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61. The Gambia: NAPSA: Steering Committee Members 710243/710267/710276 INSTITUTE gambia College School and environmental studies (SES),Historyand geography Chemistry) POST IN NAPSA regional Secretary North http://www.gambianstudents.org/Members/members.html | |
62. Virtual Tour Of The Mount Airy Museum Of Regional History In North Carolina http://www.northcarolinamuseum.org/requestinfo.asp | |
63. Dakar, Regional Delegation (Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal) Home Info resources Annual Report 1994, 2905-1995 Annual Report 1994. Dakar,regional delegation (Cape Verde, gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal). http://www.icrc.org/Web/Eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList352/EF4B1B4616AB442EC1256B660059 | |
64. Dakar, Regional Delegation (Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mal 3005-1996 Annual Report 1995. Dakar, regional delegation (Burkina Faso, CapeVerde, gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger and Senegal). Introduction. http://www.icrc.org/Web/Eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList352/FFC3812173411CA4C1256B660059 | |
65. Introduction Of The Groundnut To The Gambia history. the southern regions, the increased demand for labor stimulated the regionalslave trade In the gambia, on the other hand, the introduction of cheaper http://www.afrol.com/archive/groundnuts_gambia.htm | |
66. Dakar, Regional Delegation (Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali And Senegal) 1Jun-1997 Annual Report 1996. Dakar, regional delegation (Cape Verde,gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali and Senegal). In Mali, the peace http://www.helpicrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList150/CB58B62EEEACCE03C1256B66 | |
67. Dakar, Regional Delegation (Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mal 1Jun-1998 Annual Report 1997. Dakar, regional delegation (BurkinaFaso, Cape Verde, gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal). http://www.helpicrc.org/Web/eng/siteeng0.nsf/iwpList157/B87224DDC0B892BEC1256B66 | |
68. AfricaOnline.com - FIFA To Build Regional Soccer Centre In Gambia FIFA to build regional soccer centre in gambia. gambian flag (detail),(Africa Online Ltd.), by PANA reporter BANJUL, July 23, 2001 http://www.africaonline.com/site/Articles/1,3,4623.jsp |
69. Foreign Governments/Africa gambia history, economic development, and tourism; Most social conditions with someregional and country Multidisciplinary with links to history resources as http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/forafr.html | |
70. African Studies Center regional US States Rhode Island Cities Providence Education College andMediterranean antiquity, including their languages, history, and cultures. http://www.modares.ac.ir/asc/Page15.htm | |
71. Books And Resources - Social Studies Textbooks Potentials, Prospects and Problems in World Development; regional Geography ofWest Africa. General history history of Africa; New history of Southern Africa. http://www.macmillan-africa.com/books/sstudiestbk.htm | |
72. Gambia Resources Current Researchers. Matthew Hill Investigator of the stone circles of Gambiaand Senegal, University of Waterloo. Cultural history. General Information. http://archaeology.about.com/library/atlas/blgambia.htm | |
73. POPs In Regional Seas regional Workshop on Management of Persistent Organic Pollutants. Cape Verde, Congo,Cote d'Ivoire, DR Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, gambia, Ghana, Guinea http://pops.gpa.unep.org/05regsea.htm | |
74. The Gambia NSGA Professional Peer Health Education Staff in The gambia Ansumana Dibba, regionalCoordinator (gambian) Baturu Camara, regional Coordinator (gambian) Amadu http://www.novascotiagambia.ca/Personnel.htm | |
75. M.E. Sharpe, Inc. - Book Information area at the mouth of the gambia river in considers global developments from a local/regionalperspective. World Systems A Background for Niumi's history to AD http://www.mesharpe.com/mall/resultsa.asp?Title=The World and a Very Small Place |
76. World Alliance Of YMCAs -- Global Structure--Regional Distribution Of YMCAs YMCA of Ethiopia (RM) gambia National Council of the gambia YMCAs (FM YMCA-IKE Királyhágómellék/Federation(RM) Russia - The Inter-regional Association of http://www.ymca.int/global_structure/regional_distribution.htm | |
77. ZUJI history, Empire of Mali founded by Sundiata Keita, leader of the Malinké people- encompassed the area from the Atlantic coast of today's gambia and Senegal http://www.zuji.com.au/dest/guide/0,1277,ZUJIAU|348|1167|1,00.html | |
78. France - Catholic Church Local History And Ancestors Genealogy Research Translate this page of Mary (Province of Methuen, Massachusetts, USA) - history of the Italy, Madeira,Portugal, Mozambique, Japan, Philippines, Senegal-gambia, Ireland, Peru http://home.att.net/~Local_Catholic/Catholic-France.htm | |
79. Gambia (British Empire & Commonwealth Land Forces) gambia (Commonwealth Secretariat). Social and Political history General RegionalColonial Period, 16001860 Independence General The gambia Regiment, by TF Mills http://www.regiments.org/milhist/africawest/gambia.htm | |
80. Commonwealth Veterinary Association The gambia was recognised as a significant turning point in the annals of the association'shistory in the new millennium. CVA News July 2002, CVA regional News http://commonwealthvetassoc.org/Cnts/News/MagazinePages/WestAfrica.htm | |
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