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Kansas School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
41. The Salina Journal Online | Guide To Salina 2001 Create larger library/media centers in each building Technology Like the school construction,the technology 2000 The Salina Journal, Salina, kansas, USA. http://www.saljournal.com/stories/080501/guid_ed_overview.html | |
42. Index For The Internet School Library Media Center K. Kahlo, Frida kansas. Librarian's Yellow Pages school Libraries. Librarians' Indexto the Internet school Library media centers see school Libraries http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/ind.htm |
43. Eaglecliff Network Explanation of the kansas Library Card (KSLC), available at participatingpublic libraries and school media centers throughout the state. http://www.eaglecliff.net/ | |
44. Marathon High Media Center with help from Lawrence High school Library website, Lawrence, kansas. is moreprominent. The Impact of school Library media centers on Academic http://www.monroe.k12.fl.us/mhs/media/findatopic.htm | |
45. Online University Teaching Centers Page: Resources Subcommittee at U of Illinois' school of Engineeriing. AU of kansas site that haslinks to Resources from UC Berkeley Digital Sunsite; UNIVERSITY media centers. http://www.ku.edu/~sypherh/bc/resources.html | |
46. School Library Media Centers 1993-94 Education Statistics. school Library media centers 199394, NCES 98282, students using school library media centers and in Percent of school library media centers that did http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/98282.pdf |
48. Library Links Yreka. Colorado Aspen school District media centers Aspen; mediaSpecialist Home Page - Bolder Valley school District, Boulder; media http://www.mesa.k12.co.us/DSE/Media/liblink2.html | |
49. Table 419.--Selected Statistics On Public School Library/media Centers, By State Digest 2001 Table 419.Selected statistics on public school library/media centers, by state 199394 http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2002/digest2001/tables/dt419.asp | |
50. Division Of School Improvement - Standards For MO Schools evaluation will be completed by the building library media specialist each Jane Rainey Cameron school District, Jan Rambow - kansas City school District. http://www.dese.state.mo.us/divinstr/curriculum/standards/intro.htm | |
51. Adams Elementary School - USD 259 services, Wichita State University, parks and recreation centers and the New Library/MediaCenter more information about the MAT7, the kansas school Report Card http://www.usd259.com/elementary/adams.html | |
52. School Library Journal | Reed Business Information States That Require FullTime Library media Specialists. Full-time certified schoollibrarian is required regardless of enrollment size Illinois, kansas, kansas. http://slj.reviewsnews.com/esec/Article_152998.htm | |
53. KASL Guidelines - Officers 2. Collect libraryrelated materials dealing with kansas school library mediacenters, district news, and items pertaining to individual library media http://www.cgrove417.org/cghs/kasl/guidelines/off/his.html | |
54. Blue Skyways: Library: National, International, And Kansas Public And Academic L and others interested in kansas Progressive Librarians including the latest on schoollibrary media and linking schools through their library media centers. http://skyways.lib.ks.us/lists/ | |
55. MASL: Members - Professional Development 6/21, Northeast District Meeting (Green City RI school Library media Center). 10/2,MLA 2002 Conference (Downtown Marriott kansas City). http://maslonline.org/ProfessionalDevelopment/default.asp | |
56. NKCSD | Programs & Services | Special Programs | Library Media Program | Middle Hours 700 am 305 pm After school Program 3 media Specialist Laura Mazi Hours700 am - 445 pm (Fri North kansas City schools www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us 2000 NE http://www.nkcsd.k12.mo.us/programs_svc/msmc.shtml | |
57. MLS Career Links school Library/media Centered Jobs Subscribe to a listserv for job postings managedby SLIS faculty, Daniel Callison school Librarianship as a Career. kansas. http://www.slis.indiana.edu/careers/mls_career_links.html | |
58. Daniel Callison at Portland in 1997, Instructional Interventions, and the 2002 retreat near KansasCity on The AIME Statewide Survey of school Library media centers. http://www.slis.indiana.edu/Faculty/callison.html | |
59. 2001 Interiors Showcase CenterNovi, Michigan (Libraries/media centers) Fanning/Howey Niagara Falls HighSchoolNiagara Falls, New York Hall RenovationHays, kansas (Common Areas http://www.schooldesigns.com/2001InteriorsShowcase.html | |
60. 2002 Interiors Showcase City, Missouri (Common Areas) Gould Evans Goodmankansas City, MO. Central HighSchoolEvansville, Indiana (Libraries/media centers) Veazey Parrott http://www.schooldesigns.com/2002InteriorsShowcase.html | |
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