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61. Glycine Max (Soybean) being grown in the USA from 1765 onwards but it was only in World War II with buttershortages and the need for substitutes that the soybean crops really took http://www.museums.org.za/bio/plants/fabaceae/glycine_max.htm | |
62. The Label Vol. 11, No. 5 In 1998, about 25% of the US corn crop and 38% of the soybean crops were geneticallyengineered either to kill insect pest by expressing the toxin Bacillus http://pested.unl.edu/thelabel/tlmay99.htm | |
63. USDA Briefing Room - Soybeans And Oil Crops Covers trade, market and policy information. http://www.ers.usda.gov/briefing/soybeansoilcrops/ | |
64. Plant Disease Central Detailed descriptions of crop diseases commonly occurring in the western corn belt. crops covered include, corn, sorghum, wheat, soybean, dry bean, sugar beet. University of Nebraska Lincoln http://pdc.unl.edu/ | |
65. COVER CROPS FOR WEED CONTROL IN CONSERVATION-TILLED SOYBEAN Prior to drilling soybean, cover crops were rolled with an implement we developedto lay all residue flat on the soil surface, forming a thick mat of cover http://www.nal.usda.gov/ttic/tektran/data/000008/03/0000080389.html | |
66. Ohioline, Farm Fact Sheet Series The links listed below are PC software programs. They are distributed as self extracting archives. You should have your browser configured to save exe files. crops, Bulletin 63998. Guidelines for Choosing a Soil-Testing Laboratory, HYG-1133-99. Soil Compaction And Drainage, AEX-301. soybean http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/lines/farm.html | |
67. Evaluation Of Cover Crops For Impact On Soybean Cyst Nematode And The Agronomic Evaluation of cover crops for impact on soybean Cyst Nematode and theAgronomic Impact of Cover crops. Principal Investigator Alan http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ipm/mini/97m-7.htm | |
68. USDA Briefing Room - Soybeans And Oil Crops Farm value of US soybean production in 2000/01 was $12.5 billion, thesecondhighest value among USproduced crops, trailing only corn. http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/SoybeansOilCrops/ | |
69. Grain Market Analysis FAQ Top Corn, soybean, and Wheat Producing Areas USDA Reports What are the mostimportant USDA reports for crops and livestock and when are they released? http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/faq/faq.pdl?project_id=9 |
70. Soybean Budget soybean Budget. The files indexed on this page are both Excel Spreadsheetfiles and PDF files. When you edu. soybean Budgets. soybeans http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/agecon/spreadsheets/crops/soybean.html | |
71. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Field Crops Future? 0.25. RP553, Insectresistant crops Through Genetic Engineering,0.50. soybeanS. EC104, Nebraska soybean Variety Tests, 0.25. EC136, http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/fieldcrops/ | |
72. IITA | Crops And Farming Systems With an average protein content of 40% and oil content of 20%, soybean has the highestprotein content of all food crops, and is second only to groundnut in http://www.iita.org/crop/soybean.htm | |
73. SMALL GRAIN COVER CROPS IN CORN-SOYBEAN ROTATIONS We don't have as much experience with cover crops preceding soybean, but we havenot found any evidence or reports that soybean yields would be reduced by http://www.nstl.gov/research/onepage/overseed.html | |
74. Horticulture And New Crops Marketing - Edamame Soybean Market Project Link to the University of Kentucky Home Page. University of Kentucky Horticultureand New crops Marketing. Edamame soybean Market Project. http://www.uky.edu/Ag/HortBiz/edamame.html | |
75. IPM : Field Crops: Soybean Aphids (Aphis Glycine) soybean Aphids Aphis glycines. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/fieldcrops/insects/soybean_aphids/ | |
76. IPM : Field Crops: Soybean Aphids : Suction Trap Network soybean Aphids Suction Trap Network 2002. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/fieldcrops/insects/soybean_aphids/suction_trap_network/ | |
77. Oil Seed Crops -- FAE Soybean Exchange Farm World Main Menu Oil Seed crops Index FAE soybean Exchange. OntarioPlowmen's Association Used Agricultural Equipment Total Food Recycling Inc. http://www.farmworld.com/a/fw0801.html | |
78. Growing And Ensiling Soybean Forage Between Rice Crops As A Protein Supplement F Growing and ensiling soybean forage between rice crops as a protein supplementfor pigs in north Vietnam. Bui Van Chinh, Nguyen Huu Tao and Do Viet Minh. http://www.cipav.org.co/lrrd/lrrd5/1/chinh.htm | |
79. Crops Publications, Explore MU Extension in Missouri Field crops; G4880 Poison Ivy Identification and Control; G4907 -Herbicide Resistance in Weeds (PDF available); G4953 - Wheat-soybean Double Crop http://muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/crops/ | |
80. Biotech Soybean Seed Helps Growers Produce Safe & Profitable Crops Biotech soybean Seed Helps Growers Produce Safe and Profitable crops. http://www.soygrowers.com/newsroom/releases/2001 releases/r050201.htm | |
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