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41. PHILOSOPHY philosophy ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS HANAI, Kazunori, M.Litt., Scholastic philosophyNAKATOGAWA, Koji, M.Math., D.Litt., logics and philosophy of logics CHIBA, Kei http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/catalog/00-01/f_g/03_01/03_01_01_029-030.html | |
42. Staffs In Faculty Of Letters Position, Office, Phone, Degree, Research Topics NAKATOGAWA, Koji, Professor, S203,7065340, M.Math., D.Litt., logics, philosophy of logics TAKAHEI, Hidetomo http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/letters/english/staffs_e.html | |
43. Faculty Edit D., Manchester) Logic, philosophy of Language, philosophy of Logic. An Introductionto Modal Logic, London, Methuen, 1968, with GE Hughes; logics and Languages http://www-phil.tamu.edu/Philosophy/Faculty/ | |
44. Pure And Applied Logic At CMU by the departments of Computer Science, Mathematics, and philosophy at Carnegie ofdecision theory, foundations of programming languages, logics of programs http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/pal/www/pal.html | |
45. PHILOSOPHY 435 philosophy 135 or an equivalent is a prerequisite. examine the presuppositions ofclassical formal logic and explore some of the alternative logics that result http://web.utk.edu/~nolt/courses/435/SYLLSP02.htm | |
46. PHILOSOPHY 428/526 B1 "Logic And Language"/"Philosophy Of Language" philosophy 428/526 B1 Logic and Language / philosophy of Language . features presentin natural language, and to argue that nonclassical logics should be http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~jeffp/phil428/phil428Syll02.html | |
47. Homepage Of Claus D. Volko - About Me neuroscience, immunology, physics, quantum informatics, nanotechnology, artificialintelligence, mathematics, formal logics, philosophy, psychology, sociology http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0102122/personal/aboutme.htm |
48. Stanislaw Jaskowski Memorial Symposium Parainconsistent Logic, Logical Philosoph by Newton da Costa, it initiated the investigation of paraconsistent logics. MemorialSymposium on Parainconsistent Logic, Logical philosophy, Mathematics http://www.uni.torun.pl/~logic/JS'98/global.htm | |
49. Linear Logic - Relevant Logic A section of the SWIF map of logic on the WWW. Resources are in English and Italian.Category Science Math Substructural logics...... cura di T. Brauner. Restall's Bibliography of Relevant and Substructural logics.Paraconsistent Logic Dalla Stanford Encyclopaedia of philosophy. Relevance Logic http://lgxserver.uniba.it/lei/logica/lglin_lo.htm | |
50. SPECIAL'IST Number 35, IN A NUTSHELL...the FRANCIS Database metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of law, philosophy of religion, esthetics, philosophyof culture, philosophy of education, logics, philosophy of language http://www.inist.fr/en/actu_en/35_03.php | |
51. Paul Wong's Home Page Links to philosophies, logic resources, and conferences.Category Society People Personal Homepages W Wong...... NADA Project, Germany; New Foundations Home Page; Oscar Project, Arizona; Philosophyin Cyberspace Logic/Science; Pure and Applied logics at Carnegie Mellon http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/paulwong.htm | |
52. BOOK OF INSTRUMENTS: 'RELEVANCY' OR 'RELATEDNESS' IN OTHER DISCIPLINES Â Â Â Â Â produced the first article on this subject), but also in philosophy of language (pragmatics),logics (relevance and relatedness logics), philosophy of science http://www.trinp.org/MNI/BoI/5/1/4.HTM | |
53. Smarandache Notions Journal 1. Neutrosophy a new branch of philosophy. 2. Transdisciplinarity (Multi-Space,Multi-Structure). 3. Neutrosophic Logic - a unifying field in logics. http://www.gallup.unm.edu/~smarandache/philos.htm | |
54. Bibfile On Adaptive Logics / Papers K2ns, author = {De Clercq, Kristof}, title = {Two New Strategies for InconsistencyAdaptiveLogics}, journal = {Logic and Logical philosophy}, volume = {8 http://logica.rug.ac.be/adlog/paperst.html | |
55. Thuispagina Van Lieven Haesaert Together with Leen Devreese I am trying to apply the adaptive logics of inductionto the science of philosophy. We are currently working on it . http://logica.rug.ac.be/lieven/ | |
56. Curriculum Vitae (logic) CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS My areas of interest are formal logic (substructurallogics, fuzzy logics, paraconsistent logics), philosophy of logic (vagueness http://www.unica.it/~paoli/curriclog.htm | |
57. Logics For Properties Related papers on properties and logics for them. Properties in the StanfordEncyclopedia of philosophy; CI Lewis's Calculus of Predicates, History and http://www.ou.edu/ouphil/faculty/chris/abstracts/jpl.html | |
58. Stanford Philosophy Department: Faculty, Staff And Students A new completeness proof for the Kn modal logics. To appear in Logical ConsequenceRival Approaches and New Studies in Exact philosophy, Logic, Mathematics http://www-philosophy.stanford.edu/fss/sarenac.html | |
59. Logics And Knowledge Representation (ECS 289A) Spring 2002 On Modal logics Modal Logic (An Overview, part of Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy);Modal logics (part of Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint http://www.db.cs.ucdavis.edu/teaching/289A-SQ02/ | |
60. Richard Zach Proof Theory Of Finite-Valued Logics logics, 89. 5.3 Singular Approximations, 90. 5.4 Sequential Approximations, 96.Bibliography, 102. Home CV Teaching Publications Research philosophy http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/papers/ptmvl.html | |
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