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81. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and Agriculture and Markets, the State soil and water with State and Federal waterquality requirements referred to Comprehensive Nutrient management Plan (CNMP http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/cafohome.html | |
82. Environmental Information Solis Stratospheric Ozone, Information Science. soil Erosion. Flood Plain management;Storm water Pollution Prevention; Conservation Resources on the WWW; http://www.ctcnet.net/gdsbm/environm.htm | |
83. Conserve All Year That's why we are joining with other water management districts and the Departmentof of grass develop deeper roots, and shade the soil so water is better http://www.sfwmd.gov/curre/watshort/index2.html | |
84. ARS Northern Plains Area Lincoln, Nebraska that protect surface and ground water from contamination manureborne pathogens; (2)identify soil and crop of publications, decision aids, and management tools http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/locations/locations.htm?modecode=54-40-10-00 |
85. WATER USE MANAGEMENT Incorporate moisture retentive polymers in the soil. water Conservation TechnicalBulletin 7, water Conservation Best management Practices for http://www.des.state.nh.us/factsheets/ws/ws-26-6.htm | |
86. ADED: Grants Management WWAC, water/Wastewater general Information and water/Wastewater Advisory Committeecelebrates 10th Recordkeeping Financial management Procurement Environmental http://www.aedc.state.ar.us/Grants/ | |
87. ERS Environmental Resources Courses the background and understanding of basic soil principles. ERS 333 water Resourcesmanagement. methods with applications in natural resource management and the http://cactus.east.asu.edu/ersprogram/ers.html | |
88. Water Quality In The Great Lakes Region Regional Headquarters Responsible for the monitoring and management of water qualityat Lake Erie soil and water Research and Education Center University of http://www.great-lakes.net/envt/water/quality.html | |
89. Index Advanced environmental economics 253001. Forest management - 253021.Sustainable use of soil and water resources - 253008. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/eeem/resource/ | |
90. Crop Protection Major At Botany & Plant Pathology, Purdue University AGRY 285, World Crop Adaptation and Distribution. AGRY 290, soil, Air and water Contamination. AGRY580, soil Microbiology. ASM 336, Environmental Systems management. http://www.btny.purdue.edu/Undergrad/CP/ | |
91. About Soil Science systems, as well as soil and water conservation, in on a wide range of soil sciencerelated also contribute to the understanding of management strategies in http://www.nwroc.umn.edu/Research_Areas/Plant_Pathology/About_S_S/about_s_s.htm | |
92. CABI Publishing - Products soil Fertility JJ700 Fertilizers and other Amendments JJ800 soil water ManagementJJ900 soil Cultivation. Top of page. Wastes. XX000 Wastes (general) XX100 Animal http://www.cabi-publishing.org/products/dbmanual/cabicode/List.asp | |
93. Department Of Soil Science At NC State University, Main Page State University of North Carolina. Internationally recognized teaching and research facility for Category Science Agriculture soils Academic Departments...... Mar. 17, 2003, By Frank Bridges soil Geomorphology Field Tour Announced. Jan. 15, 2003, By John Havlin Nutrient management Position Available. Jan. http://www.soil.ncsu.edu/ | |
94. Enter Search Term surface and subsurface drainage, farm ponds, windbreaks and livestock waste managementfacilities Click here for a list of soil water Conservation Districts http://www.ohiodnr.com/soilandwater/swcds.htm | |
95. Department Of Soil Science - Soil Info A extensive list of links.Category Science Agriculture soils...... soil Septic Systems. soil Acidity. soil and Crops. soil and water ConservationManagement. soil Chemistry. soil Conservation Guidebook. http://www.agri.upm.edu.my/jst/soilinfo.html | |
96. UMass Course Catalog Plant Soil Sciences cultural requirements, crop physiology, soil productivity, prevention of soil andwater degradation, integrated pest management, food quality http://www.umass.edu/ug_catalog/plsoils.html |
97. AGROPOLIS -- NATURAL RESOURCES Program is helping to improve and maintain our state's environment and natural resources and learn about our state's trees, wildlife, and water situation. http://agprogram.tamu.edu/agropolis/park/ | |
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