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         Llamas Pets:     more books (28)
  1. Storey's Guide to Raising Llamas: Care/Showing/Breeding/Packing/Profiting by Gale Birutta, 1997-01-05
  2. Llama Handling and Training: The Team Approach by M. M. Bennett, Marty McGee, et all 1992-06
  3. Llamas Are the Ultimate: Training, Feeding, Packing, Hunting, Fishing and Care by Doyle Markham, 1990-12
  4. Llamas: An Introduction to Care, Training and Handling by Sandi Burt, 1991-08
  5. Making the Most of Your Llama by Dr. Linda Beattie, Kathyrn Doll, 1998-09-01
  6. Llamas on the Trail: A Packer's Guide by David Harmon, Amy S. Rubin, 1992-10
  7. Llamas for Love and Money by Rosana Hart, 1994-01
  8. Lovebirds, Lizards, and Llamas: Strange and Exotic Pets by Leda Blumberg, Rhoda Blumberg, 1986-04
  9. Wooley llama by Charlotte Attig, 1977
  10. Llamas: Woolly, Winsome, and Wonderful by Susan L. Jones, 1988-04
  11. Along Came a Llama by Ruth Janette Ruck, 1978-10-16
  12. My little llama by Patricia May Hakkarinen, 1984
  13. Llama training: Who's in charge? by Jim Faiks, 1984
  14. Llama training: A matter of trust by Rebecca Bozarth, 1985

41. Why Llamas?
measurement of thickness. llamas keep foxes and marauding dogs atbay, yet are totally at ease with family pets, Livestock Guardians.

42. Sugarloaf Llamas - Why Llamas? Breeding Stock, Wool, Pack, Pets, 4-H And Sheep G
Today, gelded males are often used as pets. llamas are easier to train than dogsand often much cheaper, costing less to buy and feed than many purebred dogs.
Why Llamas? Home Why llamas? Our Sires Sale Animals ... Contact us Llamas have many uses and markets , and have been very profitable for breeders, but many people raise them simply because they are a delight to be around. We get morning kisses from many of ours, and in apple season they come running when we shake one of the many apple trees in their pastures. So why this love of llamas? Llamas are known for their lovely personalities and evoke many human responses. They are often taken into nursing homes to "communicate" with people who have not responded to others. Llamas are a true joy . Llama crias are fantastically entertaining, bouncing about the pastures engaged in races with other crias. It is impossible not to smile while watching. Llamas are used as breeding stock, wool producers, pack animals, pets, 4-H and even as sheep guardians , protecting sheep from predators such as coyotes in the western US and foxes in the UK.

43. Llamas And Alpacas From Argentina. Nice Pets. Fiber, Yarns And Sweaters.
llamas are friendly pets. They can carry heavy PACKS and walkaway with you for miles.They are beautifully balanced with fabulous FIBER (wool) in their fleece.
Free Web site hosting -
MALANCHA farm - Argentina
Quality llamas and alpacas for sale.
Fine, soft y luxery yarns for sale.
Best garments for sale
Llamas and alpacas are domestic herbivores native to South America
    Las mejores prendas en llama, alpaca , algodon y fibras finas.
    Llamas are friendly PETS . They can carry heavy PACKS and walkaway with you for miles. They are beautifully balanced with fabulous FIBER (wool) in their fleece. They are intelligent curious and graceful creatures. Taking care of llamas and alpacas is very easy. They are very clean and live together with other animals in gardens or small areas. They eat only grass and grains. Their soft pads feet don't damage grass.
    Llamas and alpacas are the ultimate.
    MALANCHA farm offers even more. With fiber (wool) we have made beautiful yarns with these yarns we have created an exclusive range of luxurious HANDMADE sweaters in different colours.
    They are warm, light and easy to take care of.
    Llamas and alpacas fiber are the ultimate.

44. Llama Websites Directory -
Rose Farm •Rate Site• 13 page site with quality, fine fibered, Peruvian andBolivian llamas, Bactrian camel (Gobi), suri huacaya alpaca pets, parties

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  • Bauernheim Llamas Rate Site Ron and Maggie Schuler are well known in llama circles. Ron is a veterinarian and Maggie has been showing llamas since the early 80's. Champion show stock and silky fiber are part of their trademark. Offering stud service to 3 special males, as well as ll Bobkat Llamas Rate Site Boulder Colorado Llama Ranch Rate Site Boulder Ridge Llama Ranch Raising Llamas for Packing...Fiber...Show...Fun! Bob and Jo hike, show and use the llamas fiber. Bob has hiked over 1,400 miles the last three years with his llamas. Jo is the superintendent of the largest ALSA llama show. We hav Castalia Llamas Rate Site Have you ever been whiffled by a cria? Photos, stories, sales and information about llamas. Have you hugged your llama today? Chelle Rogers located in Friday Harbor in the San Juan Islands of WA Crescent Beach Llamas Rate Site Need to add a llama to your herd? Chilean beauties, many with suri fiber, all with excellent bloodlines, available now. Andrea Haberman in Vaughn, WA Double B Ranch Rate Site Large selection of fine fibered stud prospects, packers, females and companion llamas too. I think you'll find your new llama here. Stud service available and a charming page about the town of Trout Lake. Barbara Bergen in Trout Lake, WA
  • 45. Your Online Pet Resource
    Features pet news, pet quotations, pet food recipes, message boards, and a pet directory based on Category Recreation pets...... pets Birds, Cats, Dogs, Ferrets, Fish, llamas, More pets.. Pet CompaniesPet Stores, Pet Art, Services, Veterinarians, More Companies..

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    46. Llamas As Pets
    llamas as pets. If you have a pet Llama and would like him or herfeatured on, Please one or more photos along with
    Llamas as Pets If you have a pet Llama and would like him or her featured on, Please one or more photos along with his or her name to or via snail mail at: Sorry we are currently working on a P.O. Box. Please Stay Tuned!
    Your photo or photos will be returned to you as soon as they are scanned into the computer. All About the Pet:
    The Incas domesticated the llamas and controlled their breeding. They were used as a beast of burden, meat, hide, and sinew (tendon). In the late 1800's llamas were imported to various zoos and were often quarantined because of high occurrences of hoof and mouth disease. The first North American llamas was born in the 1870's. Origin Llamas were originally found throughout North and South America around 40 million years ago. They were forced south during the ice age and are now found wild in only South America. Intelligence Dimensions Weight Llamas weigh 250 to 400 pounds.

    47. Upstate Exotics - Exotic Pets And Pet Supplies!
    We do not sell llamas over the internet. If you are interested please contactus directly at 1866-pets-499. llamas. llama.jpg (62898 bytes). 1 LEFT!!!

    48. Alpacas, Like Llamas, Can Make Docile And Highly Intelligent Pets For The UK
    stock. Alpacas, like llamas, are not only docile and useful pets theyare also highly intelligent and straightforward to train. Easy
    A 15% saving on beautiful and adorable Alpacas Val Fullerlove of Hanley Hall Alpacas in Worcestershire is offering a 15% discount to ESC members on all purchased stock. Alpacas, like llamas, are not only docile and useful pets they are also highly intelligent and straightforward to train. Easy to keep and affectionate, they simply need shelter from the elements and good grazing in return for one of the rarest and most beautiful natural fibres in the world. Alpacas come in 22 basic colours with many variations and markings, which means their fibre can be turned into the most luxurious woven cloth or knitwear. If you want to produce your own garments you can receive a wealth of advice and help from The Alpaca Fibre Cooperative. Val, who is based near the Three Counties Showground at Malvern, is one of the country's longest-established breeders. Highly knowledgeable she welcomes visitors and offers full support to all new owners. She has 35 breeding animals and is expecting a crop of around 17 babies this year so if you want a pet with a difference give Val a call, she loves her animals and is a delight to talk to, especially to a fellow enthusiast!

    49. Supplies And Equipment
    discount pet supplies vet pets stores horses dogs supplies cats pets wild birdschickens pigs livestock llamas wholesale pets supplies discount pets supplies


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    50. - Exotic Pets: Llama
    Report Link Dead More Site Results. The Llama Question and Answer Page.All the information you need to know about llamas from pets to packing.
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    Fish ... Exotic Pets > Llama Breeders of quality Llamas. Sales at great prices on females, pregnant-female, stud males and pets and beautiful males at stud. Dorset and Suffolk Sheep available. Hits: Rating: Votes: Reviews: Rate/Review Site! Report Link Dead More Site Results Skansen Kennel and Llamas We have raised high quality llamas from imported lines and we use the best studs, located one hour north of San Francisco in sonoma county we have the healthiest stocks. The llamas are raised in a hundred acre ranch. With lots of plays ans all.

    51. Colorado_Pets
    Colorado House Rabbit Society Petco top BUENA VISTA pets Arkansas Valley HumaneSociety Collegiate Peaks llamas top CALHAN pets Arrowhead llamas top CAÑON
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    52. Llamas And Alpacas
    Uses Links to sites that cover various uses of llamas (and alpacas)including packing,carting, fiber Find food, cages, toys and more for your exotic pets here!
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    Guide picks Llamas and alpacas - care, general information, health issues, organizations, ranches, and uses.
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    See why llamas can make good companions, and so much more. Alpacas
    A look at the beautiful alpaca, a smaller cousin of the llama. Care and General Information Links to information on the care and husbandry of llamas and alpacas, as well as general information on llamas, alpacas, and other small camelids. Health Links to sites or pages related to the health and medical care of llamas and alpacas. Organizations and Rescues Links to associations for llama and/or alpaca enthusiasts, as well as rescue groups. Ranches/Breeders Links to ranches and breeders for both llamas and alpacas.

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    Insects/Spiders Information on the keeping of ants, spiders (tarantulas), scorpions,centipedes, and walking sticks as pets. llamas and Alpacas Information on
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    54. Llamas Books
    I have gone to the Barkman's classes and have trained many of my llamas thisway. Big Dog Products. © 19962003, Planet pets, All Rights Reserved.
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    A Guide to Raising Llamas : Care, Showing, Breeding, Packing, Profiting (Storey Animal Handbook) by Gale Birutta A comprehensive handbook on raising llamas, covering behavior, training, facilities, showing, health care, first aid, breeding, and birthing. Also explains building a herd, fleece harvesting and marketing, pasture management, developing and selling organic fertilizer, and using llamas as guard and expedition animals. Includes source list and glossary. Line drawings. PAPERBACK Living With Llamas : Tales from Juniper Ridge by Rosana Hart A personal narrative about life as an owner and breeder of llamas. PAPERBACK In Search of the Ideal Llama: The Field GuideAssessing Conformational Traits in Llamas by Richard, Maggie Krieger Robert Fenimore, D.V.M. This is a wonderful book. There is such a wealth of information here that it could be utilized over and over again. . . a solid contribution to the llama industry. . . Well done! PAPERBACK Llamas Are the Ultimate : Training, Feeding, Packing, Hunting, Fishing and Care

    55. Llamas: Alpacas, Camel, Camelid
    For example, oats should not be fed to llamas or alpacas, as the awns onoats can cause ulcers. 19962003, Planet pets, All Rights Reserved.
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    Llamas and Alpacas
    Llamas are members of the Camel family. Technically, they are camelids. There are four different camelids. Three are in the genus Lama, the llama, the alpaca, and the guanaco. One is in its own genus vigunae, the vicuna. Llamas have a lifspan of 30 to 50 years. Weights range from 250 to 450 pounds. Height at the head, 5 to 6 1/2 feet. Color. Llamas come in a variety of colors. They can be various shades of brown, black, peach, white, grey, roan, paints, spotted and many other patterns. Coats: Llamas and alpacas have colorful light greaseless wool, which can be used for all types of projects. Shearing or brushing collects it. Camelid wool is different than sheep wool in a number of ways. Camels and camelids have two toed feet, with a toenail sticking out of the end of each toe. However, they walk on a kind of leathery pad, which gives them excellent traction. In addition, this characteristic means that llamas can "cruise" delicate woodlands with little or no damage to the environment. The llama and the alpaca are both domesticated animals, and have never been wild. The llama is larger than the alpaca.

    56. Buying Llamas And Alpacas As Pets
    Buying llamas and Alpacas as pets.
    Buying Llamas and Alpacas as pets LUSENET Countryside : One Thread User FAQ I am buying a farm with 12 acres and want to get some llamas and maybe an alpaca or two if I find I can afford them. I am not even sure if you can keep them together or not. I now live in the Atlanta Georgia area and nothing is cheap or affordable around here. I wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to where I might go to get these beautiful animals at a price that is affordable. I have a great home for them, this is not just a passing fancy. Thanks, Joyce
    Joyce S. Woodrum ( ), January 17, 2002
    Joyce, I'm not sure what your idea of "affordable" is, and how far you'd be willing to travel, but I just saw an ad for llamas in Lancaster Farming ( from someone that was selling all of theirs due to illness $300 - $500 each. I'm not sure of the location, but it's probably somewhere in Southeastern Pennsylvania. I believe it was in the Mailbox Market or the searchable classifieds. Good luck!
    Fran (on MD's Eastern Shore) (

    57. Omniseek: Pets And Animals: /Pets & Animals/Mammals/Llamas
    Top pets Animals Mammals llamas Organizations Show Sites in thistopic, Sun Feb 9, 401 pm. © copyright 2001, created by Omniseek.
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    58. PETS LINKS
    Search mode AND OR . pets. Please visit our Sponsors. Crooked Creek Farmllamas Site educates people about llamas. We raise llamas for sale.
    Search mode: "AND" "OR" Pets
    BIRDS CATS DOGS ... Farnam Companies Horse and Pet Products Farnam Companies, Inc. is a premier horse health, and pet marketing company. Farnam specializes in grooming products and supplements for horses and companion animals. Goat Farmer The Hunters Glen Birmans and American Curls CFA, TICA, ACFA registered Birmans and American Curls since 1993. Well socialized kittens and retiring adults available to approved homes. FeLV/FIV negative. Pet, Breeder, Show. In Memory Of Pets Tributes to Loved Ones(pets), that have past Beyond Life's GateWay. Jeremy's Wildlife Web Site Pet Loss - How To Deal With The Death Of Your Pet Pet Sitting as a Home Business We provide you with a complete start up kit for beginning your own Pet Sitting Business. Pets in Utah If you live in Utah and you are looking for pet information, this is the site for you! Petscopes are the patented new pet ID tags. Using an advanced microfilm technology, Petscopes can fit up to 25 lines of confidential information in a pendant that is easily attachable to a pet's collar. ultimate wombat experience a complete wombat experience University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center The University of Maryland Greenebaum Cancer Center offers patients their greatest opportunity for success through innovation, expertise, and compassion in comprehensive specialized diagnosis/ treatment programs.

    59. SDF Llamas For Sale
    llamas are bred primarily for packing, fiber, companions to other llamas,pets and guards for sheep, ostriches, and other animals.
    CALL US! Local 303.646.2665 ALPACA/LLAMA HISTORY BREEDING/REGISTRATION ALPACAS FOR SALE Llamas (and Alpacas) are wonderful and unique animals. They have their own personalities, and are very intelligent and very proud.
    Llamas are bred primarily for packing, fiber, companions to other Llamas, pets and guards for sheep, ostriches, and other animals. Packing is limited primarily to the Llamas, mainly because of their size. They can pack approximately 1/4 of their body weight, or about 80-110 pounds. They can pull considerably more. Hiking a trail in the Rocky Mountains . . . About Spitting . . . Spitting has become the main attribute that many people associate with these animals.
    They spit at each other to warn off other animals in their space, during food related disputes, for attention, when feeling jealous, during male-female disputes, etc. It is quite rare when Llamas and Alpacas actually spit directly at humans, normally you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Spitting is usually in the form of a spray rather than a stream. The smell of the spit is very nauseous to other Llamas and Alpacas. (Dosen't smell that great to humans either.) Llamas (and Alpacas) will 'air-out' by holding their mouths wide open to aid in getting rid of the terrible smell. It takes about 20-30 minutes to resume normal posture.

    60. New Page 1
    safe and familiar environment, while keeping them on their schedule! Discounts foradditonal pets. Beaver Creek llamas Bryan/Williams County llamas for sale
    Search Ohio business, community, organization, and school web sites! Ohio Directory County Maps Home Ohio Streaming ... Ohio Resources
    Search Ohio here! the entire directory only this category More search options Home : Pets CATEGORIES: Veterinarians LINKS: Pages: 1
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      Hamilton/Butler County - The 2nd year of a great festival celebrating dogs, specifically the Yorkie. Fun, food, games, vendors, contests...all to benefit animal rescue. (Added: Fri Feb 15 2002 Click-throughs: 5 Review It Read 1 Reviews
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