning/urban_pl | |
2. COURSES: Planning-Urban & Regional (Plan), Spring Extension 1999 s follow below. Notes. Tuit . Crse. Fees. res/. Nonres. M3515. 310. 509 648. 509. urban Transportation planning. 3. 08/25-12/15 (Cross-listed as arch 341). Plan 600 planning Theory and Practice......planningurban Regional (Plan) Telephone (808) 956-7381 FAX (808) 956-6870 Address SOCSC 107, 2424 Maile Way, Honolulu HI 96822 Web Address http// Course http://www.outreach.hawaii.edu/Programs_Credit/005/Plan.HTM | |
3. Environment/Behavior Studies C RP 867, Land Use Policy. C RP 871.01, research Seminar in Environmental planning. Hist788, Studies in American urban History. Indust. Nat res 644, Park Design. http://facweb.arch.ohio-state.edu/crpweb/phdman/phdmastsu3.html | |
4. FALL03 - SCHEDULE OF COURSES urban REGIONAL planning arch 431 3920997 UNDERGRADUATE ADVISER(S) NO MAJOR PROGRAM GRADUATE ADVISER R. SCHNEIDER 01 T 7 arch 439 19B planning res DESIGN STEINER URP 6920 http://www.reg.ufl.edu/soc/ftx/urbanreg.fall.htm | |
5. Courses (6) Supervised res Project 3 (2) Principles and Practice 3. arch 550. (3) urban planning 1 http://www.mcgill.ca/urbanplanning-courses | |
6. City And Regional Planning topics in planning for housing in urban and regional contexts. 330 planning AND urban DESIGN U 4 Geog, Geol Sci, or Nat res. Crosslisted in http://www.arch.ohio-state.edu/v3/crp/courses.htm | |
7. SPRING 03 - SCHEDULE OF COURSES URP 6821, X, 8250X, 03, W, 810, arch, 418, 30E, urban REGIONAL SYS, BROWN. URP6911, X, 4403X, 02, W, 6-7, arch, 439, 1B, planning res DESIGN, STEINER. http://www.reg.ufl.edu/soc/spr/urbanreg.spring.htm | |
8. SPRING03 - SCHEDULE OF COURSES URP 6821 X 8250X 03 W 810 arch 418 30E urban REGIONAL NFE SUPERVISED resEarchLARSEN URP 6911 X 4403X 02 W 6-7 arch 439 1B planning res DESIGN STEINER http://www.reg.ufl.edu/soc/stx/urbanreg.spring.htm | |
9. FALL98 - SCHEDULE OF COURSES urban REGIONAL planning arch 431 3920997 UNDERGRADUATE ADVISER(S) NO MAJOR PROGRAM GRADUATE ADVISER R. SCHNEIDER 01 W 4 arch 439 17C planning res DESIGN STEIN URP 6920 http://www.reg.ufl.edu/soc/ftx98/urbanreg.fall.htm | |
10. Architectural Record | Education Chart: N nonres $10,154 Grad res $1,926 / non-res $9,710. sustainability Interior designarchitecture Construction technology urban planning and design. M.arch. http://archrecord.construction.com/features/EducationChart/N.asp | |
11. Architectural Record | Education Chart: C www.calpoly.edu/~arch Director Alan R. Cooper Grad res $2,859 / nonres $2,859+ $188 sustainability Interior design architecture urban planning and design. http://archrecord.construction.com/features/EducationChart/C.asp | |
12. Welcome To IAR impact History/theory Housing and urban design Design Montréal MScA; PhD Management(planning and environment of Adelaide, South Australia M.archres.; Ph.D. http://www.iaronline.org/schools.html | |
13. Architectural Record | Education Chart: H-J www.arch.uiuc.edu Interim Director Michael $14,935 Grad res $6,929 / nonres$15,551. Community design Construction technology urban planning and design. http://www.architecturalrecord.com/features/EducationChart/HthruJ.asp | |
14. Urban Planning 405, res Studio, 4. 406, Thesis, 4. 451, Plan Issues, 3. 452, planning Law, 3.arch, 100, Intro arch, 2. LA, 100, Intro LA, 2. ECON, 201, Elem Micro, 3. 202,Elem Macro, 3. 485, urban http://www.bsu.edu/web/catalog9800/undergraduate/programs/arch_urbpl.html | |
15. Ball State University Course Catalog For Undergraduates architecture or architecturerelated degree program must apply to the College ofarchitecture and planning for admission PLAN, 100, urban Plan, 2. 451, arch res, 3. http://www.bsu.edu/web/catalog9800/undergraduate/programs/arch.html | |
16. Syllabus: ARCH 533a, The Urban LandscapeAn Ecosystem Approach usc.edu Telephone (310) 5767735 res Course website ecosystem approach to the cityanurban ecology. of our mis-steps in environmental planning derive from http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~vasishth/ARCH_533a-Syllabus.htm | |
17. Urban & Transport Systems Shaleen Singhal* B.arch., PG Dip. (Environmental planning), ssinghal@teri.res.in.S Sundar* MA (Economics), LLB, ssundar@teri.res.in. * secondary area. http://www.teriin.org/division/padiv/uts/uts_res.htm | |
18. Curriculum Report 325, March 2002 COLLEGE OF archITECTURE AND urban planning (0B arch 481, 3D Modeling and Rendering(3) 3D MODEL RENDER Economics of Living Marine resources (3) MARINE res ECON http://staff.washington.edu/uwcr/reports/02-03.html | |
19. Landscape Architecture Related Indexes Architectural Publications res SB 469.37 M37 Staying Small Successfully a SELECTED JOURNALS in the arch/FALibrary Digest Landscape Landscape and urban planning Landscape architecture http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archfa/land2000.html | |
20. University Of Washington Course Catalog CEP); urban planning (URBDP). Construction Management (CM); Landscape architecture(L arch). College restorative Dentistry (res D). College http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/ | |
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