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81. FORTH, Inc. - Macintosh Programming Environment By forth, Inc. Highly optimized programming environment for any Power PC running Macintosh OS highspeed execution, flexible internal multitasking, RISC assembler gives direct access to native CPU architecture for top speed. http://www.forth.com/Content/Products/MacForth.htm | |
82. A New Instant Programming Tool By Wolf Wejgaard forth Engineering. New, forthbased instant programming tool and interactive programming method that lets you build reliable programs in very little time; merges all parts of a powerful development tool browser, editor, assembler, compiler, linker, debugger, interpreter. http://www.holonforth.com/ | |
83. Holon Lite - Version 3.2 Free, full function demonstration version of Holon86, which builds target programs on DOS platforms. You can use it for real programming. http://dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/forth/holon.html | |
84. Taygeta-Archive - HForth Collection hForth versions. http://ftp.uni-bremen.de/pub/languages/programming/forth/Taygeta-Archive/compile |
85. FORTH, Inc. - Forth Software Tools And Services For 30 Years! The first, original forth company, cofounded by Chuck Moore, forth's creator. Premier vendor of forth tools and programming services for 25 years. Home of Swiftforth Windows development environment. Site contains historical documents. http://www.forth.com/ | |
86. The Forth Source TM - Home Page Dedicated to providing educational software and hardware models of the programming language forth with documentation for students and teachers catalog, FAQs, history, selected papers, Hindsight essays, forth Guide. http://theforthsource.com/ | |
87. Leo Brodie Author of two forth books Starting forth, Thinking forth; an apology regarding objectoriented programming; music (his albums, CD), family (cute baby pictures!), Punch Brodie Puppet Productions. http://home.earthlink.net/~lbrodie/ | |
88. Neil Bawd's Ugly Home Page 2002 A home for forth writings of Neil Bawd and Wil Baden. Programs and source code Base64 ContentTransfer-Encoding, DFC Differential File Comparison, and Structured programming with GOTOs in forth. http://home.earthlink.net/~neilbawd/ | |
89. Nick Francesco forth! It's a programming Language, it's a Dessert Topping. A few personal forth links. http://www.nickf.com/forth.htm | |
90. Russian FORTH Interest Group Many links; mostly Russian content with many very useful English links and phrases.Category Computers programming Languages forth Organizations...... d; 19.01.2003 mlg Minforth a MINimalistic but complete forth system in C and ANSforth for DOS, Windows and Linux; 19.01.2003 mlg programming Languages Will http://www.forth.org.ru/ | |
91. CamelForth For Embedded Programming ANScompatible forth compiler and interpreter for embedded processors 6809, 8051, 8086, Rabbit 2000, Z80, and Z180. Began as education project for 'The Computer Journal', but has since become popular for embedded system programming. http://www.zetetics.com/camel/ | |
92. Modest Proposals Terry Loveall writings and downloads (DOS, colorforth w/MASM source) under 'Minimalist programming' heading, and some other nonforth links. Several colorforth links. http://www.users.qwest.net/~loveall/ | |
93. Forth, A Programming Language For Real Programmers forth A programming LANGUAGE FOR REAL PROGRAMERS under 22$ ! This forthprogramming Webring site owned by Eric Krieg. Previous http://www.voicenet.com/~eric/forth.htm | |
94. JForth Home Page ! Free, subroutine threaded language and full programming environment for Amiga several tutorials, Category Computers programming Languages forth Implementations...... Historical reviews and articles Some good programming stuff as well !!! aboutJforth ! Links to Folder-Tree, forth and Jforth related sites, Click here and http://home.tampabay.rr.com/jforth/ | |
95. Dictionary Of Programming Languages forth became very popular in the astronomy community, and was adopted as the standardprogramming language by the International Astronomical Union in 1976. http://cgibin.erols.com/ziring/cgi-bin/cep/cep.pl?_key=Forth |
96. Forth For Artificial Intelligence Programming With The AI4U Textbook 1. Overview and BrainMind Diagram for Artificial Intelligence programming in forth/^^^^ How A Mind Generates A Thought /^^^^ EYE \ CONCEPTS http://mind.sourceforge.net/forth.html | |
97. UK:Programming,Forth,C Programming,C++,Computer Programming, UDP/IP, TCP/IP, PPP UKInventio Software provide solutions for all your programming, UDP/IP, TCP/IP,PPP, IP, forth,C programming,C++,Computer programming,Specialist http://www.inventio.co.uk/ | |
98. Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages: Forth cLIeNUX.com Linux distribution with special orientation to forthprogramming language, and may someday offer a forth-like kernel. http://www.mptdo.com/Computers/Programming/Languages/Forth/ | |
99. Palm Programming With Quartus Forth (Page 2) Palm programming with Quartus forth (continued) Palm programming inforth Quartus forth programs are created using memo records. http://www.palmpower.com/issues/issue200004/quartus002.html | |
100. DPANS94 Working document of Technical Committee X3J14; last draft of ANS forth submitted to ANSI for publication .Category Computers programming forth FAQs, Help, and Tutorials...... informative annex) C.1 Features of forth C.2 History of forth C.3 Hardware implementationsof forth C.4 Standardization efforts C.5 programming in forth C.6 http://www.taygeta.com/forth/dpans.html | |
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