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Irrigation Soil & Water Manag: more detail |
21. Nat'l Academies Press, Toward Sustainability: (1991), 3. Research Priorities To conservation, enhancing soil biological processes, manag ing soil such as aluminumtoxicity, alkalinity, and soil and irrigation water salinity; · More http://www.nap.edu/books/0309046416/html/22.html | |
22. Models Have Evolved Since The Turn Of The Century Subirrigation increased AET for all values of K (Parsons 1987). water TABLE managEMENTand soil NITROGEN LOSS. J. of Agric. water manag., 32 (1997)239-258. http://www3.bae.ncsu.edu/bae572/ricks/Modeling Paper.htm | |
23. LTHE-Page Michel VAUCLIN Translate this page Agr. water. manag., Vol. Infiltration from a surface point source and drip irrigation. 1 - The midpoint soil water pressure. water Resources Research, vol. http://www.lthe.hmg.inpg.fr/MichelVauclin.htm | |
24. Lafolie Translate this page Evaluating irrigation strategies for lettuce by simulation 2. Nitrogen budget. andfunctional models for estimating soil water balance deterministic manag. http://w3.toulouse.inra.fr/agro/lafolie.htm | |
25. The Institute Of Subtropical Plants And Olive Tree Of Chania yield of greenhouse grown eggplant under drip irrigation. water use, growth, yieldand fruit quality of 'Bonanza' oranges under different soil water regimes http://www.nagref-cha.gr/endocs/irrigation.html | |
26. Wastewater Irrigation, WQIC Bibliographies salinewater irrigation-water irrigation water to represent surface-irrigation evapotranspiration- mathematical-models seepage- aquifers- water-table saline-water soil-salinity http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/wastewater.html | |
27. CURRICULUM VITAE Environmentally sustainable irrigation management for greenhouse vegetables in wateruse, growth, yield and fruit oranges under different soil water regimes. http://www.nagref-cha.gr/endocs/cv_kchartz_en.html | |
28. D.S. Thakur - Experiments In Hill Agriculture - Irrigation Experiments in Hill Agriculture irrigation, soil and water Conservationand watershed Development for Rainfed Agriculture, by DS http://beaskund.helloyou.ws/kullu/agriculture/a1007m.html | |
29. Proceedings Of The Seminar On Integrated Water Resources Manag Integrated water. Resources. Management Reduction of Demand for irrigation water. Policy interventions to reduce demand for water for irrigation should. include subsidized http://www.iadb.org/sds/doc/TTProceedingsE.pdf |
30. Project 3.1 of groundwater use in supplemental irrigation evaluated and watershed management andnonconventional water resources. 2003 Training course on soil and water http://www.icarda.cgiar.org/Research/Research2/mtp/Project 3.1.Htm |
31. JOURNAL ARTICLES NR and TW Sammis 1993 Selecting Trickle irrigation Filters using TL Jones 1996 Sensitivityof Simulated Field water Balance to Different soil Hydraulic Data http://weather.nmsu.edu/Teaching_Material/sammisres2.html | |
32. Mount Lofty Ranges Catchment Program Fire prevention officers. irrigation systems (see water). Local government. Pumps Pump Repairs (see water). Slashing mowing. soil and/or plant tissue testing. http://www.mlrcp.sa.gov.au/farmsupplies.htm | |
33. B000212.htm Utset A.,Borroto MA modelingGIS approach for assessing irrigation effects on soilsalinisation under global warming conditions // Agr.water manag.-2001.-Vol.50 http://www.cnshb.ru/cnshb/NEWPOST/b000212.htm |
34. Publications 1974. Nitrate and chloride movement in the Plainfield loamy sand under intensiveirrigation. J. Environ. soil Biol. and Biochem. Agri. water manag. 1253262. http://www.johngilmour.com/mainPubs.htm | |
35. IWMI Country Activities - Nepal technologiessuch as pedal pump irrigation systems that be evaluated arebetter organization of water use around Management of soil Erosion Consortium. http://www.cgiar.org/iwmi/nepal/nepal.htm | |
36. Drought And Water Allocation (II) HD1741.D44R47-no.-50 Descriptors irrigation-water-Turkey-Gediz Modelling the soilmoisture deficits developed under grass Finch, JW J-Inst-water-Environ-manag http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/Bibliographies/drought2.html | |
37. Pubblicazioni 1994 Effect of saline water on soil salinity and on water Conference on Land and waterresources management of different levels of seasonal irrigation water on two http://www.inea.it/isa/file/1994.htm | |
38. Forest Soils Program Leslie Nelson Investigating the effects of municipal wastewater effluent irrigation,and frozen snowfluent techniques, on forest water Air soil Pollut. http://www.umaine.edu/pse/FS/ivan.htm | |
39. Salt Tolerance In Relation To Ploidy Level In Guayule irrigation Science 9213226. 1991. water and nutrient requirements of guayuleunder irrigated and dryland production, p. 145-172. soil Sci. 58399-403. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/proceedings1993/v2-349.html | |
40. Mesoscale Integrated Modelling Of Hydrology And Water Quality With GIS Interface irrigation code. was indicated above, the subbasin map must be further combined withthe land use and soil maps in Basin scale water quality modelling using GIS http://helios.unive.it/~intas/val.html | |
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