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41. History 89:Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America History 89 indigenous peoples of Latin America. Fall 2002. general SOURCES.One of the best places to start research is in the computerized http://www.amherst.edu/library/research/courserelated/fall02/hist89.html | |
42. Science In The Rainforest: Native Peoples Of Tropical Rainforests Q IN general, HOW DO indigenous PEOPLE LIVE Similarly, the broad group, indigenouspeoples, includes many distinct culture groups, each with its own traditions http://www.pbs.org/tal/costa_rica/native.html | |
43. Daes: The United Nations And Indigenous Peoples From 1969 To 1994 to the general Assembly to become a universally accepted standard of indigenous rightsas a «United Nations Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples»; http://www.uit.no/ssweb/dok/series/n02/en/102daes.htm | |
44. Eamiálbmotfierpmádat Indigenous Peoples' Research Network [To The network will also help generate more information about the Sámi community andabout indigenous peoples in general in an effort to promote equality among http://www.uit.no/ssweb/urfolksnettverket/introen.htm | |
45. Dr. G.H. Brundtland: International Consultation On The Health Of Indigenous Peop of the Worlds indigenous peoples, world leaders decried the damage to the environmentand land of indigenous peoples. Wally N'Dow, Secretarygeneral of that http://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/1999/english/19991123_indegenous_pe | |
46. ELandnet: General/Organisations Hits 46. Rating 0. Votes 0.) Rate it. For Mother Earth Working Groupon indigenous peoples (Languages ) (Added 27-03-2001. Hits 28. http://www.elandnet.org/links/en/General/Organisations/ | |
47. ELandnet: General eLandnet general. Categories institutions and about international treaties aboutthe protection of national minorities, indigenous peoples and unrepresented http://www.elandnet.org/links/en/General/ | |
48. Aboriginal Studies WWW VL Internet guide to Australian Aboriginal studies, with search engine, plus subject directory.Category Society Ethnicity Australian Aboriginals Education...... WWW Virtual Library which contains links to general indigenous Studies Resources Seealso the excellent Circumpolar peoples WWW Virtual Library maintained by http://www.ciolek.com/WWWVL-Aboriginal.html | |
49. Roundtable On Intellectual Property And Indigenous Peoples Nations general Assembly requested the UN Secretarygeneral to ensure a coordinatedfollow-up to the recommendations concerning indigenous peoples of relevant http://www.wipo.org/eng/meetings/1998/indip/rt98_4a.htm | |
50. Unrepresented Nations And Peoples Organisation include occupied countries, federated states, indigenous peoples, ethnic or all membernations and peoples is held The general Assembly is the highest decision http://www.unpo.ee/en/general.shtml | |
51. Native American Art Art Of Indigenous Peoples USA Art General William C Ketchum Native American Art Art of indigenous peoples USA Art general William C Ketchum.Subject Art of indigenous peoples USA Art general Title Native American Art http://www.novel-shop.co.uk/William-C-Ketchum-Native-American-Art-1577170369.htm | |
52. Americas Forum Translate this page general de la OEA, César Gaviria, sobre la Situación en Venezuela) (Report of theSecretary general of the OAS Conference on the Rights of indigenous peoples. http://www.oas.org/ezine/ezine8/ezine_8.htm | |
53. The Legacy Project: Legacy Events Index has not brought the quality of life of its indigenous peoples up to that of to showNative Americans as disadvantaged compared to the general population, while http://www.legacy-project.org/events/display.html?ID=22 |
54. Rights & Democracy -- General Description Of Programmes And Projects Democracy currently focuses on four themes Democratic Development, Women's HumanRights, Globalization and Human Rights, and the Rights of indigenous peoples. http://www.ichrdd.ca/english/prog/programmes.html | |
55. Guyana's Amerindian Peoples Association Homepage An advocacy organisation which focuses on the rights of the Amerindians peoples of Guyana. The APA Category Society Ethnicity Guyanese...... The Association held its First general Assembly in 1992 and since then has held thatpromote and defend the rights of the indigenous peoples throughout the http://www.sdnp.org.gy/apa/ | |
56. Abstracts - 65th IFLA Council And General Conference 65th IFLA Council and general Conference. Circumpolar Route Traditional Knowledge,and Its Role For Wildlife Management and Utilization by indigenous peoples. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla65/65sate1.htm | |
57. Summit Of The Americas Information Network Report on the Actions Taken by other International Organizations to Promote the Rightsof indigenous peoples. The III also supported the general Secretariat in http://www.summit-americas.org/Indigenous/indipop.htm | |
58. Indigenous Peoples Documents. UN Draft Declaration on the Rights of indigenous peoples AboriginalLaw and Legislation Online. American Indian. Art and Music. general Information. http://www.iiirm.org/sites/indigenous.htm | |
59. Untitled Document 169) concerning indigenous and Tribal peoples in Independent Countries Adoptedon 27 June 1989 by the general Conference of the International Labour http://www.rwi.lu.se/LIBRARY/Minority.htm | |
60. Pacific of colonialism; Affirm strongly that indigenous peoples shall have to selfdeterminationthat all peoples of the as expressed in UN general assembly Resolution http://aotearoa.wellington.net.nz/pasif/pacfic.html | |
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