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81. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Jainism jainism Wednesday October 30, 2002 Background and beliefs Although precise originsare unknown, most believers come from the Gujarat and Rajasthan areas of http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,714713,00.html | |
82. Islam Does Not Separate Religion From The State, But Rather Dynamically Integrat ourselves. Lets have comparative study of concept of Ahimsa in jainismand rationale behind permission of nonvegetarian food in Islam,. http://www.allaahuakbar.net/jain/ahimsa_and_non.htm | |
83. Religious Movements Homepage: Jainism This jainism Page is your gateway toaccessing comprehensive web based aswell as print resources about the Jains. As bibliography. jainism. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/jainism.html | |
84. Jainism - Wikipedia jainism. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. jainism is a spiritualpath which centres on the concept of ahimsa, or nonviolence. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jainism | |
85. Divine Digest - The Complete Guide To All Religions jainism. jainism is one of the three Indian philosophies, the others beingCharvaka and Buddhism, which do not accept the authority of Vedas. http://www.divinedigest.com/jainism.htm | |
86. Jainism jainism, jI'nizum Pronunciation Key. jainism ie, the religion of Jina,religious system of India practiced by about 5,000,000 persons. http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0825887 | |
87. Jain Philosphy jainism is an ancient, Indianborn philosophy, dating back to Vedic times. The prescriptionsor rules of jainism are about the way to achieve this liberation. http://www.goindiago.com/religion/jain/jain.htm | |
88. ReligionQuest Everything On Religion RQ Hinduism News jainism@ BBC News - Index Searchjainism@ CNN - News - Search jainism@AP More jainism News. jainism Defined. About jainism. More About jainism. http://www.religionquest.com/e3.htm | |
89. Hinduism, Jainism, And Sikhism jainism. jainism can be considered both a philosophy and a religion. Jain Data Baseis an evolving and expanding Data Base of information related to jainism. http://fn2.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/~cstier/religion/hinduism.htm | |
90. Jainism asceticism and meditation. The highest ideal in jainism is the ascetica homeless wanderer without passion or possession. A Jain http://www.crowcollection.com/html/000000000020.html | |
91. Terapanthonline Information about jainism, Terapanth, Anuvrat, Prekshan Dhyan, Tirthankaras, JeevanVigyan, Science of Living, Jain Vishwa Bharti, Terapanth Acharyas etc. http://www.terapanthonline.com/jainism/index.php | |
92. MultiFaithNet Open Access: Jainism MultiFaithNet jainism. Welcome to MultiFaithNet's gateway to jainism on the net. SubscriberServices The jainism content of Religions in the UK Online. http://www.multifaithnet.org/mfnopenaccess/resource/jainism/jainism.htm | |
93. MultiFaithNet Resources Bank: Jainism Top jainism. MultiFaithNet Resources Bank jainism. Festivals (0) Calendarsand other guides to festivals and holy days for jainism. http://www.multifaithnet.org/mfnopenaccess/resource/links/Jainism/ | |
94. 123India.com Jainism : Religions : Society And Culture Search all of 123India.com Search only in jainism. jainism Sites. Essenceof jainism - provide literature and translations into todays language. http://www.123india.com/society_and_culture/religions/jainism/ | |
95. Jainism - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts jainism Mathematics and the Liberal Arts. To expand search, see Religion.Laterally related topics The Islamic World, Confucianism http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Jainism.html | |
96. Mangalayatan Jain Pilgrimage Complex, Aligarh, India What is jainism The way of life The Philosophy. Home Hindi versionjainism An Introduction. What is jainism. Originating in http://www.mangalayatan.org/jainism.htm | |
97. URI jainism. NOTE Portions of this article have been adapted from Dr. NP Jain's article A Portrait of jainism, published in the first edition of the SourceBook. http://www.uri.org/religions/jain/ | |
98. Jainism jainism. jainism The Monastic Path. jainism. The oldest continuous monastictradition in India is jainism, the path of the Jinas, or victors. http://www.indianchild.com/jainism.htm | |
99. JAINISM - Hindu Influences jainism. Gave us Non-Violence as an Ethical Outlook by Sudheer Birodkar. ancienttimes. This is the Jaina religion or jainism. The http://www.hindubooks.org/sudheer_birodkar/hindu_history/jainism.html | |
100. JAINISM IN SOUTH INDIA jainism IN SOUTH INDIA. In South India, jainism is little more thana name. Even serious students jainism IN KARNATAKA. Even before the http://www.terapanth.com/impressions/south-india.htm | |
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