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101. PiLLoW programming in Logic Languages on the Web (PiLLoW) is a publicdomain library for developing Web applications using (constraint) logic programming. It constitutes part of the Ciao prolog development system. http://www.clip.dia.fi.upm.es/miscdocs/pillow/pillow.html |
102. Starlog Declarative temporal logic programming language for general purpose programming, simulation, modeling reactive systems. Starlog programs consist of 2 components a set of timed facts, a set of temporal logic rules. Somewhat like prolog. http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/Research/starlog/index.html |
103. XSB A researchoriented Logic programming system for Unix and Windows/DOS-based systems, representing a semantically enriched functional superset of prolog and offering among other things evaluation through full SLG resolution. http://xsb.sourceforge.net/ |
104. Arity/Prolog With a compiler and interpreter written in prolog, C and assembly language and representing a superset of Edinburgh prolog, a programming environment is offered for Windows/NT. http://www.arity.com/prolog.html |
105. Visual Prolog A fullfeatured programming environment is offered with all the facilities necessary to write mission-critical, commercial-grade applications. A freeware version is available. http://www.visual-prolog.com |
106. IC-Prolog As part of Imperial College's Logic programming Group Software Products, this Edinburghstyle, WAM-based version provides multiple threading, an object-oriented layer, TCP interfacing and other features. http://www-lp.doc.ic.ac.uk/software.html |
107. Qu-Prolog The Software Verification Research Centre (Univ. of Queensland) extended version of prolog currently released under Linux and Solaris is designed primarily as a prototyping language and tactic language for theorem provers, including support for efficient higherorder programming and logic programming of interactive applications. http://www.svrc.uq.edu.au/Software/QuPrologHome.html |
108. BinProlog BinNet Corporation offers a highperformance, robust prolog system able to generate C/C++ code and standalone executables and providing high-level networking along with secure internet programming integrated with rule-based reasoning components. http://www.binnetcorp.com/BinProlog/ |
109. MasterProLog Formerly known as prolog by BIM this commercial development and runtime system is available under UNIX and Windows NT. The programming environment is standards-compliant and aimed at performance, robustness, productivity and integration. http://www.itmasters.com/Products/MP/index.html |
110. LPA - WIN-PROLOG - Programming Tools WINprolog is the central product in a series consists of programming tools forWindows NT, 95 and 3.1; the series also includes flex, prolog++, the Portable http://www.sxst.it/lpa__wpr.htm |
111. The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System Compileroriented development environment for constraint-logic applications with extended prolog technolo Category Computers programming Logic-based Constraint Logic......The ECL i PS e Constraint Logic programming System, Application descriptions;Related papers and technical reports; programming examples. http://www-icparc.doc.ic.ac.uk/eclipse/ |
112. Prolog(Programming For Japanese Characters Input) To Japanese Page. prolog. Next Back To The Top(programming toinput Japanese characters) Back To My Home Page inoue@ainet.or.jp. http://home.catv.ne.jp/pp/ginoue/im/prolog-e.html |
113. Prolog(Programming For Japanese Characters Input) Next Back To The Top(programming to input Japanesecharacters) Back To My Home Page inoue@ainet.or.jp. http://home.catv.ne.jp/pp/ginoue/im/prolog.html |
114. Topic Lang/prolog/ References Covington, Michael A.; Nute, D.; and Vellino, A. PrologProgramming in Depth , Scott, Foresman Co., 1987. ISBN 0521 http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/lang/prolog/0.html |
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