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1. List Of Sufi-related Resources On The Internet List of sufi-related internet resources.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam sufism......List of sufirelated resources on the Internet. sufis are mystics on the path to the Beloved (God). Most sufi-related resources. http://world.std.com/~habib/sufi.html | |
2. Sufi Order International - North America A school comprising teachers throughout the US, Canada and Europe offering individual instruction in the authentic meditation methods of the world's esoteric traditions. http://www.sufiorder.org | |
3. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths An annotated and explanatory web directory of sufism designed for students, scholars, and the general Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam sufism......Covering the doctrine of sufism in Islam, its practice, history, and the majortraditionalsufi orders and shaykhs; including topics such as sufi women http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/Sufism.html | |
4. The Nimatullahi Sufi Order Find an outline of this sufi sect's beliefs and teachings, read related publications, and search a worldwide directory of affiliated centers. look solely in one direction, and its objective is God. The sufi is one who moves towards the Truth by means of Love http://www.nimatullahi.org/ | |
5. SUfI - Scottish University For Industry Check the workshop schedule and get to know the teacher. Subscribe to the email list to hear about events in New Mexico and nationwide. Adnan's sufi Workshops. Adnan Sarhan, a sufi Master and member of five sufi Orders, http://www.scottishufi.co.uk/ | |
6. Sufi Studies Today Idries Shah Works of Idries Shah Reviews History of sufi Thought Contact http://www.sufis.org/ | |
7. Serving The Guest: Recipe Index Recipes from the Maghreb to Indonesia, ranging from small helpings to substantial dishes and from soups to sweets. http://www.superluminal.com/cookbook/index_flat_recipes.html | |
8. IAM, The Source For Heart Rhythm Meditation A capsule of sufism we teach a method called Heart Rhythm Practice that develops a powerful ability to transform your world from the inside out. Heart Rhythm Practice coordinates the internal rhythms of the body; increases circulation; makes your emotions, desires, and intentions more conscious; and increases the power of your heart to accomplish your goals. Based on Rumi and Hazrat Inayat Khan. http://www.appliedmeditation.org/ | |
9. L'Ordine Sufi Nematullahi http://www.nimatullahi.org/it/ | |
10. Gurdjieff And Sufi Paths Essays comparing ideas from Gurdjieff and sufism. http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/gurdjieffsufi/ | |
11. La Via Dei Sufi. L'Islam. La Religione: I Principi Della Fede, La Preghiera. Il http://www.sufi.it/ | |
12. The Sufi Wind Op deze site vindt u teksten van een hedendaags Soefimeester. U kunt hem vragen stellen en ©©n van de soeficentra bezoeken. http://www.thesufiwind.nl/ | |
13. Editorial Sufi Sin ¡nimo de lucro especializada en la investigaci³n y difusi³n de textos y autores cl¡sicos y modernos que han escrito sobre sufismo o se han relacionado con su entorno cultural. http://www.caballomagico.com/Editorial_Sufi/ | |
14. Islam, Islamic Studies Resources for the study of Islam, Qur'an, hadith, Sunnah, sufism, sufi orders, Islam in the modern world, Muslim women, Islamic art, architecture, music, and history. http://www.uga.edu/islam | |
15. IAS :: Departments :: Sufi Women Organization Part of the International Association of sufism, the SWO is devoted to creating a harmonious cooperation, friendship and direction to honor the works of sufi women. http://www.ias.org/departments/sufiwomen.html | |
16. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths An annotated and explanatory web directory of sufism designed for students, scholars, and the general public. It includes sections on major sufis and Orders, doctrine and practice, Qur'an commentary and definitions of sufism, sufism in the West, sufi women and the relationship between sufism and Islam. http://www.uga.edu/islam/Sufism.html | |
17. Sufism Sufis And Sufi Orders Gateway for the study of the varieties of sufism. The site was made by western scholar.Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam sufism......sufism. and Its Many Paths. http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/sufism1.html | |
18. A Sufi Response To Political Islamism: Al-ahbash Of Lebanon Investigates roots and consequences of the controversies between sufism and its legalist detractors. http://almashriq.hiof.no/ddc/projects/pspa/al-ahbash.html | |
19. Sufi Formulas And Bid'ahs Regards regular reciting of dhikr that is not prescribed in shareeah, as an innovation which is not allowed by Islam. http://www.islamicyouthmovement.20m.com/articeng/sufi1/ | |
20. Almiraj Sufi Books And Sufism Studies Australian based internet bookseller stocking an extensive range of books on Islam, sufism and comparativ Category Society Religion and Spirituality Islam sufism......Almiraj sufi Books. and sufism Studies. Site Index. Almiraj sufi BooksSubject index of book catalogue, how to order, postal information. http://www.almirajsufibooks.com.au/ | |
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