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Rhinoceros Endangered & Threatened Species: more detail |
61. Zambezi Society - Ecosystems or rare species assemblages Presence of rare, threatened or endangered species- Presence of flagship species (such as elephant or rhinoceros) The major http://www.zamsoc.org/html/ecosystems.htm | |
62. Endangered Species. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 to the US list of endangered and threatened wildlife and on International Trade inendangered species of Wild in banning the trade in rhinoceros horn, elephant http://www.bartleby.com/65/en/endanger.html | |
63. Caldwell Zoo, Tyler, Texas Official Site to help ensure the survival of many threatened and endangered wildlife species. Animalssuch as cheetahs, black rhinoceros, Attwater's prairie chickens and http://www.caldwellzoo.org/new.htm | |
64. Endangered Species Programme - WWF WWF species Programme, Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), All are listed as criticallyendangered in the IUCN Red List of threatened species TM . http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/species/what_we_do/flagship_species/rh | |
65. Biozone: Conservation rhinoceros, tigers and more. (Aus) threatened species and Ecological CommunitiesProvides excellent information on Australia endangered species and threatened http://www.biozone.co.uk/biolinks/CONSERVATION.html | |
66. Conservation keeps track of species threatened with extinction. endangered species. endangeredspecies include THE WORLDS GREAT CATS, WHALES, rhinoceros, TAPIRS. http://www.plushkingdom.com/conservation.htm | |
67. Untitled of endangered animals are the condor in California, the black rhinoceros in Africa,and the giant panda in China. A species is classified as threatened if it http://cse.cosm.sc.edu/env_sci/Impacts/Extinction/solutions.htm | |
68. 5.1 Species Resources be classified as either endangered or threatened An endangered species is one havingso few White rhinoceros 100; California Condor - Teens; Giant Panda - 1000; http://www.geog.ouc.bc.ca/conted/onlinecourses/geog_210/210_5_1.html | |
69. Right Whale "Staccato" Was Struck By Ship an international program to protect endangered and threatened species. agreementthat governs trade in endangered species. their trade in rhinoceros horn and http://www.eubalaena.org/Previous Postings/HSUS files Pelly vs Japan.html | |
70. Herds Vol. 78, No. 29. Herds of rhinoceros in Wyoming? By Steve Appel. But NMFS has managedto place 24 species on the threatened or endangered list, giving the http://www.fb.com/news/fbn/99/07_26/html/herds.html | |
71. Animals Of Africa In Danger Endangered And Threatened capital capitals atlas country education game endangered animals threatened dangerspecies pygmy hippopotamus zebra addax rhino rhinoceros lion cheetah http://www.standard.net.au/~garyradley/animals/animals_africa.htm |
72. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Threatened/Endangered Mammals White Bengal Tiger Severn Middle School, Severna Park, Maryland, USA; White RhinocerosJingili Primary View threatened and endangered species reports from http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/mammals.html | |
73. Animal Info - Laos CR), endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU) in the 2000 IUCN Red List of threatened Animals. Criticallyendangered Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus). http://www.animalinfo.org/country/laos.htm | |
74. Animal Info - Myanmar IUCN Red List of threatened Animals Critically endangered Anthony's Pipistrelle (Bat)(Pipistrellus anthonyi to Myanmar.); Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus http://www.animalinfo.org/country/myanmar.htm | |
75. Endangered Animal Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com Okapi The Okapi is a nearthreatened nocturnal, giraffe Red Wolf Red wolves are endangeredcarnivores from the White rhinoceros The White rhinoceros is a large http://www.enchantedlearning.com/coloring/endangered.shtml | |
76. Endangered And Threatened Species Of The World http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/2182/ | |
77. World Wildlife Fund Diceros bicornis) Javan rhinoceros (rhinoceros sondaicus) Great Indian rhinoceros(rhinoceros unicornis) Order endangered and threatened Wildlife and Plants http://www.worldwildlife.org/news/pubs/specieslist.html | |
78. Endangered Species Celebration In addition to the animals mentioned above, the parks care for thefollowing endangered and threatened species endangered Florida http://www.seaworld.org/keep-wild-alive/endangered_species_celebration.htm | |
79. APPENDIX 2: Some Of The Major Laws Protecting Endangered Wildlife Ivory, rhinoceros horn, tortoise shell jewelry and promote the conservation of endangeredspecies while allowing in Appendix I are threatened with extinction http://www.earthtrust.org/wlcurric/appen2.html | |
80. World Animal Day: Rhinoceros animal to meet the demand for rhinoceros horn for on International Trade in Endangeredspecies of Wild commercial trade in species threatened with extinction http://www.un.org/works/environment/animalplanet/rhino.html | |
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