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1. NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software Applet Features software that simulates hyperbolic straightedge and compass constructions. Provides basic information about noneuclidean geometry. of Hyperbolic Geometry. for use in High School and Undergraduate Education. Hyperbolic Geometry is a geometry of http://math.rice.edu/~joel/NonEuclid | |
2. The Geometer's Sketchpad® - Euclidean And Non-Euclidean Geometry Euclidean and Noneuclidean geometry with The Geometer's Sketchpad® http://www.keypress.com/sketchpad/talks/Euc_Wien98 | |
3. Euclidean Geometry 442 euclidean geometry. Topics include foundations of euclidean geometry, finite geometries, congruence, similarities, http://www.calpoly.edu/~math/math442.html | |
4. Euclidean Geometry euclidean geometry. GT shape. BT mathematical sciences http://www.nrc.ca/irc/thesaurus/euclidean_geometry.html | |
5. Non-Euclidean Geometry A historical account with links to biographies of some of the people involved.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......Noneuclidean geometry. Nor is Bolyai's work diminished because Lobachevskypublished a work on non-euclidean geometry in 1829. Neither http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Non-Euclidean_geometry.html | |
6. Euclidean Geometry Note the following has been abstracted from the Grolier Encyclopedia. euclidean geometry is the study of points, lines, planes, and other geometric figures, using a modified version of the assumptions of Euclid (c.300 BC). http://acnet.pratt.edu/~arch543p/help/euclidean_geometry.html | |
7. Non-Euclidean Geometry References A bibliographic reference list of books and articles on non-Euclidean geometries.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......References for Noneuclidean geometry. R Bonola, Non-euclidean geometry A Critical and Historical Study of its Development (New York, 1955). http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/References/Non-Euclidean_geo | |
8. Euclidean Geometry This site provides as motivational introduction to geometry in a form (Euclidean) which is more accessible than nonEuclidean geometries. http://www.math.ubc.ca/~robles/hyperbolic/eucl | |
9. Euclidean Geometry 14 Apr 1999 euclidean geometry, by Chris. 16 Apr 1999 euclidean geometry, by mark heise http://mathforum.com/epigone/geometry-college/primpwummi | |
10. Non-Euclidean Geometry An introduction to Non-euclidean geometrywritten by Jacob Graves as an MSc project in 1997. Requirements Description An introduction to Non-euclidean geometry written by Jacob Graves as an MSc project in 1997.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......Noneuclidean geometry. http://cvu.strath.ac.uk/courseware/info/noneucgeom.html | |
11. Euclidean Geometry? By David Garcia by David Garcia Subject euclidean geometry? Author David Garcia dggarcia@prodigy.net Date 22 Apr 98 162118 0400 (EDT) HELP!!! http://mathforum.com/epigone/geometry-college/waywhethimp | |
12. Discussion Noneuclidean geometry. This tutorial consists of html constructed constructedapplet which demonstrates it visually. Development of euclidean geometry. http://cvu.strath.ac.uk/courseware/msc/jgraves/ | |
13. The Ontology And Cosmology Of Non-Euclidean Geometry A philosophical essay.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......The Ontology and Cosmology of Noneuclidean geometry. Though Reserved.The Ontology and Cosmology of Non-euclidean geometry, Note. http://www.friesian.com/curved-1.htm | |
14. NRICH | Secondary Topics | Euclidean Geometry The Nrich Maths Project Cambridge, England. Mathematics resources for children, parents and teachers to enrich learning. Published on the 1st of each month. Problems, children's solutions, interactivities, games, articles, news http://nrich.maths.org/topic_tree/Euclidean_Geometry | |
15. Non-Euclidean Geometry With LOGO Review of a new version of LOGO developed at Cardiff.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......This document is a Review of Noneuclidean geometry with LOGO by Helen Sims-Coomberand Ralp Martin prepared by Pam Bishiop of CTI Mathematics which appeared http://www.bham.ac.uk/ctimath/reviews/logo.html | |
16. Non-Euclidean Geometry Classic text available from the MAA.Category Science Math Geometry Non-Euclidean......Noneuclidean geometry. When non-euclidean geometry was first developed, itseemed little more than a curiosity with no relevance to the real world. http://www.maa.org/pubs/books/nec.html | |
17. NRICH | Secondary Topics | Measures | Euclidean Geometry The Nrich Maths Project Cambridge, England. Mathematics resources for children, parents and teachers to enrich learning. Published on the 1st of each month. Problems, children's solutions, interactivities, games, articles, news http://nrich.maths.org/topic_tree/Measures/Euclidean_Geometry | |
18. Read This: Non-Euclidean Geometry Read This! The MAA Online book review column review of Non-euclidean geometry,by HSM Coxeter. Read This! Non-euclidean geometry by HSM Coxeter. http://www.maa.org/reviews/coxeterneg.html | |
19. Non-Euclidean Geometry Noneuclidean geometry. see also Non-euclidean geometry. Anderson, James W. HyperbolicGeometry. Non-euclidean geometry, 6th ed. Washington, DC Math. Assoc. http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/Non-EuclideanGeometry.html | |
20. Key Curriculum Press | Advanced Euclidean Geometry Supplementals Advanced euclidean geometry. Advanced euclidean geometryExcursions for Secondary Teachers and Students. Alfred S http://www.keypress.com/catalog/products/supplementals/Prod_AdvancedEuclidean.ht | |
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