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Orchids Botany: more books (157) | |||||||
81. Botany 1220 Plant List by Jim Manhart who was a grad student in the botany Dept here Native orchids, Tipulariadiscolor and Goodyera pubescens, Orchid Family = Orchidaceae, The temperate http://morgan.botany.uga.edu/btny1220/syllabus/plantlist.htm | |
82. Flowering Plant Families, UH Botany orchids in subfamily Cypripedioideae have two stamens, one on each sideof the column. orchids in the largest subfamily Orchidoideae http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/courses/BOT307/Carr-vascular/ORCHID.HTM | |
83. Botany Tours - Botany This tour takes us to excellent botany areas and also to the places of the Moravaand Dyje basins, the limestone Pavlovske hills and the orchids paradise White http://www.etours.cz/botany-b.html |
84. What Is New In Botany Australasian Society for Phycology and Aquatic botany; Backhuys Publishers antiquarianand new books on general botany; orchids of Biebrza National Park (NE http://www.bgbm.fu-berlin.de/idb/bio/bot-new.html | |
85. Natural Sciences/Botany Introduce excellent orchids of Taiwan orchid nursery and offer practical informationGuidebook of Mangroove in Taiwan Herbarium, Institute of botany, Academia http://taiwan.csie.ntu.edu.tw/en/yam/sci/botany/ |
86. Nature & Science In Florida Key West, Key West Botanical Garden, botany, Kissimmee, A World Of orchids,botany, Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station, Ecology, Wildlife, botany. http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/museums/FL.htm | |
87. Taxacom Listserv Archive For 1995: Wisconsin Orchids On WWW as they have been linked by others to additional WWW resources (California orchidsfor example). Access to the program is via http//www.wisc.edu/botany/. http://biodiversity.uno.edu/~gophtax/_gophtax.95/0770.html | |
88. Department Of Botany The Department of botany is nationally and internationally known for its Improvementand Propagation of economically important plants (orchids,bamboos,ferns http://www.puchd.ac.in/botany/aboutbotany.html | |
89. BioFinder Category Search orchids of Wisconsin 3211 - http//www.wisc.edu/botany/orchids/orchids_of_Wisconsin.htmlDetails Edit This is an interactive flora of the native and http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/BioSearch/bioinfo/searchtheme.cgi?them |
90. 100 Orchids For The American Gardener @ Smith And Hawken Spring is here! Whether you are looking for 100 orchids for the American Gardener, garden tools or backyard furniture. Smith and Hawken has everything you need for your home, garden or yard. Visit www.smithandhawken.com today! http://redirect-west.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.shop-smithandhawken.com/prod |
91. The Work Of The Centre For Economic Botany this issue of the Orchid Research Newsletter onwards, recent literature on usefulorchids will be extracted from the Economic botany Bibliographic Database and http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/herbarium/orchid/ORN30/bot.htm | |
92. Botany Dept Produces Bountiful Supply Of Books History by UCT graduate Dr Steven Johnson and doctoral student Mr Anton Pauw; andOrchids of Southern Africa by Prof Peter Linder of the botany Department and http://www.uct.ac.za/general/monpaper/99-no14/botany.htm | |
93. Green Pages : A Virtual Garden Shed On Botany And Horticulture [Jardin Botanique Pages are like a Virtual Garden Shed , full of tools, connecting you to an abundantharvest of information on many different aspects of horticulture and botany http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/jardin/en/biblio/carnet.htm | |
95. Orchids - A Brief History the eighteenth centurey, Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, introduced systematicbotany with his Genera plantarum, published in 1737. orchids were placed http://www.orchidsystems.com/orchidlk/history.html | |
96. Ql¶£ 39.orchids Of Peru.FieldianaBotany no1. 40,orchids Of Peru.FieldianaBotany no2.41,orchids Of Peru.FieldianaBotany no3. 42,Cattleya and their relatives 1. http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/ha/ma-pleuro/literature-cited.htm | |
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