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21. Forth Interest Group Members forth programming Information. Coding Styles. The Forth Scientific Library projectInfo. Some useful forth programming Gems. Using Forth for CGI on Web servers. http://www.forth.org/programming.html | |
22. Forth Programming Language - Wikipedia Forth definition on Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia . http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/Forth_programming_language | |
23. Other Forth Sites The French forth programming page. The Institute for Applied Forth Research(JFAR, Journal of Forth Applications and Research) home page. http://www.forth.org/sites.html | |
24. Stack Computers: 3.3 OVERVIEW OF THE FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 3.3 OVERVIEW OF THE forth programming LANGUAGE. Good forth programming style encouragesincremental program development and testing with small subroutines. http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/stack_computers/sec3_3.html | |
25. Treasure Isle Of Forth: Programming Resources A Survey of ObjectOriented Forths The techniques and disciplines of object-orientedprogramming are attractive to users of the programming language Forth. http://www.stejskal.de/web/computer/forth/_programmers_info.html | |
26. Help-Site: Forth Programming Computer Help forth programming. Search. http://help-site.com/c.m/prog/lang/forth/ | |
27. This Page Has Moved Programming language and environment; implements large subset of ANS Forth, and extensions; can be standalone computing environment or object code can be linked to other programs to be a customizable language for that program. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/krishnamyneni/ccre/kforth0.html | |
28. The Forth Research Page Annotated links on research, conferences, workshops, bibliography (500+ entries), ANS Forth, and commerci Category Computers Programming Languages Forth...... Maintained and validated by Dr. Peter Knaggs (pjk@bcs.org.uk) This site is part ofthe forth programming Webring. Previous Random Site Ring Hub Next . http://dec.bournemouth.ac.uk/forth/ | |
29. Pysmatic Forth Center, Unique Information About FORTH This is a dying forth programming Webring site. List Sites. ControlYour Site DNS 4 Free at ZoneEdit! forever asking questions http://www.pysmatic.com/forth/ | |
30. HForth For EPOC An attempt to port a version of the forth programming language to the Symbian EPOC architecture. It isn't finished. http://www.gumbley.demon.co.uk/epoc-forth.html | |
31. Jax Forth Page The forth programming Environment Online. cLIeNUX An inexpensive subscriptionbaseddistribution of Linux oriented towards forth programming. http://www.well.com/user/jax/rcfb/forth.html | |
32. The Vector Board: Forth Programming Index of Forth Area. Parent Area Top of compiler used for astrooko.astrooko.lzh 150867 bytes forth bases astronomy program for msdos. http://www.vectorbd.com/bfd/forth/ | |
33. Levels Of Code In Forth Programing Levels of code in forth programming. The ANS forth programming Languagespecification IS a formal specification for a programming language. http://www.ultratechnology.com/levels.htm | |
34. ACM Portal: ACM Digital Library Search within SIGFORTH ACM Special Interest Group on forth programming Language. BrowseSIGFORTH ACM Special Interest Group on forth programming Language. http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?linked=1&part=sig&idx=SP931&coll=portal&dl=A |
35. LookSmart - Forth Programming Language Search the Web Sponsors. Sponsors. forth programming Language. Sympatico DownloadsOffers dForth, a forth programming language compiler for Windows CE. http://canada.looksmart.com/eus1/eus881235/eus881296/eus844344/eus844353/eus1003 |
36. Marcel Hendrix's PROGRAMMING-page Forth Source Links. Win32Forth programs by Jos vd Ven; The forth programmingsite of Leo Wong; The Scientific Forth Library Project; http://home.iae.nl/users/mhx/programs.html | |
37. Home Page Of Anton Ertl Research, forth programming, and opinions on some computing issues. http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/ | |
38. CamelForth For Embedded Programming Someone once defined a camel as a horse designed by committee. The American NationalStandard for the forth programming language was, indeed, written by a http://zetetics.com/camel/ | |
39. Treasure Isle Of Forth: Documentation, Information, And Tutorials forth programming information, documentation and tutorials. http://www.stejskal.de/web/computer/forth/_info.html | |
40. Docs.sun.com: Writing FCode 3.x Programs Solaris 9 on Sun Hardware Documentation Set Writing FCode 3.x Programs Preface Forth and forth programming Forth and forth programming. http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/806-1379-10/6jalunvb9?a=view |
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