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Searching Topic Specific: more detail | |||||
41. Wherewithal: Internet Knowledge Portal on your site while they are searchingeven for general web searching. additionalrevenue from other vertical portals leveraging your topicspecific knowledge. http://www.wherewithal.com/pb/cd.html | |
42. Fogler Library Portal: Subject Searching For Electronic Journals searching journals by subject can mean two very different things the Civil War, see1. How to identify individual journal articles about a specific topic below http://www.library.umaine.edu/ejournals/subject.htm | |
43. Internet Research: Other Search Tools And Resources When using these types of topicspecific resources, select your site carefully.Before you start searching the site, read any posted material about who http://owl.english.purdue.edu/internet/search/other.htm | |
44. Searching On The Morris Library Web Site are looking for articles about a more specific topic, you need to an article indexthat you think might include your topic. searching Index Titles and Subjects. http://www.lib.siu.edu/hp/about/search_help | |
45. Search The Web Classification. Galaxy Combines topicspecific vertical searching withweb directory listings from the Open Directory Project. Librarians http://www.uta.edu/library/internet/search.html | |
46. Searching For Information On The Web: Starting Points To search for a specific topic use a search engine. help page (http//lisweb.curtin.edu.au/about/gwpersonal/compare.html)to assist you in searching effectively http://lisweb.curtin.edu.au/resources/searchwww.html | |
47. IPL Teenspace: A+ Research & Writing out what specific subject headings pertain to your topic (there may be several),so you can search the library catalog effectively (see searching the catalog http://ipl.si.umich.edu/div/teen/aplus/specific.htm | |
48. Alumni Medical Library: MEDLINE Search Tip upon the amount of literature on your topic, you may discover that there is not muchliterature specific to Ghana Try searching for the selfconcept of any age http://med-libwww.bu.edu/library/searchtip7.html | |
49. American Memory Collections Search Tips: Textual Collections specific topic If the words you use do not retrieve useful documents in BibliographicRecord searching, try searching the full text, particularly for more http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/searchtp/amtext.html | |
50. Searching The New HOLLIS Catalog - Conducting Research At HCL - Harvard College for a specific work and know the topic but not the exact title; You are looking fora specific work and of using Expanded Search for Keyword searching 1. You http://hcl.harvard.edu/research/guides/holliscatalog/ | |
51. Net.TUTOR: Searching 101 Best Use Use keyword searching when your research topic is specific (such as substance abuse during pregnancy ) or not much has been written on it. http://gateway.lib.ohio-state.edu/tutor/les4/pg2.html | |
52. Report Of The W3C Distributed Indexing/Searching Workshop topicspecific indexes, repository access protocols like Z39.50, and other mesh-likemodels appearing on the Web. We also asked whether distributed searching http://www.w3.org/Search/9605-Indexing-Workshop/Motivation.html | |
53. LEARN THE NET: Advanced Web Searching Techniques research on a specific topic. It enables them to limit the results to pages createdsince their last search. It is also useful when searching for current event http://www.learnthenet.com/english/html/77advanc.htm | |
54. Lincoln Institute Of Land Policy: Help With Searching Search or Browse by topic We have organized our education, research and publicationsso you can find what you are looking for within specific topic areas. http://www.lincolninst.edu/tools/search_help.asp | |
55. Effective Web Searching Advantages comprehensive large number of sites searched at once;useful when searching for a specific topic. Disadvantage must http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/staff/kcollins/web.html | |
56. PortalJuice.com - Vertical And Niche Search Products {*} topicspecific Suggested Related Searches All suggestions are topic-related,and common related searches other Internet users are searching for http://www.portaljuice.com/vertical/ | |
57. Turbo10 Metasearch Engine Adds Databases From The Hidden Web sites enabling searchers to perform specific legal based you home in quickly ona relevant topic. news on search engines and Internet searching, visit Pandia http://www.pandia.com/sw-2002/06-turbo10.html | |
58. Economic Growth Center Collection - Orbis Searching For Country-Specific Subject Economic Growth Center Collection Orbis searching for Country-specific Subjects Theproblem of geographic place in relation to a topic is handled in two http://www.library.yale.edu/socsci/egcsubjt.html | |
59. General Tips For Searching The WWW And ASH The more specific your search topic is, the easier your search will be. So insteadof searching for just plants, try searching for something more specific http://www.ash.udel.edu/ash/search/genhelpa.html | |
60. Internet Search Engines engines for searching for news, auctions, downloads, encyclopedias, forums, imagesand MP3 files. Advanced search mode includes over 1,000 topicspecific meta http://www.unl.edu/libr/inet/srcheng.html | |
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