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61. Institute For International Sport - 2001 World Scholar-Athlete Games To be held in Kingston and Newport, RI. News, programs, special events, application, press, and contact Category Sports Events ScholarAthlete games...... yet dates back to the first modern olympic games of 1896! The 2001 games were a hugesuccess thanks to the to qualify as a participant for future Scholar games http://www.internationalsport.com/sa_2001/ | |
62. Sydney Games olympic officials will meet with the International Weightlifting Federation afterthe Sydney olympics to discuss the sport's games future after two Bulgarian http://www.olympics.smh.com.au/weightlifting/2000/09/22/FFXE6LTXEDC.html | |
63. ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Library : Olympics provides and enlightens users about the olympic games, the philosophies, the legacyof the Greeks, the past, the present and the future of the olympic games. http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=99&cid=1 |
64. Coubert And Olympic Games History looks at many important issues about the future of the Democracy and Peace', 'Implicationfor olympic Education and Culture in the Sydney 2000 games' and many http://www.asc.zipworld.com.au/pp_coubert.html | |
65. FLAME About Us have the opportunity of a lifetime to interact with Olympians and Paralympians aswell as olympic hopefuls training to compete in future games, learn about the http://flame.monster.com/aboutus/news/ | |
66. WRI Warns Global Warming Endangers Future Winter Olympics Utah, February 18, 2002 The World Resources Institute (WRI) today warned thatglobal warming threatens the success of future Winter olympic games in this http://www.wri.org/press/wri_olympics.html | |
67. Australian Olympics, 2000 Meet olympic mascots Millie, Olly, and Syd as they help provide kids with some facts on the history Category Kids and Teens Sports and Hobbies olympics...... Topics covered are olympic history, olympic symbols, the present games, and memorablemoments including the massacres at Munich and future olympic games. http://www.gigglepotz.com/ausolympics.htm | |
68. Kids Domain Olympics Links the olympics. International olympic Committee Official Site of the olympicsincludes updates for future games. NBColympics.com Follow http://www.kidsdomain.com/kids/links/Olympics.html | |
69. Future Plans Committee has decided that the USA Men's and Women's olympic Teams will be housedwithin the olympic Village at the 2004 Athens olympic games. future plans for http://www.olympic-usa.org/CFDOCS/borg/newsTemplate.cfm?spID=75&newsID=1286 |
70. USOC - U.S. Olympic Gold Schedule At the 2002 olympic Winter games, Team USA brought home US olympic Gold recentlyattended a Junior Luge World Cup in Park City, UT to check out the future. http://www.olympic-usa.org/about_us/calendars/tv_gold_b.html | |
71. Future Of The Olympic Games (book) future of the olympic games (book). Since 1995 The World's Largest Catalog futureof the olympic games (book). Item Number HK0-88011-699 http://www.onlinesports.com/pages/I,HK-0-88011-699-4.html | |
72. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries future games, Who are Olly, Syd and Millie ? Did you know that there willbe a total of 9.6 million tickets to the Sydney 2000 olympic games? http://library.advanced.org/27850/library/ | |
73. WRI Warns Global Warming Endangers Future Winter Olympics Utah, February 18, 2002 The World Resources Institute (WRI) today warned thatglobal warming threatens the success of future Winter olympic games in this http://newsroom.wri.org/newsrelease_text.cfm?NewsReleaseID=22 |
74. Geography Of The Olympic Games 1936, 49, Berlin, 1992, 169, Barcelona. 1940, 0, Not held, 1996, 197,Atlanta. 1944, 0, Not held, 2000, Over 200 , Sydney. future OlympicGames. Though http://geography.about.com/library/weekly/aa081800a.htm | |
75. PR Watch, Vol. 6, No. 3: Palese Says Beder Was "Outdated, Incorrect And Unworthy the establishment of the world's first virtually carfree olympic games, and the toSydney but will likely be part of future games developments internationally http://www.prwatch.org/prwissues/1999Q3/palese.html | |
76. Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Also the 15 World Records, 38 olympic Records and 75 disciplines will certainlybe a standard for the future. 1500 athletes took part at these games in the http://www.fina.org/olympicnews.html | |
77. Athens 2004 Olympic Games / The Olympic Truce Achieving a Truce during the olympic games would constitute a small revolutionin international affairs. It would educate future generations on the http://www.invgr.com/olympic_truce.htm | |
78. IHT: Sponsored Sections: The Good Life In Greece The return in 2004 of the olympic games to their Together with the games themselves,a series of planned to be incorporated in all future games is intended to http://www.iht.com/IHT/SUP/091500/sp-gr6-1.html | |
79. OPLIN: Sports & Recreation > Olympic Games IOC) http//www.olympic.org/ The official site of the IOC, with information onolympic history and IOC policies, plus current and future olympic games. http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?id=558-2575 |
80. Restored Luster For Olympic Games? youth beacon, MTV, to create special olympicthemed programming Fighters. Werealized that if the games are going to be successful in the future, we have http://www.msnbc.com/news/696478.asp | |
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