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41. Welcome To WEST NUSA TENGGARA - INDONESIA : History Offers tourism information, accommodation, history, and places of interest.Category Regional Asia indonesia Provinces West Nusa Tenggara...... named after 19th century naturalist, Alfred Russell Wallace, marks a point of transitionbetween the flora and fauna of Western and Eastern indonesia and acts http://www.nusa-tenggara.com/west/html/whist.html | |
42. Paragon Book Gallery | Browse Subjects | Indonesia - History indonesia history, http://www.paragonbook.com/html/browsesubj/browse.cfm?regionid=7&subjectid=20 |
43. Embassy Of The Republic Of Indonesia - History Of The Republic Of Indonesia Under King Hayam Wuruk the Majapahit Empire became the most powerfulkingdom in the history of indonesia. It had dependencies in http://www.indoneske-velvyslanectvi.cz/history.htm | |
44. Londoh.Com's Halaman Link Sejarah - History Links Page MASA PURBA sebelum 500 M, THE TIME UNTIL 500 AD. SEJARAH ISLAM di indonesia, MUSLIMHISTORY in indonesia. ABAD PERTENGAHAN s/d 1500 M, MIDDLE AGES TILL 1500 AD. http://www.londoh.com/home-contents.htm | |
45. Indonesia.Net - Travel, Business, History He immersed himself enthusiastically in the history, culture and customs of indonesia,uncovering the famous Borobudur temple and meticulously recording the http://www.indonesia.net/History.htm | |
46. Library Of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handboo indonesia; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Preface; COUNTRY PROFILE COUNTRY; GEOGRAPHY;SOCIETY; Introduction; Chapter 1. Historical Setting EARLY history The Spreadof http://memory.loc.gov/frd/cs/idtoc.html | |
47. Indonesia - History 01 iClass Sites! Bettering The Net . . . With Content Classification! .indonesia. history Directory. Patriotic Gifts Collectibles. Page 1. http://www.iclass-sites.com/history/indonesia-01.htm | |
48. TPS Java Province, Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia - History Of Exploration Systems of the Northwest Java Province, Java and Offshore Southeast Sumatra, indonesia.by Michele G. Bishop. OpenFile Report 99-50R. 2000. history OF EXPLORATION http://geology.cr.usgs.gov/energy/WorldEnergy/OF99-50R/history.html | |
49. Index Of /menu/indonesia/history Parent Directory Thumbs.db 27-Jan-2003 1832 26K _notes/ 13......Index of /menu/indonesia/history. Name Last modified Size http://www.indonesian-embassy.or.jp/menu/indonesia/history/ | |
50. Index Of /menu/indonesia/history/_notes Parent Directory Apache/2.0.40 Server at jp.merpatiputih.net Port 80......Index of /menu/indonesia/history/_notes. Name Last modified Size http://www.indonesian-embassy.or.jp/menu/indonesia/history/_notes/ | |
51. Index Of /indonesia/history ParentDirectory 20Oct-2002 0529 - christian/ 30-Apr-2000 2316 -......Index of /indonesia/history. Name Last modified Size http://www.ivu.org/indonesia/history/ | |
52. Index Of /indonesia/history/christian Parent Directory 14Apr-2000 2029 - misrep.html 30-Apr-2000 2314 12k......Index of /indonesia/history/christian. Name Last modified Size http://www.ivu.org/indonesia/history/christian/ | |
53. JAKWEB.COM IndonesiaONE.Net Indonesia History 18741904, Aceh War. 1900-1942, National Movement history (Sejarah PergerakanNasional). 1948 Madiun, PKI (indonesia Communist Party) Rebellion in Madiun. http://www.jakweb.com/id/history/ |
54. JAKWEB.COM | IndonesiaONE.Net > Indonesia > History > Ancient Times One way of grasping the successive waves of human settlement shaping indonesianhistory is to observe the composition of indonesia's 180 million citizens as http://www.jakweb.com/id/history/ancient/ | |
55. World Travel Guide - Indonesia - History & Government World Travel Guide indonesia - history Government - includesinformation on the constitution and politics. http://www.sftpwtg.com/data/idn/idn580.htm | |
56. WWW-VL History Index Click Here for WWWVL Main Catalogue WWW-VL history indonesia. Click Aspectsof the history of indonesia 1945-1993; 1945-1950. The http://www.ku.edu/history/VL/east_asia/indonesia.html | |
57. Indonesia Day 2002 - Justin Herman Square, August 28 the panataran temple complex in East Java as well as the etherial temples on theDieng Plateau are remnants of this glorious period in indonesia's history. http://www.indoday.com/history.php | |
58. Bali Travel Information : Bali History indonesia history of Bali Bali is the land of a thousand gods, templesand arts. Some other views are the island as the last frontier http://asiavoyage24.com/directories/indonesia/history/balihistory.html | |
59. DROUGHT CAUSES WORST FIRES IN INDONESIA'S HISTORY. DROUGHT CAUSES WORST FIRES IN indonesia'S history. The fires are ragingout of control in tropical forests and has blanketed Singapore http://www.greenpeace.org/~climate/database/records/zgpz0759.html | |
60. Indonesia Interactive >> TRAVEL Remnants of this glorious period in indonesia's history are the many monuments spreadthrough Java like the Prambanan Temple near Yogyakarta, Penataran Temple http://www.i2.co.id/travel/history.asp | |
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