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Kids Links Astrophysics: more detail |
1. Gifted Resource Council: Resources: Kids Links (NSSDC) provides access to a wide variety of astrophysics, space physics, solar physics, lunar and planetary data from any other cool links that you think other kids would like to http://www.cybam.com/grc/kids.htm | |
2. Astronomy Links educational objectives of "Astronomy for kids" are to teach kids in grades 4 through 6 about Reference Site with links Astronomy and astrophysics on the Web (adv 1112-uni) http://learnt.smec.curtin.edu.au/Common/astro/html/Astronomy.html |
3. Bluebook.state.or.us Other Federal Government links for kids FEMA for kids from the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency. from the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive http://www.sos.state.or.us/BlueBook/1999_2000/kids/links/links04.htm | |
4. Kids Links the general astronomical community It is about astronomy astrophysics; cyberspace;data Children Parents Contains stories by and for kids, links for kid's http://hbogucki.staffnet.com/aemes/kidslink.htm | |
5. Kids Links in the general astronomical community It is about astronomy astrophysics; cyberspace;data Contains stories by and for kids, links for kid's on the web, and http://mciunix.mciu.k12.pa.us/~pvsweb/southsites.html | |
6. Dave's Astrophysics Page will contain links, information and other things that involve astrophysics NASAOrginazations; Computer Organizations; Astronomy Sites for kids; Images. Research http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/8821/main.html | |
7. History Of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, And Other Sciences Jump To kids Hub Find information, pictures, links, and other astronomyand space exploration related resources for kids. Have Fun http://space.about.com/cs/astronomyhistory/ | |
8. Astronomical Research Facilities - Researchers - Results than 2.9 million records Astronomy and astrophysics, Instrumentation, Physics Hereare links to organizations and individuals Jump To kids Hub Find information http://space.about.com/cs/researchfacility/ | |
9. U.S. SENATOR BARBARA BOXER | CALIFORNIA Information Center click here!Government links for kids click here!OTT's kids Page from the Office of from the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive http://boxer.senate.gov/kids/links.html | |
10. Links To Other Physics Sites How Stuff Works. How Things Work. kids links to sites for kids. NASA. NASA's GSFC Space Science's Laboratory for High Energy astrophysics (Goddard Space). http://www.stetson.edu/departments/physics/linkstosites/linksto.html | |
11. NRL Science Resources For Kids Links To Space A service of NASA's HighEnergy astrophysics Learning Center, this center discusses travel,and other space-related science and technology links for kids. http://infoweb.nrl.navy.mil/science_resources/space_kids.html |
12. Useful Links Education Resource links. NASA for kids (NASA is my playground). Colby Departmentof Physics and Astronomy; HarvardSmithsonian Center for astrophysics; http://sofia.arc.nasa.gov/Links/links.html | |
13. NASA LINKS links to NonNASA (Third Party) Web Pages/Sites Research Center NEWS ORGANIZATIONDOING BUSINESS kids TEACHERS nasa.gov/ 11.The NASA astrophysics Data System http://www.omencity.com/usaf/nasa_links2.html | |
14. Related Links To The Web for K 12 Instructors Science Adventures for kids Sci.Physics links From NerdworldAstronomy links From Galaxy Astronomy And astrophysics links The DLL http://www.eclipse.net/~cmmiller/BH/blklink.html | |
15. Congresswoman Juanita Millender-McDonald, 37th Congressional District Of Califor Tools for Teaching at links to the Past from EPA kids from the EnvironmentalProtection Agency, Region 5 from the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive http://www.house.gov/millender-mcdonald/kidslinks.htm | |
16. Second District Of Idaho, Congressman Mike Simpson: Cool Science And Health Link Star Child from the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive Research Center outthe cool nature and environment and transportation links for kids. http://www.house.gov/simpson/kidlinks-science.htm | |
17. Astonomy under construction Handbook of Space Astronomy and astrophysics Reference tool thetopic; AstrobioAZ Online Encyclopedia; Forum; links; Page by Sites for kids. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/astronomy.htm |
18. Kid's Connections: A Collection Of Links For Children & The Young At Heart within the Laboratory for High Energy astrophysics at NASA There are links to a numberof different pages Astronomy for kids is dedicated to making the subject http://www.odl.state.ok.us/kids/KidsConn.html | |
19. Other Good Places JSC kids Shortcuts http//education.jsc.nasa.gov/K12 This site has links to JASONProject, IS Station a service of the High Energy astrophysics Science Archive http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/other_places.html | |
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