- Thomas C. Altman
- Physics Teacher
- Oswego High School
- Oswego, NY 13126
taltman@oswego.org - This vita follows standard NSTA format for grant applications:
If your selection committee has a different format I would be happy to modify this to fit. Military: United States Air Force Honorable Discharge Radio and Digital Computer systems repairman. Education: University of New Mexico, Los Alamos, NM PhD work in atomic physics research. Penn State, State College, PA Grad work in nuclear physics. State University College at Oswego, Oswego, NY Non-Commissioned Officer Training School, Panama City, FL 76 Community College of the Air Force, USAF Electronics School, Keesler, Biloxi, MS 73 Degrees: Masters of Science in Education: May 85, SUCO Secondary Physics Bachelor of Science: May 81, SUCO Permanent NYS Certification: Physics, Earth Sci. Awards: "On My Own Time" art presentation '02 | |