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Inventors Specific Bios: more detail |
21. Biographical Sources, Useful Web Sites, Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis U For a biography of a specific person search by biography.com/ The Web's Best bios from the A inventors' Museum Lobby http//www.inventorsmuseum.com/museum_map http://www.slu.edu/libraries/pius/qrefsour/qrefbiog.html | |
22. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Sciences - General Science - Women In can examine articles and Web sites related to women inventors. mil/women_history/history.htmlUSNO details the specific contributions made Find bios and photos http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=893363 |
23. Biographical Resources On The Internet specific Biographies. Poets This site contains a searchable index of bios and photos TheNational inventors Hall of Fame Alphabetical listing of many inventors http://www.westislip.k12.ny.us/links/bio.htm | |
24. PAGE 4 MYTHOLOGY Constellation List - The Stars, And The Stories from the WebMuseum in Paris ZOOM inventors Another great Brace Ask Dr. Math - Generaland specific question and the TV show Biography - Find bios of everyone http://members.aol.com/book64/page4.html | |
25. EHS-Biographies person search to look for specific people involved to biographies and images of inventors,sports figures us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/bios/bios.html indexed http://www.tcps.k12.md.us/ehs/lib/bio.html |
27. Reference by month or look up a specific date. ; Newspaper Inventure Place, home of the Nationalinventors Hall of US Patent and Trademark Office, has bios of inventors; | |
28. Untitled This site from the BBC incudes brief bios of the continue with biography sites concentratingon specific groups of people (inventors, scientists, artists http://www.suite101.com/print_article.cfm/9460/98194 | |
29. Homework Biographies of 19th 20th century inventors in America Timelines with hyperlinksto brief bios, events and files and links to information about specific quakes http://www.marion.lib.in.us/TeenScene/Homework.htm | |
30. Biography for you to find the specific person you News Maker bios ABC News presents brief biographical ofAfrican American chemists, biologists, inventors, engineers, and http://homepage.mac.com/jerrysulli/curricular links/All grades/biography.html | |
31. Biography Personal Names inventors Alexander Graham Bell Alexander Graham Bell; Math Biographies; Mathematicians see specific mathematicians on of Astronomy includes bios of famous http://www.rbls.lib.il.us/dpl/reference/ref_desk/desk_topics/biograph.htm |
32. Technology Research Web Tools innovator every week, in breezy, picturefilled bios. so are the lesser-known inventors geniuses such Includes Vendor Information HW SW, specific links to http://www.ipages4u.com/Research_Links.htm | |
33. NM's Creative Impulse.. Industry Overview of the 19th Century including sites on drama of the time.Category Arts Literature Drama 19th Century...... read to find out what from the National inventors Hall of Art 50 artists with linksto their works and bios. names of artists with links to specific works or http://history.evansville.net/industry.html | |
34. NM's Creative Impulse..References of Women in Science; ABC News Newsmaker bios brief sketches and celebrities bornon a specific date. National inventors Hall of Fame; National Women's Hall of http://history.evansville.net/referenc.html | |
35. Scientists inventors. specific Biography Sites. Guion Bluford http//www.nauts.com/bios/nasa/bluford.htmlhttp//observe.ivv.nasa.gov/nasa/ootw/1998/ootw_980211/ob980211 http://www.windsorct.org/sagelmc/GRADE 6/Scientists/scientists team2.htm |
36. Biography LibrarySpot.com Feature, ABC Newsmaker bios, Academy of America Singing, inventors/Inventions,inventors; Spotlight Biography, See also specific subjects, including http://hs.n-polk.k12.ia.us/departments/Media/bio.html | |
37. Otis Boykin: Bibliography edu/bios/text.shtml boykin. This site has information on over 20 different blackinventors. The information isn't very specific on any of the inventors, but it http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/ryn/projects/inventors/boykin/boykinbib.h | |
38. M. Gabay - THE BIO-ASSESSMENT OF LEGAL DIMENSIONS-LAW, TECHNOLOGY, ART to what extent, and in which specific areas, State protection should be made availableto inventors, the nature In this regard it is felt that bios (life) can http://business.hol.gr/~bio/HTML/PUBS/VOL2/fa-gabay.htm | |
39. The Risks Digest Volume 4: Issue 47 due to a wild branch into the bios, as the interesting about this article is thatits inventors don't overdue notices and the like; one specific example that http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/4.47.html | |
40. Surgical Applications Of Thermal Energy Developers, inventors, and users of commercial devices that target specific softtissue sites (ie, BPH therapy Submissions Information. bios '98. http://www.spie.org/web/meetings/calls/pw98/pw98call_bo23.html | |
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