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61. Global Beat: East Asian Security Links Directory issues, while the Asia Society's AsiaExperts database contains information on Asianculture, arts, history, and society. north and South korea US Forces http://www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/asialinks.html | |
62. World Telephone Numbering Guide Also, CCK Public Notice. history of numbering in East Africa. See EAPTC historicalnotes. korea, - -. See north korea or South korea. Kuwait, +965. Number Format. http://www.wtng.info/wtng-kk.html | |
63. Jeindex of Political Prisoners Asylum in north korea and Protecting the Expelled north koreans'Human Working Women's Network history Travel with Bang Hyun http://www.kctu.org/links/thers.html | |
64. Dealing With North Korea - Speech From From The Australian Minister For Foreign partner for Australia in multilateral forums, including the WTO, APEC, the ASEANRegional Forum and the north korea has pushed its history of brinkmanship http://www.foreignminister.gov.au/speeches/2003/030212_dprk.html | |
65. The ICRC In North Korea regional Delegation Bangkok ICRC maps Maps of ICRC operations. Countries coveredCambodia, China, Japan, Laos, Mongolia, north korea, South korea, Taiwan http://www.helpicrc.org/Web/Eng/siteeng0.nsf/htmlall/north_korea | |
66. Magazine Articles On North Korea (current) Quagmire A sampling of Atlantic articles from the 1950s to the present offers perspectiveon the long history of tension between north and South korea, and on http://www.magportal.com/c/soc/reg/as/nkorea/ | |
67. Emerging From Conflict-Reports And Papers (PDF 540 KB). north korea. US Strategies for regional Security. regional Approachesto Proliferation Prevention October 2527, 2001 Warrenton, Virginia http://www.emergingfromconflict.org/TOC.html | |
68. Emerging From Conflict-North Korea And The US For the United States, containing north korea's nuclear weapons program while encouragingany In this case, US willingness to cooperate with regional and other http://www.emergingfromconflict.org/nkorea/nkorea.html | |
69. CNN.com - North Korea Blasts U.N. Moves - Feb. 14, 2003 South korea and Japan urge north korea to work with the United Nations to club Explainer Taepo Dong2 missile Map Nuclear facility history US-N http://europe.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east/02/14/nkorea.nuclear/ | |
70. CBS News | Landmark Japan, N. Korea Talks | September 17, 2002 06:45:55 Follow the rift between north korea and South korea that has Learn about the peopleand history of each country, and chart their attempts to forge a new http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/09/17/world/main522214.shtml | |
71. Regional Links and travel in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, north korea, South korea, and Taiwan http://inlineskating.about.com/cs/regionallinks/ | |
72. Envisioning A Peace In Korea Further, the successful economic development of north korea will also issue comesup in South korea, Japan can is to meet the challenge of history to establish http://www.iwanami.co.jp/jpworld/text/envisioning03.html | |
73. Joint US-Japan-Rok Trilateral Statement With a view to contributing to regional as well as international peace and coordinationremain vital to the success of their efforts towards north korea. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021026-1.html | |
74. Statement By The President This program undermines regional and international security and the internationalnonproliferation regime. north korea is also in direct violation of the http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/11/20021115-8.html | |
75. BA Asian Studies - Korea Option economic, and social development of both South korea and north korea. 448, Modernkorean Society (5), HSTAS 481, history of Traditional korea (5), HSTAS 482 http://jsis.artsci.washington.edu/advise/catalog/Korea-ba.html | |
76. Korea At A Glance Brief history. have indicated beginnings of settlement in the korea pennisula. 1392 Koryo Dynasty (Capital Kaesong located in north korea), Budhism became http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~agenhtml/agenmc/korea/glance.html | |
77. North Korea A Nuclear Stooge For China? Beijing may have had its political reasons for assisting Pakistan and north korea,in doing so, it has opened the Pandoras box of regional nuclear arms race http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/1/16/172426.shtml | |
78. World Tribune.com: Sol W. Sanders - Iraq & North Korea: The Double-bladed Axe to the rest of the world, the north korean leadership argued that US policy is differentin korea and Iraq. from a tyrannical regime with a history of trying | |
79. Facts On Korea history. findings have indicated beginnings of settlement in the korea pennisula. 1392 Koryo Dynasty (Capital Kaesong located in north korea), Budhism became http://www.getz.com/korea.htm | |
80. US Boosts Capacity To Launch Air Strikes On North Korea Cheney has obliquely threatened Beijing with a regional arms race, and a nucleararmedJapan, if it fails to pull Pyongyang into line. If north korea has a http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/mar2003/nkor-m18.shtml | |
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