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Georgia Food Safety And Preservation Programs: more detail |
21. CSU SafeFood Web Links Menu food preservation from the University of georgia. who practice and teach home foodpreservation and processing education on nutrition and food safety, and many http://www.colostate.edu/Orgs/safefood/WEBLINKS/menuwebs.html | |
22. National Center For Home Food Preservation | NCHFP Publications group, a part of the University of georgia Center for The food safety and QualityNational Initiative Abstracts. The National Center for Home food preservation. http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/papers/2002/disseminating.html | |
23. Facsprograms of Agriculture (CREESUSDA) to address food safety concerns for who practice and teachhome food preservation and processing The University of georgia and Ft. http://www.griffin.peachnet.edu/ga/cobb/facsprograms.htm | |
24. Food Safety Connections Center for food safety, University of georgia center for development of methodsthat detect, control, or food safety and food preservation, Information on http://www.charm.com/sites.htm | |
25. Food Safety And Technology due to non thermal food preservation technologies, understanding and Technology, Universityof georgia, Athens. to graduate study in food safety and technology http://www.grad.iit.edu/bulletin/foodsafe.html | |
26. IFT - Continuing Education And Professional Development High pressure processes for food preservation, modeling of thermal and high pressureeffects on microorganisms Center for food safety Griffin, georgia. http://www.ift.org/education/grad_directory/georgia.shtml | |
27. Central Oregon Family And Community Development Program Deschutes thermy. food safety www.foodsafety.gov. preserve/. food preservation- University of georgia - www.homefoodpreservation.com. http://oregonstate.edu/extension/deschutes/homec.htm | |
28. Lifeskills In Food Education - Consumers & Families Zone at home, as well as information on food safety and preservation in general. Universityof georgia Publications Resources The Publications Resources http://www.hawaii.edu/foodskills/consfam.htm | |
29. Links edis.ifas.ufl.edu/index.html University of georgia Ext edu/ Virginia Cooperative Extensionwww.ext.vt.edu/resources food safety and preservation www.foodpres http://esffoodpreservation.homestead.com/Links.html | |
30. Homecanning.com and food safety. University of georgia's College of Family Consumer Science CooperativeExtension Listing of their food preservation publications and resources http://www.homecanning.com/can/ALLinks.asp | |
31. FY97 Annual Report, Food Safety And Quality and Gleaners received food preservation instruction with using University of georgia's, So Easy Agents provided food safety training for paraprofessionals in http://pdec.ifas.ufl.edu/FY97/Annual_report/WX00746.HTM | |
32. Sources For The Recovery Of Valuable Personal Belongings compatible with long term preservation considerations. georgia citizens may also contactthe State for disinfecting drinking water, food safety, sanitation and http://palimpsest.stanford.edu/byorg/georgia/srvpb.html | |
33. Food Colle. FSM Ninemeier, Jack Douglas. Principles and practices of sanitation safety in childnutrition programs. School food service management manual. 142. georgia. http://www.lib.nara-wu.ac.jp/food/fsm.html | |
34. Speaker Biographies | Thinking Globally - Working Locally: A Conference On Foo in the Department of foods and Nutrition at The University of georgia. Family andConsumer Sciences in the areas of food safety and home food preservation. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/orlando2002/harrison.htm | |
35. Cooperative Extension: The Arbor Nutrition Guide and guidelines, and food preparation and preservation. Moderate set of nutrition,food safety and preparation University of georgia Cooperative Extension The http://arborcom.com/frame/exten.htm | |
36. VTED Home Page Search VTED For An Expert Services For Virginia Ed.D. , University of georgia , 1973 Degree food microbiology, and new methods offood preservation. and consulting areas include food safety management with http://dolomite.rgs.vt.edu/vted/vtexperts.keyword_search?p_keyword=strategic pla |
37. 2003 IFT Annual Meeting + Food Expo KerrUniversity of georgia), Thermophysical and food preservation, Thermal Processing,and Packaging Options against microbial spoilage and ensure food safety. http://www.am-fe.ift.org/t1p6.php | |
38. Government Web Guides food safety. Foreign Information from Federal Resources. georgia County and CityGovernment. georgia On My Mind. Hiking in South Carolina. Historic preservation. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/bob/class/clis734/webguides/ | |
39. The Independent Food Safety Team - Team Members enhancement, University of georgia research interests processing and preservation;probiotic control Research Interests/food safety Specialization Control http://www.mccutchen.com/foodsafety/members.htm | |
40. Food Science And Technology Essentials And Microbial Hazards In Food novel preservation technologies to improve food safety and quality and Microbial Hazardsin food ( 50658 or Conference Registration, Room 129 georgia Center for http://www.gactr.uga.edu/conferences/2002/Aug/27/foodsci.phtml | |
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