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Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Genetics: more detail |
81. Spina Bifida - DrGreene.com - Caring For The Next Generation or paralysis, decreased sensation, and hydrocephalus. more common in those with spinabifida. http://www.drgreene.com/21_1191.html | |
82. Increased Intracranial Pressure In Myelomeningocele (MMC) Patients Never Shunted a prospective protocol in which patients with hydrocephalus associated with SettingMultidisciplinary spina bifida Unit in a tertiary university hospital in http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/sc/journal/v38/n8/abs/3101032a. |
83. BabyCentre | Special Needs A - Z 555 988 Advice and practical support for people with spina bifida and hydrocephalusand their 9am 5pm Information about any aspect of genetics; this is a http://www.babycentre.co.uk/refcap/546150 | |
84. Birth Defects Of The Central Nervous System genetics the exact genetic association is unclear, but 10 affected babies also havehydrocephalus, which is spina bifida can be mild, moderate or severe and http://www.disability.vic.gov.au/dsonline/dsarticles.nsf/pages/Birth_defects_of_ |
85. TBDHU - MSS For Open Neural Tube Defect Or Spina Bifida spina bifida is an opening in the bones around the spinal cord. and bladder controlas well as other medical problems such as hydrocephalus (an accumulation of http://www.tbdhu.com/factsheets/MSS_ONTD.htm | |
86. Clinical Neurogenetics, Wake Forest The Wake Forest hydrocephalus Index; The Wake Forest Epilepsy Index; The Wake Foresthydrocephalus Index; The Wake Forest spina bifida/Myelodysplasia Index; The http://www.bgsm.edu/bgsm/surg-sci/ns/ngenet.html | |
87. Miracle Surgery known as hindbrain herniation or chiari malformation that could have caused hydrocephalus. effectsof this condition that occurs in severe forms of spina bifida http://biology.about.com/library/weekly/aa111899.htm | |
88. Neurosurgeons For Children in neurosurgery/human molecular biology and genetics, and a treats patients with congenitalhydrocephalus, congenital quadriplegia and spina bifida. http://www.gillettechildrens.org/resource-center/newsrelease/Neurosurgeons.html | |
89. Children With Spina Bifida: A Resource Page For Parents & Professionals Peruse this list of resources, associations, Web resources and online discussion groups. With treatment information. http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/~rowley/sb-kids/index.htmlx | |
90. Abstract Of SANDI Project Life with spina bifida. There are special considerations and medical issues thatmay arise for people with spina bifida. Educating Children With spina bifida. http://ped1.med.uth.tmc.edu/spinabifida/life.html |
91. Children With Spina Bifida: A Resource Page For Parents & Professionals spina bifida Survey Results! The spina bifida Survey! The Children with spina bifidaWeb Site has been visited 207,324 times since March 6, 1996. Disclaimer http://www.waisman.wisc.edu/~rowley/sb-kids/ | |
92. Children With Spina Bifida: A Resource Page For Parents & Professionals spina bifida Survey Results! The spina bifida Survey! The Children with spina bifidaWeb Site has been visited 198,406 times since March 6, 1996. Disclaimer http://thuria.waisman.wisc.edu/~rowley/sb-kids/ | |
93. Click For Main Page Teratology Society Members' Section spina bifida Organizations http://www.teratology.org/members/memblink.htm | |
94. GeneCare Medical Genetics Center Patient Information - Open Neural Tube Defects http://www.genecare.com/ontd.html | |
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