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121. Journal Of Research In Reading Provides an international forum for researchers into literacy. Aims and scope, special issue, highlights and sample article. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0141-0423 |
122. RI Programs Literacy And Numeracy Home Programs literacy and Numeracy. literacy and Numeracy. Combating illiteracyhas been a focus of Rotary International since 1986 and for good reason. http://www.rotary.org/programs/literacy/ |
123. American Nature Study Society Information about this organization, which helps promote effective education and environmental literacy workshops, publications, field trips, and conferences. Encourages studentcentered hands-on learning bridging between the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. http://members.aol.com/anssonline/ |
124. FRAC - Consequences Of Hunger Short factsheet. Hunger impacts on health (physical and mental), literacy, intelligence, child development, education, and infant mortality. http://www.frac.org/html/hunger_in_the_us/health.html |
125. Infant Explorer - Front Page Science Links, Infant Explorer, Teachers' Page. literacy Links, Parents'Page. http://www.naturegrid.org.uk/infant/ |
126. Information Literacy At FIU Florida International University Library's Information literacy section enables links to various academic Category Society Issues Education literacy......Information literacy at FIU. An information Information literacy Workshops.Students see types of instruction sessions available. Faculty - see http://www.fiu.edu/~library/ili/ |
127. National Tutoring Association The NTA is a nonprofit membership-supported tutoring association. Members represent colleges, universities, school districts, and literacy programs. http://www.ntatutor.org/ |
128. Best Practices And Assessment Of Information Literacy Programs Project Plan Prepared for the Association of College and Research Libraries. http://www.earlham.edu/~libr/Plan.htm |
129. LIS391/COMM 391 Literacy In The Information Age This course explores what it means to be information literate in today's world. Students examine a number of information literacies, from print to multimedia, from standalone to networked, and discuss a variety of themes including community, politics, and education. http://www.lis.uiuc.edu/~chip/teach/courses/lit_info_age/sp01/ |
130. NCSALL Home Page Hosted by Harvard, good resource for links to literacy both as an academic study and to practical Category Society Issues Education literacy...... funded research and development center focused solely on adult learning, the NationalCenter for the Study of Adult Learning and literacy (NCSALL, pronounced http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~ncsall/ |
131. PLAY (Project Literacy Among Youth) A notfor-profit sponsorship of media literacy among youth. PLAY is a scholarly yet practical experimentation with the ways in which all communication technologies can and do shape the education of youth http://www.kidsplay.org/ |
132. Currents In Electronic Literacy Spring 2002 (No. 6) http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/currents/ |
133. Grade 7 To 10 ELibrary Webbased library service. Provides information literacy, reader advisory, student works showcase and online resources for students, teachers and parents. http://g7to10elib.net/ |
134. Literacy Volunteer Connection Resources For Volunteers Support and information for literacy volunteers. List of opportunities for reading volunteers. Tips Category Society Organizations Education literacy......literacy Connections Formerly The literacy Volunteer Connection Resources For ParentsSight Words literacy Organizations Readers' Theater Site Map literacy http://literacyvolunteer.homestead.com/ |
135. The Catch Up Programme literacy intervention program designed for use with primary school children who have difficulty with reading and writing. http://www.thecatchupproject.org/ |
136. The Literacy Web At The University Of Connecticut Homepage Classroom literacy resources are now just a click away. literacy Topics Locateideas for integrating literacy strategies into your classroom. http://www.literacy.uconn.edu/ |
137. Webbing Into Literacy Downloadable resources designed especially for Head Start teachers; includes instructions for fostering early literacy and reproducible classroom materials. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~lbs5z/webbing_into_literacy.htm |
138. Institute For Adult Literacy Welcome to the Institute for the Study of Adult literacy at The Pennsylvania StateUniversity. We are a proud part of the College of Education at Penn State. http://www.ed.psu.edu/isal/ |
139. Resources For Reading Materials for Reading Recovery and early literacy teachers phonics tools games, magnetic letters, magnetic boards easels, alphabet ABC books and puzzles, manipulatives, teacher aids http://www.abcstuff.com/ |
140. The ITeacherEd Project This site is an original resource for instructional technology for the K12 level and for Schools of Education wanting to better introduce technological literacy into Teacher Education Programs. http://education.uregina.ca/iteachered |
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