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Places & Regions World Maps: more detail | ||||
1. World Sites Atlas Contains tourist information by country and a map collection and political and relief maps. They show highways, places of interest, and cities where hotels can and accurate maps of continents/regions, countries, U.S. states, and Canadian provinces. Plus a world atlas of http://www.sitesatlas.com/ | |
2. Maps And Globes Information about maps and globes and the skills needed to read and use them. maps for addresses, businesses, driving directions and places. Find an Historical maps of the world from the Library - printable maps of the US states, US regions, continents, and http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/maps.html | |
3. Maps And Places Western Australian maps, Australian maps and places, WA regions. Navigation andMap Reading, Australia, Western Australia. Countries of the world, Government ofthe http://library.trinity.wa.edu.au/subjects/sose/geography/maps.htm | |
4. CGRER NetSurfing: Maps And References Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research provides a large collection of links to maps of regions worldwide. reference resources available via the world Wide Web. and Canada). places in the West (The West Environmental maps. maps of the San Francisco Bay and Delta regions (GRASSLinks/REGIS) http://www.cgrer.uiowa.edu/servers/servers_references.html | |
5. Lesson Plans - Xpeditions @ Nationalgeographic.com Using maps to See regions Overview Students will travel around the world on a ahandful of important natural and cultural characteristics of places. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/05/gk2/cartographer.html |
6. UT Library Online - Perry-Castañeda Map Collection - Americas Maps A categorized, annotated list of over 2000 sites to help educators, teachers, and parents enhance instruction and support the curriculum. information on over 360 world languages; includes locations, dialects, of the world including their flags, maps, economy, geography, multilanguage sites and places of interest to http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/americas.html | |
7. Links To Maps your own maps. Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names Look up long/lat of places in the world. Railway maps. Usenet Traffic maps. Ulaan Baator, Mongolia. regions in the United http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~salmon/maps.html | |
8. The Polar Regions Arctic Maps Geography world in Spatial Terms Standard 2 Knows the location of places, geographicfeatures, and patterns of the environment. maps of regions within the http://ku-prism.org/polar/arcmaps.html |
9. The Polar Regions Antarctic Maps And Images The Polar regions Antarctic maps Images. Geography world in Spatial Terms Standard2 Knows the location of places, geographic features, and patterns http://ku-prism.org/polar/antmaps.html |
10. Teachers -> Exploring Africa in the world. maps, visual representations of space and locations, will be an essentialtool in undertaking this investigation. 2. places and regions In the http://ex.matrix.msu.edu/africa/curriculum/lm6/te_intro.htm | |
11. ECUIP : The Digital Library : Science : Cultural Astronomy CAS B. Acquire, process, and report information about places and regions inthe world using maps, globes, and other geographic tools and technology. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/ecuip/classroom/science/cultural_astronomy/lessons_e | |
12. Teksms 6a.3 Compare selected world regions and countries using historical and contemporarysocities on maps and globes for patterns of population in places and regions http://www.acu.edu/~armstrongl/geography/teksms.htm |
13. Education World® : Lesson Plan: Earth From Space Maps Technology. SOCIAL SCIENCES Geography GRADES K 12 NSS-GK-12.1 The Worldin Spatial Terms NSS-GK-12.2 places and regions. TECHNOLOGY http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/02/lp260-01.shtml | |
14. Social Studies Course Description - Social Studies - Geography For Life [2002] Analyze the spatial organization of people, places, and environments And So What?)to world regions. of human and natural resources using maps, satellite images http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/LPcourse.cgi?course=6200 |
15. Content Standards For Alaska Students - Geography the content standard should use maps and globes to locate places and regions;; graphictools and technologies to depict and interpret the worlds human http://www.educ.state.ak.us/ContentStandards/Geography.html | |
16. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Regions Of The World & World Languages extensive information about countries of the world including their flags, maps, economy,geography listing of multilanguage sites and places of interest http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/world/worldrw.html | |
17. Maps whom places were named, and names borrowed from other languages or places. htm Over100 general maps for countries and regions of the world, plus political http://www.tds.lib.mn.us/Maps.htm | |
18. Geography Maps - Refdesk.com the sites of environmental significance in urban places everywhere Atlas The maps.comOnline world Atlas covers 7 continents, 12 regions, 190 countries http://www.refdesk.com/factmaps.html | |
19. NETS:: National Curriculum/Content Area Standards construct and use mental maps of locales, regions, and the world that demonstrate describehow people create places that reflect ideas, personality, culture http://cnets.iste.org/currstands/cstands-ss_iii.html | |
20. Geography activities are presented to assist in teaching the concepts of reading maps, locations,places, relationships, movement, and regions. The world Factbook 2002 http://www.rochesterpubliclibrary.org/library/homepage/kids/GEOGRAPH.HTM | |
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