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81. American Literature Comes Of Age (1850-1900). Short Stories & Prose Writing Alcott Biography from America's Library PAL Amos Bronson Alcott Selected bibliography;from Perspectives in American literature Creative quotations from Amos http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/amlitage.htm | |
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87. MCLS Reference Center Webliographies literature, Poetry, and quotations. A Selective Listing. MCLSReference Center. Last Updated Oct22-2002 Quick Links http://www.mcls.org/nonmembers/refcntr/weblio.cfm?headID=55 |
88. Central New York Library Resources Council - Quotes And Literature quotations/literature Resources Information. quotations quoteland.comquotations on just about every topic, by every author, searchable http://clrc.org/resources/resquote.shtml | |
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91. D.K. Peterson's Literature Resources: Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing literature Resources. Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing QuotationsIntroduction. Remember, your papers should demonstrate what http://www.english.wayne.edu/~peterson/Fiction/quotations.html | |
92. LIBRARIAN QUOTATIONS A COLLECTION OF LIBRARIAN quotations. Letter to the Millicent Rogers Library,2/22/1894 literature Capek, Karel Classical literature is the literature of http://www.angelfire.com/tx/StatBook/libquot3.html | |
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95. Burlington Public Library, Burlington, Ontario: Homework Hangout: 800-899 Authors (General), Authors (Individual), Books and their Characters, Books Reviews.Publishers, General literature Sites, quotations, Harry Potter Sites. Authors http://www.bpl.on.ca/kids/800.htm | |
96. The Literature Page - Read Classic Books By Famous Authors Online Wednesday, February 19, 2003 Welcome to everyone visiting from the quotationsPage forum (soon to be the quotations Page and literature Page forum). http://www.literaturepage.com/ | |
97. Bartleby.com: Great Books Online -- Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Thesaurus And Hund Etexts, focusing on classics and general reference works.Category Arts literature Electronic Text Archives......Bartleby.com publishes thousands of free online classics of reference, literature and nonfiction http://www.bartleby.com/ | |
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99. Division Street's Home Page Writing literature Resources The Literary Web A comprehensive hypermediaguide to literature resources on the web! In addition http://www.pstcc.cc.tn.us/division_street/writing.htm |
100. Alexa Web Search - Subjects Reference Quotations quotations Subjects Reference quotations. Most Popular In quotations The5 most visited sites in all 'quotations' categories, updated daily! http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=252 |
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