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Geology Collaborative Activities: more detail |
61. Activities - Introduction These activities include technical cooperation and aid in developing countries,funded by and in collaboration with, for example, the collaborative Research. http://www.bgs.ac.uk/activities/home.html | |
62. University Of Calgary, Geology And Geophysics, Research Activities Current Research in geology and Geophysics, Network hydrogeology and water resourcemanagement in Central America, a multinational collaborative project. http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/research.htm | |
63. The Math Forum - Math Library - Geology Developed Lessons for Biology, geology, Hydrology, and projects and ideas includecollaborative projects, system dynamics activities, and computational http://mathforum.org/library/topics/geology/ | |
64. VCEPT The collaborative is committed to improving the preparation Overview and summary ofactivities, Computer Concepts geology/EARTH SCIENCE Course Development Team. http://www.lwc.edu/staff/bwebber/k8grant.htm | |
65. Introduction To EC/CSE Department of geology, SDSU Nov. prepare learners for postBaccalaureate activitieswhere collaborative, interdisciplinary teams,; sophisticated computer tools http://www.edcenter.sdsu.edu/presentations/geology.html | |
66. Classroom Activities Learn how Biology, geology, Hydrology, and Geography can GSH has been a leader incollaborative learning from Space Teacher's Guide with activities (for grades http://www-eosdis.ornl.gov/educator/activities.htm | |
67. Summary Of Current Activities be made to coordinate these activities, more closely school districts, which are alsocollaborative affiliates), is a 6) Jeffco 58 geology Standards Outdoor http://www.mines.edu/Outreach/Cont_Ed/budget.html | |
68. Lesson Planet - Science,Earth,Geology,startat20 Lesson Plans Volcano. Find activities, study questions, vocabulary, and related resourcesfor this Discovery Channel educational TV show about Earth, geology, and http://lessonplanet.teacherwebtools.com/search/Science/Earth/Geology/startat20/ | |
69. Lesson Planet - Science,Earth,Geology Lesson Plans lesson that can be expanded into the following areas geology, volcanos, earthquakes Planetsin the Classroom handson science activities - Exploring Planets http://lessonplanet.teacherwebtools.com/search/Science/Earth/Geology/ | |
70. Department Of Geography And Geology 2000-2001 Unit Productivity Report from the Geography and geology Department but to implement a variety of collaborativestrategies to encourage interdepartmental student learning activities. http://www.wku.edu/geoweb/info/unit_report.htm | |
71. INEEL - Geosciences Research geology and Geophysics Researchers are analyzing evaluating subsurface microbialactivities in unsaturated to participate in collaborative research with http://www.inel.gov/env-energyscience/geo/ | |
72. Geology And Geophysics J. Greggs the key contacts for the Department of geology and Geophysics and staff meetings andcollaborative work with in executive/strategic planning activities and will http://tabla.geo.ucalgary.ca/directory/staff/greggs/greggs.htm |
73. Wittenberg University -- Course Descriptions See instructor for details. Laboratory exercises rely on collaborative learningactivities among class members. Prerequisites geology 150. http://www.wittenberg.edu/academics/courses-02sp/geo.html | |
74. Collaborative Projects, Research & Initiatives collaborative Projects, Research Initiatives. The BGS participatesin many collaborative research projects and, as custodian of http://www.bgs.ac.uk/collaboration/home.html | |
75. DISCOVERY V16n1 Economic Geology And Latin America http://www.utexas.edu/admin/opa/discovery/disc2001v16n1/disc_geology.html | |
76. Geological Fieldwork 1999 7. J. Nelson Ancient Pacific Margin Part I BCGS Contributions and CollaborativeActivities with GSC and Yukon geology Program (PDF document, 791 Kb). 15. http://www.em.gov.bc.ca/Mining/Geolsurv/Publications/Fieldwork/1999/toc.htm | |
77. The SME Links Library geology.com Earth Science on the Web geology.com Earth it in their ProfessionalDevelopmentTeaching ResourcesCollaborative ActivitiesScience, Physical http://www.smenet.org/SMELinks.cfm?Category=Education |
78. Tour1 This session will visit ISRIC and the Laboratory of geology and Soil Various collaborativeactivities of relevance to studies of global change will be shown. http://www.sciconf.igbp.kva.se/tour1.html | |
79. BBC :: ERG :: CiE :: Research :: UNH :: Characterizing the geology of the Bedrock, All of the cores recovered will becharacterized to determine more about the bedrock geology of the site. http://www.unh.edu/erg/bbc/characterizing_geology.html | |
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