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41. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Kara-Kum (Garagum) Desert (Geography) Policy. HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Regional Studies Countries of the World Asia turkmenistan geography KaraKum (Garagum) Desert. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
42. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = Geography And Map Of Turkmenistan turkmenistan, geography, Top of Page. ABC Country Book of turkmenistan geography Flag, Map, Economy, geography, Climate http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=Geography and Map of Turkmenistan&b |
43. MetaCrawler Results | Search Query = President Turkmenistan CIA The World Factbook turkmenistan Geographic coordinates geography turkmenistanIntroduction turkmenistan Map of turkmenistan Flag of turkmenistan http://search.metacrawler.com/texis/search?q=President Turkmenistan |
44. TDS; Passports, Visas, Travel Documents - Turkmenistan turkmenistan. geography. Location Central Asia, bordering the CaspianSea, between Iran and Kazakstan Geographic coordinates 40 http://www.traveldocs.com/tm/geog.htm | |
45. CyberSleuthKids Turkmenistan http //turkmens.com/folkart.html; turkmenistan History, maps, cultureand geography of turkmenistan.. http //valera.8m.com/page1 http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/Asia/Turkmenistan/ |
46. CyberSleuthKids Turkmenistan turkmenistan World Desk Reference Maps, geography, history and other informationabout turkmenistan http //travel.dk.com/wdr/TM/mTM_Intr.htm; http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/Asia/Turkmenistan/index1.htm |
47. Geography geography. on the north west by the Caspian Sea, on the east by Xorâsân province,on the west by Mâzandarân province, on the nortn by turkmenistan, and on http://medlem.spray.se/davidgorgan/Geography.html | |
48. BUBL LINK: 915.8 Geography And Travel: Central Asia document Location usa CIA World Factbook 2000 turkmenistan Basic reference informationabout turkmenistan, including details of geography, people, economy http://link.bubl.ac.uk/ISC11668 | |
49. Country Guide / The Times Of Central Asia geography Environment Bounded by the Caspian Sea in the west and the AmuDaryariver to the east, turkmenistan covers 488,100 sq km (190,360 sq mi), making http://www.times.kg/turkmenistan/?pub=tm004 |
50. Country Guide / The Times Of Central Asia geography Uzbekistan borders turkmenistan in the west, Kazakhstan in the north andeast, and Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and a sliver of Afghanistan in the south. http://www.times.kg/uzbekistan/?pub=uz004 |
51. BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Turkmenistan CIA World Factbook 2000 turkmenistan Basic reference information about turkmenistan,including details of geography, people, economy, government http://bubl.ac.uk/link/t/turkmenistan.htm | |
52. Russian Books Catalog. Kriterii I Metodologiia Otsenki Protsessov Opustynivaniia Kriterii i metodologiia otsenki protsessov opustynivaniia vSakhare., natural science,ecology/environ, turkmenistan, geography, Ashgabat, turkmenistan, Russian http://www.eastview.com/xq/ASP/sku=O0060169/f_locale=/Babaev/AG/ed/Ashgabat/Turk | |
53. Publications - School Of Geography - University Of Nottingham O'Hara, SL (1997). Agriculture and land reform in turkmenistan since independence,PostSoviet geography and Economics, 38 430-444. O'Hara, SL (1997). http://www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/newgeog/profiles/slo/slo-pub.htm | |
54. 1Up Info > Turkmenistan > Country Profile & Geography Of Turkmenistan | Turkmen Section turkmenistan. Country Profile Country; geography; Society; Economy;Transportation and Telecommunications; Government and Politics; National Security. http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/turkmenistan/turkmenistan1.html | |
55. [IRFCA] Indian Railways FAQ: Geography geography International. all standard gauge, 4'81/2 . It has connections to CentralAsia (via Mashhad through Sarakhs on the border to turkmenistan, with a http://irfca.org/faq/faq-inter.html | |
56. Turkmenistan: Neutrality Policy Sensible But Not Credible But this has not yet happened. Merry says that turkmenistan's geography as much as its policy accounts for its difficulties. http://www.rferl.org/nca/features/2000/03/F.RU.000331134434.html | |
57. Turkmenistan turkmenistan, geography, Top of Page. Location Central Asia, bordering the CaspianSea, between Iran and Kazakhstan. Geographic coordinates 40 00 N, 60 00 E. http://www.countries.com/countries/turkmenistan/ | |
58. Atlas: Turkmenistan turkmenistan. turkmenistan Profile More Geographic Information Country Profiles;Flags; World geography; World Statistics. US State Profiles; US Cities; http://www.infoplease.com/atlas/country/turkmenistan.html | |
59. This Page Has Moved! School District This page last updated 200302-04 URL http//www.mmsd.org/elib/Subjects/Social_Studies/geography/Asia/turkmenistan/Contacts Ron Goral http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/elib/Subjects/Social_Studies/Geography/Asia/Turkmen | |
60. Geography In The News turkmenistan Like its former sister socialist states of the Soviet Union,turkmenistan achieved independence in 1991. Rich in petroleum http://www.goerie.com/nie_geography/ | |
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