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21. Vindex, De Vindplaats Van Het Nederlandse Web Url Emailadres Zoek in de webgids Terug naar het overzicht. Huidige rubriek,regional Asia north korea Society and Culture history. Subrubrieken, http://www.vindex.nl/dir/Regional/Asia/North_Korea/Society_and_Culture/History | |
22. Change History For MagPortal.com Location Help / Change history. Marriage Relationships Society / regional / Americas/ Canada Society / regional / Asia Pacific / north korea Sports http://www.magportal.com/help/changes.html | |
23. AAUP - Books For Understanding korea's history from antiquity to the present, north korea's foreign relations colorfulintroductions to artists, animals, and regional history to informative http://aaupnet.org/booksforunderstanding.html | |
24. Lonely Planet World Guide | Destination Seoul | History Freshness' near the sight of north korea's capital, Pyongyang began to figure inkorean history, though it the Silla, and Seoul lost its regional pre-eminence http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/north_east_asia/seoul/history.htm | |
25. North Korea Complete resource on N.korea with information on its culture, art, business, news,travel, and history. Category regional Asia north korea http//www http://www.ad.com/Regional/Asia/North_Korea/ | |
26. Jane's Sentinel North Korea Special Report - Jane's International Security News would herald an unprecedented regional arms race include An assessment of NorthKorea's Armed Forces military inventories and procurement history; Overview of http://www.janes.com/security/international_security/news/sentinel/sentpromo0303 | |
27. NIRA Policy Research 2003 Vol.16 No.1: Searching For A New Framework For Coopera It also evaluates north korea's new economic system and considers 1. Grand Designfor the north Pacific Region The a broad overview of the history of regional http://www.nira.go.jp/publ/seiken/ev16n01.html | |
28. North Korea An illustrated account of a visit to north korea, including Panmunjom, in 1997.Category regional Asia north korea Travel and Tourism...... regional and world stability depends on the united, and beginning was usurped by thedark forces of history. north korea was not spared, it became the focus of http://www.path.ne.jp/~n-bikkal/n-korea.htm | |
29. Democratic People's Republic Of Korea - Country Information history. the basis of trade complementarity and shared regional concerns, contacts recommencementof significant exchanges between Australia and north korea. http://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/dprk/dprk_brief_bilateral.html | |
30. Instructional Resources: Korea South korea Culture, history and Religion. South/north korea (PoliticalMap) 1999 (36K); South korea (Elevation Map) 1999 (36K); http://www.askasia.org/teachers/Instructional_Resources/Regional/Korea.htm | |
31. Stay The Course On North Korea -- Policy Brief north korea does not have a history of being of State Madeleine Albright's visit tonorth korea last October. one of the greatest threats to regional peace and http://www.isis-online.org/publications/dprk/policybrief301.html | |
32. 2002FOOTBALL Football Wc2002 History collectively a decision which resulted in Asia and Africa refusing to participatein the regional preliminaries in protest. Eventually, north korea, the only http://www.2002football.com/eng/football/wc2002/history/0,1739,stories_1966,00.h |
33. Directory :: Look.com regional/Asia/South korea/Society and Culture/history. Operation Paul Bunyan Describesthe 1976 confrontation at Panmunjom in which north korean forces http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=222857 |
34. Pravda.RU North Korea To Buy Tractors, Fur And Diesel Oil From Russia signed at the negotiations between north korea's delegation and report officials ofthe city's history Museum press center of the Pacific regional Department of http://english.pravda.ru/region/2003/01/22/42411.html | |
35. North East Asia Regional Consultation, Seoul, Korea strength and spiritual vitality throughout the north East Asia has ever existedin the history of the of Operations and Special Projects Seoul, korea May 30 http://www.ad2000.org/re60530.htm | |
36. Humanitarian Assistance In North Korea (DPRK) Web Links: Library And Links: Jean regional Resources. background information and topics such as disaster history andgovernment lists key programs, emergencies such as north korea (DPRK) with http://www.usip.org/library/topics/ha_nkorea.html | |
37. Meeting Between Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi And Premier Zhu Rongji Of The P of 22 September also said taking history as the like to strengthen our cooperationconcerning regional and global on the results of your visit to north korea. http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/china/meet0209.html | |
38. Internet Public Library: Asia on Asian business from regional financial experts to the knowledge and discussionof Singapore history. korean Central News Agency (north korea) http//www.kcna http://www.ipl.org/div/serials/browse/rci10.00.00/ | |
39. Zegional Asia North Korea Polish Yellow Pages - Polska - Poland - Polen and government. north korea Official Webpage Information about history,society, culture, folk and unification. north korean Studies http://www.yellowpages.pl/ca/125962/Regional/Asia/North_Korea/ | |
40. Red Cross Red Crescent - News Archives fundraising success in the MRCS 49-year history. The situation in north korea isvery International Federation's Kuala Lumpur based regional Delegation, which http://www.ifrc.org/docs/news/97/97081502/ | |
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